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Got a shotty


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Picked this up yesterday, Mossberg 930 SPX.  Took for a range visit today.  I am pretty impressed so far.  I've seen mixed reviews online regarding reliability cycling lower powered loads.  Shot a couple of different brands of slugs, 00 buck, and some small game loads out of it today.  Did have a couple of issues cycling the lower powered small game stuff, but I am thinking it was more letting the gun have control instead of me.  Might stick a red dot on the picatinny rail, or might not.  Definitely thinking this is a keeper....





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Congrats!  That thing looks mean!


I have the 13rd version and LOVE IT!  I hope the cycling on yours gets better.  I am pretty fortunate I guess in that the one I got works with everything, all the time.  I only got it to hang up once with a light 1oz target load by holding it at my side and shooting it kinda one-handed, barely holding on to it; effectively limp-wristing it.



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Thanks, I had to buy my wife a pistol also when I got this...if mama ain't happy, nobody's happy...lol...


Good job. Get her a new gun, get yourself a new gun. That works almost every time. (Don't ask how I know.)


Anyway...great looking shotty. Looked at the 930 and have been very tempted.


Maybe someday.

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