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Pennsylvania legislator exchanges gunfire with a Harrisburg teenager

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This is good stuff... Just read it a few minutes ago just before logging on to TGO... It looks to me like even the democrats are shootin at the young thugs... I wonder how the race baiters and their buddies will spin this one... The age ranges for these four miscreants wuz 15 to 17 years old.... I bet they all looked like Trayvon....  



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A republican would have shot them instead of exchanging shots with them. biggrin.gif


They didn't have a gun; it was a sammich.

Under privileged teens carrying sammich’s are being shot at an alarming rate. It has got to stop!


:stunned:  :squint:  :rofl:  :rofl: :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  

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Perhaps I shouldn't post at this hour... but am I the only person who thinks this sounds a bit... um... staged.  


Nobody got shot.  


It's about 2 weeks before an election.  


They're democrats (maybe trying to prove that they're "pro-gun").


The story named the JUVENILES in an incident where no one was hurt.  


And.  Ok, seriously...  One of them is named Bizzarro.  I'm not implying that it's not his real name, but it seems kind of appropriate.


"I'm so skeptible."

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People in the comments section of the article - like many, in general - assume that because someone is a Democrat they are automatically anti gun.  This is as much a fallacy as assuming someone to be pro gun simply because they are Republican (and Haslam, Harwell and Ramsey have clearly demonstrated the fallacy of that line of thinking.)


Rather than automatically assuming that Flynn (a former security guard, according to the article) is an anti-gun hypocrite, I thought I'd do something really silly and actually look at his voting record.  Project Vote Smart only lists one 'gun related' issue in his voting record.  This is what Project Vote Smart said about that bill:



Legislation - Bill Passed (House) (143-54) - Oct. 6, 2014(Key vote)

Title: Authorizes Legal Action Against Localites With Firearm Laws


Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that authorizes an individual or organization to take legal action against a locality's gun laws.




Flynn voted in favor of the bill.  In other words, he voted for a bill that opens the door for a locality's gun laws to be legally challenged.  Not much of a track record to go on, to be sure, but that doesn't sound like someone who votes 'anti gun', to me.


That same bill was also the only 'gun' issue that showed up on Project Vote Smart under Bizzarro's record.  He also voted in favor of the bill.

Edited by JAB
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Guest livefreeordie1

I just assume all D's are stupid, whether pro or anti gun.  That's what the empirical evidence I've gathered in my life has led me to believe. 

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