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AR and AK pistol help needed


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Note they take estimated 8 weeks to build.


Don't think they have that exact config in stock, but Radical sells complete pistolas through Primary Arms too, 'bout same pricing, and ready to go:




The folks who have bought them on arfcom haven't dissed them at all, seem happy enough. If that buffer tube puts your schnoz right on the charging handle and ya don't like it, can always go to a longer one and/or with spacers.


Whatever you get, do yourself a favor and get a more upright pistol grip, huge improvement for a short LOP firearm. Your wrist, elbow, and shoulder will thank you.


- OS



I ordered from Radical on 11/30 because Primary was out of stock on the one I wanted. It shipped today. 12/9 so the wait seems to be much lower at the moment than the 8 week build time. 9 or 10 days. Not to bad. Thank goodness. Now it may seem like 8 weeks for it to get to my FFL. Hoping for a couple days though.

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