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Worst nightmare... Green Hills Home Invasion

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Holy crap, that gave me a sick feeling in my stomach for that woman! Plan, plan, and plan more. You will never regret having thought of too many plans. Sounds like she hopefully learned her lesson. Glad they were okay. Speaking of sick feeling, imagine the Mom on the other end of the message and the husband finding out about this?

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I ALWAYS make sure I have my cell phone right next to me at night. Funny thing is the last time we had too call 911 my wife brought her cellphone to bed but forgot her glasses so she could not see to dial 911. Make sure you have everything you need right next to you and that you, and your family, have a plan. I have a plan and the final part of that plan involves patching hundreds of holes in the drywall if we have an intruder wanting to do us harm.

Edited by Dolomite_supafly
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A bit surprising that he got in by breaking a window and didn't wake anyone up.  I've got two young kids and I've been surprised by the relatively small noises that wake me up.  Not to mention the dog that would be going completely bonkers.

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     If my arm was twisted to make a guess - this is a case of a drugged-out college student thinking they are locked out at "home".  busts his way in... but nothing is making sense in his disabled brain. ... way gone.   - a kid who had no reason or intent to harm anyone, but put himself in grave, grave danger by leaving his mind (and consciousness) behind for a bit.  .. it's a story I will tell my kids when they are a little older.  That kid is lucky he wasn't killed.


     As for the mom, I could not imagine having no recourse, no fight or flight plan... from one person... in my own home.  

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He is a very lucky young man. Had that been my house he would be dead today. If you break a window and enter my home you will get shot numerous times. And then 911 will be called and I will recommend in the 911 call that they send paramedics along with police. ...............................jmho    Very glad that the young lady and child are safe today but the memories will be there for a while and her and hubby need to definitely build and practice plans for their future and a gun should be in the plans along with proper firearms training.........................jmho 

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 a kid who had no reason or intent to harm anyone, but put himself in grave, grave danger by leaving his mind (and consciousness) behind for a bit.


I agree.  Based on what the article said, I think the lady's statement that:




"The only thing that saved my life was God, my mom and this iPad," she said.


is probably a little over the top.  I doubt that she was in a great deal of real danger.  That said, there was no way of knowing that until after the fact and even then there is no way to be sure that something 'might' not have set the guy off and caused him to attack her and/or her child.  I believe that a homeowner in such a situation should be considered to have been in reasonable fear of death or serious, bodily injury to herself and/or her child and should be 100% justified in using deadly force.


At home, when in bed, I keep my cell phone close but I keep my HD firearms closer.  Where I live is in a rural area just inside the county line and several miles of secondary and country roads from the Sheriff's office and regularly patrolled areas.  In fact, about once every six months or so, a deputy will leave a printed card in my mailbox to let me know that my neighborhood was patrolled that day.  That is how infrequent a police presence is in my area - it is remarkable enough that they leave a card to let us know they were there.  So, then, a police response time of 30 to 45 minutes would probably be considered 'quick'.  I would certainly call 911 at the outset if it were possible to do so without increasing the risk to myself.  However, I also have to be aware that doing so might not be feasible and the 911 call might have to wait until the confrontation is over.  All this means I have to be ready, willing and able to defend myself and that police intervention saving my bacon isn't really even a realistic consideration, for me.


Whatever they decide is the best way for their family to handle a similar situation in the future I hope this lady and her husband will at least make some kind of plan for the future and then make preparations to carry out that plan.  I know that this may be an odd thing to say on a gun board but I think that getting a gun might or might not be a good part of such a plan.  If the lady (or her husband or anyone else) doesn't at least really and truly believe that she (or he) could shoot someone in defense of themselves and their family then perhaps having a gun is not such a good idea.


Personally, I don't want to shoot anyone but believe that - if necessary - I would be able to do so without hesitation.  Therefore, I include HD firearms as part of my 'plan'.  Of course, no one knows how they would react in such a situation - some of us who believe wholeheartedly that we could shoot might not be able to pull the trigger while some who think they could not might find themselves surprisingly able to do so.  I also imagine that, when faced with the situation 'for real' that there might be some hesitation even among those who 'could' shoot based on doubts regarding whether or not shooting is really 'necessary'.  However, if one is predisposed to believing that one could not take such a measure then one is potentially just opening up the possibility that the gun will be used on them, instead.  Just a thought.

