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Republican Wave


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So, as an outsider that knows literally nothing about the minutiae of American politics, how will this Republican turnover affect the country in general?

Harry Reid has been covering for Obama because he is the senate leader. He pretty much gets to pick and choose which Bills he wants to send to Obama and which ones he wants to table. With this turnover, the republicans now control the schedule of the Senate and the House, so they can put Bills on obama's desk for signature or veto. IF they do this, Obama will not enjoy the cover he has had from Harry Reid and bunch. It also will put the brakes on obama's progressive agenda for the rest of his term because they are not likely to back him on his pipe dreams. The biggest problem though, is it now puts the repulicans in the spotlight to get things done. The dems have done a lot of blaming the repubs for gridlock, but the reality is that the democrats have had the most control. We'll see how the repubs handle their new power because they have an opportunity to step up or waste it.

I honestly believe last night was a major victory for our country because we've been on a runaway train. I just hope the momentum builds against the progressives. I don't believe for a second that the repubs aren't crooked politicians either, but they're head and shoulders above the likes of Harry Reid and Nancy Peloci in my book. I'd love to see true Constitution-loving conservatives in every seat, but then there is reality. We have to take baby steps to get our country back, and last night was one. Edited by Batman
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Well the proof is in the pudding as they say. The Republicans have a chance to really accomplish something with this election. We're about to see if they have the balls to lead or if it's all just lip service to maintain the cash cow that is the status quo.

My money is on insurrection.


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson


We'll see. Personally I'm a skeptic.

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Regardless of how you feel about the Republicans that won, the election went better for conservative governing than any in the last 2 full cycles. That is good.

If anyone wants the new Majority in the Senate to ride Cowboy over the Democrats,... you need to go make a pendulum, -- pull it back and watch it swing for a while. The only way to stop the liberal freight train is to dampen the motion of that pendulum. Any Republican cowboy-ing now is energy in their batteries down the road. We need to play the game smart, not hard. That requires great political skill, impeccable face-to-face respect, firm goals and a good bit of sacrifice. Any other way keeps playing into the hands of the money-grubbing media machine - which make their money by polarizing the market and playing to the extremes. They are farming media consumers at the expense of the our future.
Helpful politics aren't 100% of what anyone wants. Edited by Peace
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Harry Reid has been covering for Obama because he is the senate leader. He pretty much gets to pick and choose which Bills he wants to send to Obama and which ones he wants to table. With this turnover, the republicans now control the schedule of the Senate and the House, so they can put Bills on obama's desk for signature or veto. IF they do this, Obama will not enjoy the cover he has had from Harry Reid and bunch. It also will put the brakes on obama's progressive agenda for the rest of his term because they are not likely to back him on his pipe dreams. The biggest problem though, is it now puts the repulicans in the spotlight to get things done. The dems have done a lot of blaming the repubs for gridlock, but the reality is that the democrats have had the most control. We'll see how the repubs handle their new power because they have an opportunity to step up or waste it.

I honestly believe last night was a major victory for our country because we've been on a runaway train. I just hope the momentum builds against the progressives. I don't believe for a second that the repubs aren't crooked politicians either, but they're head and shoulders above the likes of Harry Reid and Nancy Peloci in my book. I'd love to see true Constitution-loving conservatives in every seat, but then there is reality. We have to take baby steps to get our country back, and last night was one.


Bill Whittle spells it out real well...



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Bill Whittle spells it out real well...

The more of his videos I see, the more and more I like this guy. That was an absolutely AWESOME explanation of how to not only write the history books in black and white, so that the Dems can't hide from what his administration stood for, but also to free the Repubs from the "party of NO yoke" that they've been accused of wearing.
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Did anyone notice that the DOJ finally realeased the F&F documents last night..? :) I guess they thought it might be a good idea to go ahead and hand them over now that majority control is no longer in theri favor lol


some interesting times are ahead...




