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Kroger assault incident

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The root cause is probably bad parenting. Now, if you don't think racism hasn't become much more popular over the last 5 or so years, then you ain't paying attention. I haven't paid enough attention to this incident to know how much it, if any, was the driving force. I just know that its is part of our current society, and the clown show running the country makes it worse every chance they get.
Call me silly and bitter. This ain't about Memphis. In a lot of ways, there's more racial harmony there than most places. At least there was before we got hope and change jammed up our ass. There is a trend. And, the people that are responsible for bucking that trend are making it WORSE.

I've been fortunate to get around a little over the last five years and the only time that racism ever really comes up is in some of these threads and it's usually someone upset because America no longer resembles the fictional utopia of their youth.
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That's why I kept quiet. It's hard to calm a hate fest. This has nothing to do with Obama, government or hate crimes.

The first victim was attacked by a group of jackasses that included blacks, whites, boys and girls who had just left the nearby pizza joint. The two Kroger employees (one black and one white) went to assist the first victim and were also beaten.

Some of you are so silly and bitter that anything that happens between blacks and whites becomes a national crisis with its beginnings routed in the White House, which in my opinion makes you no better than Al and Jesse. Those of us who actually live in Memphis know that we have an epidemic of worthless parents who will leave groups of unattended kids at malls, sporting events and anywhere else where large groups gather.

These abandoned youth are the reason for the downtown mall, Mall of Memphis and numerous other entertainment venues being shuttered. They are also the reason that I quit going to the fair years ago. I want the kids responsible for this terrorism held accountable, but More than anything, I'd like to see the law kick their worthless parents in the ass.


I have watched the video over and over again and I do NOT see a single white kid attacking anyone. Please, give a time on video and relative location of the white person attacking. Better yet a screenshot and circle them.


Yes, some of us are upset because of the disparity between how a black on white crime is portrayed versus a white on black crime. Or even more upsetting is when there are hundreds of black on black crimes occurring every day but not a single word of it in the national news. Yet if an other than black guy kills a black person it is all of a sudden a huge racial issue. Is it not a racial issue if a black attacks a white if a white killing a black in a similar manner is. Just because we are upset because it is not fair does not make us racists.


There are racists on all sides. And honestly I have personally seen more examples of blacks making openly racists statements, as well as threats, against whites than whites doing the same against minorities. Could be that whites are hiding it much better but it still doesn't change the fact that some blacks are making statements that are racist in nature. I am not racist but I am prejudiced. I am prejudiced against anyone, regardless of race or color, who tries to use race as an excuse to attack another human being or uses race to claim they are a victim when they are not.


And how are we to hold parents accountable for their kids? Holding the parent(s) accountable for a child skipping school is one thing but charging the parents for the crimes of their children is insane? Some kids, not matter the amount of supervision or how involved their parents are, will get in trouble. And if charging parents with the crimes of their children flies then what will prevent a parent from being charged criminally if their minor child has an accident and kills someone?

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I will simply say this. Eventually these kids will pick the wrong one. That person will be armed and trained. There is nothing like a few gunshots and a few dead animals hitting the ground to break up a mob. Or it will be someone carrying a knife that knows how to use it. Seeing your buddy carved like a Christmas turkey isn't real good for morale in a fight. Also, the numbers work against people quiet often. They get in each others way, pushing and shoving trying to get their licks in. 3-5 individuals are more likely to do a lot more damage than a mob of 100 with no organization. Notice, all 3 victims refused to be transported to the hospital. I look forward to the night I turn on the news and see a few of these assholes bleeding out and crying for mama. Yes thats harsh, but I'm fed up with this bullshit. And maybe someday, I might be involved. I'll probably end up hurt, then crucified by a jury for hurting a poor innocent minority, but Lord willing I'll go down fighting with a empty gun and a bloody knife.
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I will simply say this. Eventually these kids will pick the wrong one. That person will be armed and trained. There is nothing like a few gunshots and a few dead animals hitting the ground to break up a mob. Or it will be someone carrying a knife that knows how to use it. Seeing your buddy carved like a Christmas turkey isn't real good for morale in a fight. Also, the numbers work against people quiet often. They get in each others way, pushing and shoving trying to get their licks in. 3-5 individuals are more likely to do a lot more damage than a mob of 100 with no organization. Notice, all 3 victims refused to be transported to the hospital. I look forward to the night I turn on the news and see a few of these assholes bleeding out and crying for mama. Yes thats harsh, but I'm fed up with this bull####. And maybe someday, I might be involved. I'll probably end up hurt, then crucified by a jury for hurting a poor innocent minority, but Lord willing I'll go down fighting with a empty gun and a bloody knife.

