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Beheading and Stabbing at OK Food Plant

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I think there is some revelance of the future as shown with this killing, I think someone already mentioned it.  As the Bible does indicate that Christians will be killed by their testimony.  What people of this world hates, I mean truly hate?  And what people of this world chooses to use beheading as a method and manner of killing?   


Revelations 20:4

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.


Whereas the Beast is the future world leader that somehow brings to whole world to peace in the Great Tribulation, but will 1/2 way through the rein turn.  The mark to the forehead I think is a chip under the skin in order to conduct commerce, one must be loyal or worship the leader, christians will not. 


There are doubters, but the above was penned on a island by an elderly man some 1900-2000 years ago. 

Edited by Runco
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I am not an expert, but from what I understand if he/she is a good Muslim they hate and want to either convert or kill everyone that isn't a Muslim. So I don't understand the "radical" vs. the peaceful Muslim. And for this to be labeled work place violence is a joke. Wake up America.



Devout - follows the exact example of Mohammed ("orthodox or fanatical")


Moderate* - changes (modernizes) the way that the teachings of Mohammed is interpreted ("apostate"). The ones who deviate from the teachings are the radicals.


Infidel* - everyone else



* Devout believes unrepentant in both of these is commanded to be enslaved, heavily taxed, or killed (because they are non-believers)



BTW, the recognized prominent authority on teachings of Mohammed is Omar Abdel-Rahman - the "Blind Shiek", issued fatwa behind Anwar Sadat assassination in 1981, and 9/11/2001 attacks.  Now in prison in the US.

Edited by R_Bert
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Nothing to see here: islamic council of OK sez its just workplave violence and you can't prove he was a muslim


“He was not known to any of the leadership in Oklahoma mosques. We do not have any confirmation of his conversion either in prison or out in the community.”

Workplace and school killings are tragic but are unfortunately becoming more common in America......The Alabama UPS workplace murders last week are just as upsetting.

Yep - any killing in the workplace is the same - nothing to see here
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Nothing to see here: islamic council of OK sez its just workplave violence and you can't prove he was a muslim


“He was not known to any of the leadership in Oklahoma mosques. We do not have any confirmation of his conversion either in prison or out in the community.”

Workplace and school killings are tragic but are unfortunately becoming more common in America......The Alabama UPS workplace murders last week are just as upsetting.

Yep - any killing in the workplace is the same - nothing to see here

After what he did I would think no leader of any Mosque is going to admit to knowing him because they are hiding in this country  under the guise of Peace and Love when any American with 1 brain cell working knows better. They have pictures of him dressed in all the Muslim Garb, You have people telling authorities that he was trying to convert them to Muslim faith and can't be workplace violence because he didn't work there any more so draw your own conclusions. I have mine...................jmho

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Nothing to see here: islamic council of OK sez its just workplave violence and you can't prove he was a muslim

Yep - any killing in the workplace is the same - nothing to see here


Not sure what the big deal is with their announcement, they're just distancing themselves from the thug just as any other organization would do, and you left out a very important part of their statement:




No religious or political goal is ever achieved by these acts. 
Edited by Sam1
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These issues will not calm down until the atmosphere which promotes them is removed...Said another way; lawlessness by certain "protected classes" of folks is ok; or overlooked as "workplace violence".... MO are two good examples.... 2016 can't come quick enough...



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I see all these posts talking about the LEO's "skill/aim". That is not a thought that popped into my head. I was glad he was there. He may have been the only one in that building to react or that did have access to a firearm. Unfortunately 1 person died but how many more if he didn't step in?

Oh I do agree I am very glad he was there and his shot did what it needed to do to stop the carnage but it just seems that in most cases recently when law enforcement people are forced to use their weapons in up close and personal situations their shot placement seems to be for the most part off the mark. The only one that I have heard of recently was the one in  Ferguson MO and even after being attack by a man the size of a bear and being injured that officer was able to shoot and kill his assailant and they want to crucify him for doing his job. I want to give him a commendation for Bravery for his actions................jmho

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I was an LEO for a while and we did train but I took it much further at home on my own time and dime. I do wish some of the brothers out there would train more. You can become complacent.


Yep that is one area they should never skimp on.  

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Not sure what the big deal is with their announcement, they're just distancing themselves from the thug just as any other organization would do, and you left out a very important part of their statement:

Its just not credible

If they just made the last statement condemning the act that would be absolutely fine.

To say no one knows the guy AND question whether he is even a Muslim is just a bridge too far and frankly silly. Based on their logic, unless he can find someone to "vouch" for his Muslimness, we are all supposed to pretend that his acts were not inspired by this religion?