There was a reason for the release of the F&F files. It will play all in the big scheme of things. Holders stepping down is part of it, Holders wife is in some trouble also for some stuff she got caught up in. I'm not sure what it all is yet but still researching it. It appears that is has some stuff to do with abortions but Obama has extended executive order of protection to some 20 odd emails she wrote to Eric Holder. Obama over stepped his legal ability because the President cannot extend that executive privilege to anyone not employed in Government which Holders wife is not so not that opens up a can of worms for the Prez, Eric and Sharon Malone Holder. I figure Eric knows he is going to have to cover Obama's ass on F&F and cop out to it being all him and the Prez didn't know about it. Then Erics wife is going to cop a guilty plea to what ever charges they will bring against her. Then once the dust settles the Prez pardons both of them and send them on their merry way. Now if I am correct and any part of this plan goes south Eric Holder knows such much stuff on Obama that impeaching him would be easier than a cake walk. You know what they say about Honor among thieves don't ya. If Obama does not jump through Holders Hoops he agrees to turn all his evidence and testimony over against Obama putting his head in the noose in return for walking away with wife.   If I was Holder I would not make any plans to visit Chicago with his wife any time soon as Obama knows the Mayor there pretty good. Gosh ya just gotta love honor among thieves and liars that tell so many of them they cannot remember all of them and you better have somoen recording every thing you say so you can go back and see what you said about particular subject before answering it again.   Now a lot of this is conjecture but it sounds about right to me...................jmho 

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The GOP could really force BHO's hand to a certain degree and get some introductory legislation passed,  and hit 2016 with a lot of momentum and good will among voters, and actually by gawd significantly fix some stuff if they can get the presidency.  My understanding is that there are significant budgetary levers either or both Houses could use too.  But hey, it's the GOP, ya know whut I mean Vern?


Of course, if BHO lays down the gauntlet by granting de facto amnesty with executive order, they may not have much choice but to drop everything and impeach his damn ass. I'm sure they have waiting list of other articles of impeachment to drag out too, just to likely be able to convict on at least one of them. Then let the term wind down with a whimper with Uncle Joe. Of course, that might or might not sit well for their immediate future prospects,  hard to know.


Ted Cruze and supporters are the other wild card, could do about as much or more damage as any other factor. God forbid he should actually get the nomination too, would be historical landslide defeat against just about any Dem at all. Probably plenty enough damage if he just runs and makes it through the debates and half the primaries.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Harry Reid has been covering for Obama because he is the senate leader. He pretty much gets to pick and choose which Bills he wants to send to Obama and which ones he wants to table. With this turnover, the republicans now control the schedule of the Senate and the House, so they can put Bills on obama's desk for signature or veto. IF they do this, Obama will not enjoy the cover he has had from Harry Reid and bunch. It also will put the brakes on obama's progressive agenda for the rest of his term because they are not likely to back him on his pipe dreams. The biggest problem though, is it now puts the repulicans in the spotlight to get things done. The dems have done a lot of blaming the repubs for gridlock, but the reality is that the democrats have had the most control. We'll see how the repubs handle their new power because they have an opportunity to step up or waste it.

I honestly believe last night was a major victory for our country because we've been on a runaway train. I just hope the momentum builds against the progressives. I don't believe for a second that the repubs aren't crooked politicians either, but they're head and shoulders above the likes of Harry Reid and Nancy Peloci in my book. I'd love to see true Constitution-loving conservatives in every seat, but then there is reality. We have to take baby steps to get our country back, and last night was one.

I agree. I really think the best thing is that the Repubs now have the chance to make Dems look like obstructionists- Obama is the face of the party, whether Dems like that or not- and hopefully position the party (R) well for 2016. Edited by superduty
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The GOP could really force BHO's hand to a certain degree and get some introductory legislation passed,  and hit 2016 with a lot of momentum and good will among voters, and actually by gawd significantly fix some stuff if they can get the presidency.  But hey, it's the GOP, ya know whut I mean Vern?