Edited by JAB
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I ALWAYS make sure I have my cell phone right next to me at night. Funny thing is the last time we had too call 911 my wife brought her cellphone to bed but forgot her glasses so she could not see to dial 911. Make sure you have everything you need right next to you and that you, and your family, have a plan. I have a plan and the final part of that plan involves patching hundreds of holes in the drywall if we have an intruder wanting to do us harm.


Might even consider electronic ear protection at the bedside to hear the cell phone for a 9-1-1 call after the fact.

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I will (good Lord willing) never live without some sort of monitored alarm system.

It may not scare the intruder away but I will know the instant someone is in the house.

Plus I know police will be notified regardless of my ability to dial 911. If no one answers the phone call from security police are immediately dispatched.

It's not the "full plan" but it's a great tool.
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I will (good Lord willing) never live without some sort of monitored alarm system.

It may not scare the intruder away but I will know the instant someone is in the house.

Plus I know police will be notified regardless of my ability to dial 911. If no one answers the phone call from security police are immediately dispatched.

It's not the "full plan" but it's a great tool.



I have ADT and it takes a count down of :45 seconds when activated to alarm whether home / away. And the phone line can be easily cut at the plastic box.

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I will (good Lord willing) never live without some sort of monitored alarm system.

It may not scare the intruder away but I will know the instant someone is in the house.

Plus I know police will be notified regardless of my ability to dial 911. If no one answers the phone call from security police are immediately dispatched.

It's not the "full plan" but it's a great tool.


I could not agree more. I sleep so deep I am concerned I wouldn't even wake up if some one broke in. Having that alarm set provides great peace of mind. 

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I have ADT and it takes a count down of :45 seconds when activated to alarm whether home / away. And the phone line can be easily cut at the plastic box.


My system does not use the phone line. It uses the internet only. 


LifeShield is the company. $34.99/month. 

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My system does not use the phone line. It uses the internet only. 


LifeShield is the company. $34.99/month. 



Most all the security companies have the option of internet based monitoring.  Ask them what they do when the connection is lost.  I asked ADT when I had one of their systems and wasn't happy with the answer. 

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I have BK9 (Barking Dog) security.  She isn't monitored but she sure is loud and I don't have to worry about power outages or wires being cut disabling her.  She is a mixed breed but I think there must be some kind of hound in her woodpile as that is what her 'serious' bark often sounds like.  As I indicated before, having monitored security wouldn't do me any good, anyhow and would probably just be a waste of money because, as the old saying goes, it would all be over but the crying by the time police could arrive, anyhow.

Edited by JAB
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I have ADT and it takes a count down of :45 seconds when activated to alarm whether home / away. And the phone line can be easily cut at the plastic box.

Ours has a "max" setting which eliminates the time delay. Yours should too I'd call ADT. When set in this setting is sounds immediately when it's triggered either door, window, or motion. It's set to max anytime we are sleeping.

Also ours is cellular signal, no phone line. If the transmitter is damaged it's the same as braking in the door, the alarm will sound.
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Ours has a "max" setting which eliminates the time delay. Yours should too I'd call ADT. When set in this setting is sounds immediately when it's triggered either door, window, or motion. It's set to max anytime we are sleeping.

Also ours is cellular signal, no phone line. If the transmitter is damaged it's the same as braking in the door, the alarm will sound.


...^^ more better.   :pleased:

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I have BK9 (Barking Dog) security.  She isn't monitored but she sure is loud and I don't have to worry about power outages or wires being cut disabling her.  She is a mixed breed but I think there must be some kind of hound in her woodpile as that is what her 'serious' bark often sounds like.  As I indicated before, having monitored security wouldn't do me any good, anyhow and would probably just be a waste of money because, as the old saying goes, it would all be over but the crying by the time police could arrive, anyhow.

Yep, no power needed, and we have 9 dogs, from 3 yappers (inside) all the way up to 2 (1 in and 1 outside)that come in at over 70 pounds.

We know when someone comes up the drive, much less into the house.

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I ALWAYS make sure I have my cell phone right next to me at night. Funny thing is the last time we had too call 911 my wife brought her cellphone to bed but forgot her glasses so she could not see to dial 911. Make sure you have everything you need right next to you and that you, and your family, have a plan. I have a plan and the final part of that plan involves patching hundreds of holes in the drywall if we have an intruder wanting to do us harm.

If you are using a standard real keys phone the 5 key has a nub on it so you can feel your place on the keypad.
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