And when there is plenty of wvidence that he was active in the local mosques and had converted to islam in prison?

I certainly understand that its never a good day when someone does some horrible thing in the name of your own faith or religion. But to pretend its not THAT EXACT THING , and fail to condemn those passages which serve as that inspiration is a major fail
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Its just not credible

If they just made the last statement condemning the act that would be absolutely fine.

To say no one knows the guy AND question whether he is even a Muslim is just a bridge too far and frankly silly. Based on their logic, unless he can find someone to "vouch" for his Muslimness, we are all supposed to pretend that his acts were not inspired by this religion?

And when there is plenty of wvidence that he was active in the local mosques and had converted to islam in prison?

I certainly understand that its never a good day when someone does some horrible thing in the name of your own faith or religion. But to pretend its not THAT EXACT THING , and fail to condemn those passages which serve as that inspiration is a major fail

I'm guessing that by denying they knew him it might stop people who know better from watching them so close. Ain't gonna happen. Most Americans quite trusting any thing they said on 9/11/2001 and nothing has changed to change anyone's mind that I have seen. I heard a Islamic guy talking to a reporter and he said that many Muslims were killed in the towers on 9/11/2001. The reported looked at him and said so what is your point? The Muslim guy said we are all not just crazy killers and the guy looked reported looked at him and said then you need to tell that to your ISIS buddies because they just wiped out 30,000 of their own people to prove a point last month. The Muslim looked back at the reporter and then just turned and walked away............ :shrug: :shrug:

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Its just not credible

If they just made the last statement condemning the act that would be absolutely fine.

To say no one knows the guy AND question whether he is even a Muslim is just a bridge too far and frankly silly. Based on their logic, unless he can find someone to "vouch" for his Muslimness, we are all supposed to pretend that his acts were not inspired by this religion?

And when there is plenty of wvidence that he was active in the local mosques and had converted to islam in prison?

I certainly understand that its never a good day when someone does some horrible thing in the name of your own faith or religion. But to pretend its not THAT EXACT THING , and fail to condemn those passages which serve as that inspiration is a major fail


The problem is that is a state-level organization and they're being asked who knows this guy.  If a Catholic was to do the same thing in Chattanooga, do you think the Diocese of Nashville would know them or know that they done this in the name of their religion?


This loonbag thug obviously did it because of religion, everyone knows this.  But an organization has to consider their statements more carefully than you or I, especially when those people trying to start the argument are just looking for any reason to say "hey look, see I told you, all muslims want to do this!".

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Nothing to see here: islamic council of OK sez its just workplave violence and you can't prove he was a muslim


“He was not known to any of the leadership in Oklahoma mosques. We do not have any confirmation of his conversion either in prison or out in the community.”

Workplace and school killings are tragic but are unfortunately becoming more common in America......The Alabama UPS workplace murders last week are just as upsetting.

Yep - any killing in the workplace is the same - nothing to see here


Notice that their spokesman (apparently)  did not condemn during interview - http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/09/27/woman-beheaded-at-oklahoma-food-distribution-center-police-say/

Edited by R_Bert
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Sam the only thing if a Catholic or Baptist was doing it, it wouldn't be because of their religion because unless somebody can show me in the Bible it doesn't ask me or you to kill others to please God. It does say Love your neighbor as yourself. I still contend that a Muslim is a Muslim, sorry. If the "good" and peaceful Muslims don't come out and say these beheading and such is wrong, what are they saying? They are saying it is right plain and simple. To be quiet and go along is the same as having a bloody knife in your hand. Like I have heard for years, you are either fer me or agin me!!

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The problem is that is a state-level organization and they're being asked who knows this guy. If a Catholic was to do the same thing in Chattanooga, do you think the Diocese of Nashville would know them or know that they done this in the name of their religion?

This loonbag thug obviously did it because of religion, everyone knows this. But an organization has to consider their statements more carefully than you or I, especially when those people trying to start the argument are just looking for any reason to say "hey look, see I told you, all muslims want to do this!".

Wrong - this is a release that they prepared.

Their goal is to put a bunch of distance.
between this guy and their religion of peace without any acknowledgement of why he might have these motivations. And they want to make him a non-muslim.

Its gross
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I was an LEO for a while and we did train but I took it much further at home on my own time and dime. I do wish some of the brothers out there would train more. You can become complacent.