Of course, if BHO lays down the gauntlet by granting de facto amnesty with executive order, they may not have much choice but to drop everything and impeach his damn ass. Ted Cruze and supporters are the other wild card, could do about as much or more damage as any other factor. God forbid he should actually get the nomination too, would be historical landslide defeat against just about any Dem at all. Probably plenty enough damage if he just runs and makes it through the debates and half the primaries.


- OS

I'm hoping your right in the top part of this post OS. That would be great to see some good stuff come out of last night and there is a good chance it could happen but then your asking Obama to give a hell of a lot more than he has been willing to bend in 6 years. He can't run again so why should he do anything good for the people he knows for the most parts hate him and the vote last night proved that................jmho



I'm not to worried about the Tea Party people like Paul and Cruz and a few others. I think the older more experienced will lead them where they need to go. At least i hope they can even if they have to put rings in their noses and lead them around.......jmho

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....it could happen but then your asking Obama to give a hell of a lot more than he has been willing to bend in 6 years. He can't run again so why should he do anything good for the people he knows for the most parts hate him and the vote last night proved that......


True enough, but if they can send him bipartisan legislation, it will isolate his ass, a quite effective PR tool. BHO has show that he's do or die for the Party, and even he will see that he'll do more damage to it by being intractable than by a certain degree of going along to get along. Hell, even Obamacare was a compromise to a certain degree for him, he didn't get the single payer federal system he wanted.


Of course, you're right that he's almost unique among presidents in his degree of rigid ideology and resultant demagoguery, so he may stick to his guns, trusting that history will see him as a humanist visionary rather than intractable un-American socialist, as it largely has for FDR.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Man, you all kill me.  Even when we win we lose is it?  
I love to listen to the ideological "they are rino's" or "it doesn't matter" talk.  If the only way for you to be happy is if the entire Senate and House go far right conservative, you are not only delusional, you are in for a long life of whining and crying, and to be frank, I am tired of the whining and crying.  Everyone sounds like a Debby Downer.
We all know it isn't perfect and isn't going to be perfect.  Why not just be glad that progress what made towards the ideology you want even if it isn't perfect.  There is just too much negativity around everything around here these days and it's a shame as it use to be a pretty enjoyable place most of the time.

Just what I was thinkiNg. You get a blowout victory and everyone is still whining. Until people except the reality that both of these parties are a bunch of sh*t bags, you are going to keep getting butt hurt over their behavior.
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Just what I was thinkiNg. You get a blowout victory and everyone is still whining. Until people except the reality that both of these parties are a bunch of sh*t bags, you are going to keep getting butt hurt over their behavior.


Given that as axiomatic, it still doesn't follow that I as an individual or the country as a whole fares equally well with either side.


Small short term example: do you think gun laws would be anywhere near the same now if the Dems had kept their same 2008 majority by the time of Sandy Hook?


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Just what I was thinkiNg. You get a blowout victory and everyone is still whining. Until people except the reality that both of these parties are a bunch of sh*t bags, you are going to keep getting butt hurt over their behavior.


Is there something in the Memphis water? :) Let me repeat... you have a bunch of anti-gun shitbags, and then you have a bunch of regular shitbags. I am rooting for the regular shitbags. I like guns :)

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Is there something in the Memphis water? :) Let me repeat... you have a bunch of anti-gun ####bags, and then you have a bunch of regular ####bags. I am rooting for the regular ####bags. I like guns :)

Hey Hey!! Memphis has the best water in TN....we steal it from Mississippi...
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^^^. and... "We are from the planet duplo, and we are here to destroy you."

Right now it feels like all the folks crowing about the Rs winning are running around singing "Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team" and looking forward to Taco Tuesday.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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Is there something in the Memphis water? :) Let me repeat... you have a bunch of anti-gun ####bags, and then you have a bunch of regular ####bags. I am rooting for the regular ####bags. I like guns :)


Mike nailed it. The R's are not perfect but at least I can sleep at night knowing there won't be another assault weapon ban anytime soon.

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