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Ammo for German Pistol (WWII Era)

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My father is wanting to shoot the pistol he took from a German POW. He tried using .32 auto, but had several failures to fire. I do not have the gun, only his phone call. I don't know if issue is no primer strikes or a soft strikes or something else. The barrel is stamped: 7.65 mm.

Anyone know what ammo would be currently available in the USA?

Thanks for your help.

EDIT: Is 32 AUTO the correct caliber? Edited by TN_Jim
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Plenty of .32 ammo available out there but I would recommend finding a brand made in Europe as they generally load that round a little hotter and is considered more reliable in European made guns.


Look for Fiocchi, Prvi, Sellier & Bellot, Geco, etc.

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Thanks for the replies.


About five years ago. he used the .32 auto ammo. The pistol fire was not reliable. Then he took the pistol to a gunsmith, who cleaned and inspected. Gunsmith told him .32 auto should work. The pistol didn't shoot any better. It was then placed in original leather holster, wrapped in a hand towel and placed on the closet shelf. I was not gun knowledgeable five years ago. Early this month he tried to shoot again. Same unreliable firing. 


I will purchase some .32 ACP to try.


Thanks for your help.

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I have not seen the pistol nor primer strikes. I have plans to visit him soon, then I will know more. In this post I was making sure he was using the correct ammo. 


Thanks for the suggest as I plan that to be my next step.

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