Better to go down fighting for your life than just giving up and dying. Regardless of the race of the perpetrators of this crime, I know i won't be a victim and i hope everyone else who has the right to defend themselves with lethal force is not a victim either.


Nobody deserves what those heathens delivered, I hope those responsible are caught and delivered swift justice. But we know not every one of them will be caught, but everyone has their due.

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Well here's a feel good story to uplift you. Similar thing to what we're talking about occurred up north a few days ago when a mob tried to rob a concealed carrier. Only killed one of the teen heathens though. He was a good boy if you don't count his multiple convictions for armed robbery, auto theft and theft.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Edited by TMF
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Well here's a feel good story to uplift you. Similar thing to what we're talking about occurred up north a few days ago when a mob tried to rob a concealed carrier. Only killed one of the teen heathens though. He was a good boy if you don't count his multiple convictions for armed robbery, auto theft and theft.


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That actually made me smile a little. I'm sure the others in that group will end up the same way, just hope it's before they take others lives first.

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That actually made me smile a little. I'm sure the others in that group will end up the same way, just hope it's before they take others lives first.

So the boy killed was shot last month in a robbery? I guess he didn't learn his lesson!



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So the boy killed was shot last month in a robbery? I guess he didn't learn his lesson!


No, it said he was a victim of a shooting. I assume it was related to his line of work though. Competition in his field is much different than how Burger King and McDonalds compete with each other.

So there is no misunderstanding, his field of work was related to drugs theft, as I understand "thug 4 life" to mean. "Life" of course, is not a set amount of time in his industry. Tragic. Who knows, he may have cured cancer.

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It's inevitable.

One thing about it, the parents of these terrorist need to know that the public is getting sick of their excuses. Hell, everyone that I knew when I was a kid was poor.


Please, let's not bring the T-word into this. :rolleyes:

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Not according to some. The use of the word "thug" has been reported in the past. The member reporting it said it was an offensive, racist term used to negatively describe black people.


Well... now I've done it :). Blacks don't own that word, no matter how many achieve the status. I dealt with union thugs in St. Louis that were whiter than Mitt Romney.

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Not according to some. The use of the word "thug" has been reported in the past. The member reporting it said it was an offensive, racist term used to negatively describe black people.

Interesting. First Carlton stole bad dancing stereotypes from us whites, and now black folks have taken the word "thug" from us??? Next they'll take our beds sheets and stylish pointy hats! We must start a hashtag campaign!

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Remember the words recently spoken by the great Charles Barkley (...one of the only NBA basketball guys i ever liked outside of Chaquelle O'Neal....) when he was interviewed by some whinin newstypes...


He said:..."There are no words i dont use"..... When they pressed him as to how to tell when a word was wrongly used; he said"... Oh you'll know; you'll feel my hand up the side of your head..."...


I think Charles Barkley is exactly right...


Never let anyone control any discussion by demanding that you not use "forbidden words".... They aint any....



Edited by leroy
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From the Dad of one of the victims.


But Mr. Sauser says this is not about race. This is about the the breakdown of the American family. And he said there needs to be a national conversation about the issue.

“No one talks about this,” he said. “There’s no family structure — kids who’ve never had a dad. What kind of life is that? Not a single person can replace your dad — not a single person can. These kids have to have families.”

Nevertheless, a crime has been committed — and someone must pay.

“Somebody’s got to be held accountable,” he said. “Somebody’s got to be responsible.”

Life in the Sauser household is slowly returning to normal. Their resilient son is returning to school today -- and when he’s ready -- he plans to return to his job bagging groceries at Kroger.

“He’s going to be OK,” Mr. Sauser said. “He’s going to be fine.”

That’s because the 17-year-old clarinet player with a penchant for building computers has something money cannot buy — a family.



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I would suggest that money does buy a family. At least, the responsibility of providing for children on the behalf of both parents is a strong incentive to form a family unit. When Daddy government comes in and starts throwing money around, that incentive evaporates.

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I would suggest that money does buy a family. At least, the responsibility of providing for children on the behalf of both parents is a strong incentive to form a family unit. When Daddy government comes in and starts throwing money around, that incentive evaporates.

War on poverty my big o butt. Wealth redistribution from the start, make things fair, see how well it worked.

Have babies out of wedlock, make more money for them, do not worry, the government will pay for them, well tax payers will.

Our country will never be the same, it will take years for it to work it self out. Whole generations will have to be


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I didn't read the whole four pages. The question was what would I do in this situation. Back against vehicle or get back against wall and then..... Going to Dr in Memphis Friday. Hope I don't find out. JTM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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