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Customer Service Kudos - SLR Rifleworks


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This is my shout-out to a group that did something quite unexpected and very nice for me.



Did you ever have a moment when you knew that you would be a rabid fan of a company?


I had one this afternoon with SLR Rifleworks  (they were suggested to me by our very own member - Lumberjack)



I had ordered one of their adjustable gas blocks for my TGO build -




......and had a minor hiccup. 


I first emailed them at ~10:20pm on a Sunday evening, and they replied THREE (3) minutes later  (!!), and promptly made an arrangement to my satisfaction.


*then* - two weeks later, my order was fulfilled yet again.....uh-oh....


Called them - explained the duplicate.


Their response - "no problem.  Why don't you just keep it and use it on your next build!  Send us pictures!" 


This blew my mind. 110% all the way (which was plenty enough), and then an awesome gesture to a fellow who really needed the unexpected pick-up in low moments of life.


SO, I had read good reviews about the performance of their gas-blocks.  I have yet to install mine, and will report back as soon as the TGO 204Ruger is up and running; but I can attest to the solid character of the vendor. I will be an enduring customer and cheerleader for SLR.  Cant wait to get started on the next build too.








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I ordered one when they came out in the spring, I think they sold me a gen 1, on my first trip out while adjusting it, I got really frustrated that I couldn't adjust it correctly, I just swapped uppers and didn't let that ruin my day, later that day while cleaning that upper I noticed the detent spring blew out and lost it's memory, so it became a self adjusting gas block. I took a photo of the detent and sent them an email asking was this normal, I got a quick reply and a cell #, we exchanged approx. 20 texts, I told him I was shooting semi suppressed after I taught it was correctly adjusted, I then switched to FA suppressed during the first 30rd mag my ROF was like 500 (caught me off guard), then my second 30rd mag got weird it fired maybe 5 rounds at 500 then increase on it's own to 1000+ ROF, his reply (Todd I think) I'm SORRY X 100, once I get in the office I'll send you a Gen 2 at n/c, this is the second time this has happen.
I usually get to work around 5am, literary the second I sat down at my desk Monday morning I got a tracking#, they defiantly stand behind their products and their customer service is excellent.
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