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I'm so SICK of hot weather.....


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Not me.  We took the boat out Sunday after church with the kids and some friends.  Put in up by DLM37015's house and cruised around and fished for several hours.  Enjoyed every bit of the sun.  I threw some fleeces in the truck for the kids before church, but once we hit the water it was shorts and t-shirts all around.  The kids even swam some - even though the fish finder showed the water at 62 degrees.


This Georgia boy will never complain about an indian summer.  The cold will be here soon enough.

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We're moving to Idaho in about 5 years. Average high in July and August is around 86 degrees. And I won't miss the humidity either. And before you say it, I LOVE the snow. But I will miss Tennessee. Just not the sorry weather. 


Yeah I used to love the snow too.... No never mind that I liked the snow till I had to snow blow it out the drive twice a day only to have our SUV near stuck as the county did not plow our street regularly at all.... If I was into snowmobiles maybe but no...

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We're moving to Idaho in about 5 years. Average high in July and August is around 86 degrees. And I won't miss the humidity either. And before you say it, I LOVE the snow. But I will miss Tennessee. Just not the sorry weather. 

You'll love the lack of humidity.  Oregon was the same way, you walk outside and think its in the low 70's but you find out it's 92... with 10% humidity! :up:

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