I hear people say all the time that police officers do not shoot much and are terrible shots. When I went through the Academy we shot about 1k rounds each during firearms week and then I shot about another 1k during my first in service. The agency I am with now requires about 200 rounds a quarter, but gives you more if you wish. I have yet to be beside an officer at any of these that failed to score at least 85%. I am going I say that the level of marksmanship I see is far better than what I saw in the Army.

I think the officer in OK did just fine; he hit the assailant and did not shoot any bystanders. A new trend that I do not believe in is telling officers to not shoot anymore than is necessary. This is because of the backlash from possibly good shoots that left public scrutiny of assailants being shot more than 3 times. Example: Ferguson, MO.
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I have yet to be beside an officer at any of these that failed to score at least 85%. I am going I say that the level of marksmanship I see is far better than what I saw in the Army.


Not to criticize your opinion, just to learn.  Were these training shots made under stress?

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Not to criticize your opinion, just to learn. Were these training shots made under stress?

Sometimes, I was the first in the Academy to run through the stress course. They told us that the would be yelling and making noise behind us, but I had no clue they were going to be firing a 12ga shotgun blank between my legs while I was in the prone. I think that I scored 90% or more but I shot some targets a few times extra and didn't have enough ammo to engage the last one. I also was not expecting a ice bucket bath but it was welcomed since it was a 99 degree August day. Other than that day it is the typical jog around the building and knockout 20 before engaging the targets.
What I have found about myself under stress is that I shoot really well, almost too fast if that is even possible but the longer I shoot I found my accuracy starting to decrease.
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Sam the only thing if a Catholic or Baptist was doing it, it wouldn't be because of their religion because unless somebody can show me in the Bible it doesn't ask me or you to kill others to please God. It does say Love your neighbor as yourself. I still contend that a Muslim is a Muslim, sorry. If the "good" and peaceful Muslims don't come out and say these beheading and such is wrong, what are they saying? They are saying it is right plain and simple. To be quiet and go along is the same as having a bloody knife in your hand. Like I have heard for years, you are either fer me or agin me!!


There's a bunch of verses in the bible that give the "ok" to kill. Leviticus 24:16 is one of them:




 anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord is to be put to death. The entire assembly must stone them. Whether foreigner or native-born, when they blaspheme the Name they are to be put to death.


I'll leave it at this though cause the thread is getting into a religious debate more so than about the thug murderer 

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There's a bunch of verses in the bible that give the "ok" to kill. Leviticus 24:16 is one of them:

I'll leave it at this though cause the thread is getting into a religious debate more so than about the thug murderer

The christian reformation and talmudic tradition in judiasm allowed for advancement beyond literal interpretation. Thats the issue. Islam religion is the literal word of g-d and not questionable. Thats the sad problem
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Sometimes, I was the first in the Academy to run through the stress course. They told us that the would be yelling and making noise behind us, but I had no clue they were going to be firing a 12ga shotgun blank between my legs while I was in the prone. I think that I scored 90% or more but I shot some targets a few times extra and didn't have enough ammo to engage the last one. I also was not expecting a ice bucket bath but it was welcomed since it was a 99 degree August day. Other than that day it is the typical jog around the building and knockout 20 before engaging the targets.
What I have found about myself under stress is that I shoot really well, almost too fast if that is even possible but the longer I shoot I found my accuracy starting to decrease.

When I was training when I was a reserve a lot of the full time guys would come shoot with us. We had all duty gear on and we "wresteled" on the ground with one another doing grapples and whatnot and then we would end up on our back holding a 200+ pound guy off of you for what seemed likr an hour then get up and run to cover and shoot or spin around on the ground and shoot between our legs. It was hot too. I bet I lost 10 pounds that week.
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The christian reformation and talmudic tradition in judiasm allowed for advancement beyond literal interpretation. Thats the issue. Islam religion is the literal word of g-d and not questionable. Thats the sad problem


Not true, not everyone takes the quran literally.


The problem with religions as a whole is that everyone wants to pick and choose specifics out of the book to live by, and the rest is left up to "interpretation"... You know, whatever doesn't fit that person's desire.  One person says gays are going to hell, his neighbor says god loves everyone.  Guy across the street says money is the root of all evil, but he's mad that he doesn't have a new boat.  Could go on for days about that.


Last time we were in the Philippines, we stayed for almost a week at the house of a Sultan's son.  He knew we were not muslim, he didn't try to convert us or lop off our heads and his family was nicer to us than anyone else we stayed with.  Categorizing them as a whole based off the lunatics is like saying all christians have the same beliefs as the westboro baptist church protestors.

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