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Found these guys from a post off of Facebook. These guys were mentioned in the article and it was just talking about what needed to be done for E-Filing a trust. So from what he said in the article, it only takes about 3-4 weeks for a trust e-file? Any truth to this and has anyone heard of these guys before? $95 for a trust seems too good to be true, which more often than not, it is but I want to believe that it is good to go.



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At the risk of coming across as promoting my own services, he would suggest that using is "service" would potentially leave you with serve problems and/or not give you options would would like to take advantage of (if you knew to do so). There is no mention of whether or not the trust is set up for a specific state's law, or if if is adjusted for your specific state.

There are just too many issues to cover in this thread. I won't go into the fact that providing this service would likely be considered the "unauthorized practice of law" in virtually every state (unless they have a licensed attorney in every state to advise on these).
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I will confirm the eFiling is a lot quicker than paper filing. My Form 1 SBR came back in 20 days a few months back. I am currently close to 30 days on two Form 1's, a SBR and a suppressor.

Right now you cannot eFile a form 4. So if you plan on buying, rather than building, you will have to paper file by mail. I am not really sure how long paper filing under a trust is taking but it is substantially longer than eFiling.

I will say that the higher price is worth it when you have someone to answer questions. And what a lot of people do not realize, like Chip has said, not everyone can legally do a trust. I know a lot of shops offer the service but what is going to happen if your trust comes into question? The shop cannot assist or respond and leaves you out in the cold by yourself.

Then the worst possible situation is if the ATF determines your trust is invalid and you are in possession of illegal weapons. You will probably be given the benefit of doubt but the cost of a trust by a trained, licensed professional would seem awfully cheap when you are looking at jail time. In the scheme of things the fees our attorneys charge are well worth the peace of mind knowing you are legal.

I was on the fence, and even argued against, having a trust. But now that I have a trust I cannot imagine not having one. I feel so strongly about having items in a trust alone I have had the ATF void approved forms in my name only.
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Excellent info as always gents. I appreciate the input. I, for the most part, knew that it was always good to have a lawyer on call for questions pertaining to the trust but I didn't know if anyone had heard of these guys and if the trust would even be trustworthy. Here is the original link where I found it; www.ar15news.com/2014/11/12/journey-nfa-ownership-trust-lets-e-file  I was hoping you could Form 4 as well, poop... Any idea when they'll be allowing E-file trust Form 4's? How does the $200 payment work? Is that still submitted via mail or is that online as well with say a card?

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