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I've tried really hard to like Facebook...


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My prob with it is simply getting around on anyone's page. It's just not set up logically enough to find anything, always seems like a random day to day experience. Maybe that's the attraction for some, it being so "immediate" only,  but not for me.


So I never cared about creating my own, or really following anyone else there ... guess I'm more attuned to a blog format than a FB one.


- OS

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I have one friend, my wife. My only use for FB is entering some contests/giveaways like the Starline one to win a Hornady press. I have won a couple of Schrade knives from giveaways on there. Also a member of a couple firearm and reloading groups to watch for deals.

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No facebook here as well, after reading the news on 3 or 4 sites, checking 3 or 4 forums, taking care of things around the house, animals and such.

Talking with the wife and kids it past time for bed.

Not in the order I posted.

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I never accept the games, that is what killed myspace for me.  I was always trying to get more players and kept inviting anyone that would play a game.  I dont' recall how many people I had on my site but I was like only know like 5 of these people.  I ended up just never logging back.

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I hate it also and I don't know why I get emails and junk from the site telling me I have messages and pokes and stuff.I never set up an account and I am thinking my daughter my have set one up for me one time when she was over here supposedly checking her emails. It all began about two days later and if I could figure out how to get out of it I would............... :rant:  :rant:  :rant:

Edited by bersaguy
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[quote name="bersaguy" post="1186408" timestamp="1409875409"]I hate it also and I don't know why I get emails and junk from the site telling me I have messages and pokes and stuff.I never set up an account and I am thinking my daughter my have set one up for me one time when she was over here supposedly checking her emails. It all began about two days later and if I could figure out how to get out of it I would............... :rant: :rant: :rant:[/quote] Go to FB and put in email and retrieve password and then log in and disable acct. JTM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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[quote name="NextExit" post="1186440" timestamp="1409880601"]Deleted my acct years ago. Discovered that adults can be very childish. What I really didn't like was their "privacy" policy. It sucks!! Status updates like "I just checked my mail" or "just put oil in my car" are a complete turn off.[/quote] This... Very much the adults acting childish part. It's like they just can't leave the high school BS behind. Ditched my account years ago, don't miss it a bit. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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Too much of a business tool for me. I have to keep up with it. Most of my work of late has come from it.


I can understand people like you who actually have a bona fide purpose. But all the pointless bs that gets passed off as interesting or worse yet relevant and important just sends me off.


I suppose I can relent and say that it is a tool. And sometimes tools get re-purposed in a fashion not intended.

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I do like Facebook for some of the news sites I follow. But I can really do without the other 99.999999999999999%, which is peoples' narcissistic posts about every aspect of their lives, about which not a single person gives a damn. Yes, we all know you live near the beach and get to see it every day. Yes, we all know that your feet went with you on vacation, we don't need you to provide photographic proof. Yes, we all know that your life is filled with childish drama. Yes, we all know you are afraid to directly confront those that have offended you so you must address them randomly in a passive-aggressive post on the Internet that they'll never see. And nobody cares about any of it. 

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I have one friend, my wife. My only use for FB is entering some contests/giveaways like the Starline one to win a Hornady press. I have won a couple of Schrade knives from giveaways on there. Also a member of a couple firearm and reloading groups to watch for deals.

That was the only reason I joined-if it was'nt for the different shooting and outdoor pages I would not have bothered with it.

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I can understand people like you who actually have a bona fide purpose. But all the pointless bs that gets passed off as interesting or worse yet relevant and important just sends me off.

I suppose I can relent and say that it is a tool. And sometimes tools get re-purposed in a fashion not intended.

I think it depends on what you're intending to use it for and get out of it. My wife dragged me into it when my son was born, and I love it for what I use it for. Having spent so many years geographically separated from the rest of my family, it is a great dissemination tool for keeping in touch with loved ones and sharing pictures of the kids.

I know, the common response is "that's why I have phone and email", but back when that's all I had a hardly talked to my extended family at all. It isn't easy to stay caught up individually on so many people who you would otherwise see regularly if you still lived close. Between mom and dad, cousins, aunts, uncles grandparents and friends of the family, I'd be keeping up with 30-40 people. That's hard to do. I know because I've tried to do it. What happens is you grow distant. Emails are more formal than friendly and phone calls become forced and awkward. Once I got Facebook I've been able to keep in touch much more informally and naturally, just as when I was back home. Everybody gets to see pictures of the kids, I get to see pics of the family and what they're up to and we talk informally. I love it.

Now, I get that many people use it as a way to document their meals, or make a big deal about how much they don't care about haters, but those folks can be blocked and unfriended. I'll admit, I accepted every friend request from high school acquaintances at first because I'd feel guilty if I didn't.... like I'd be snubbing them or something. I got over that quick.

Of course, there are friends that probably complain about how much I post pictures of my kids and how they don't care, but they could just block me. I'm not doing it for them or to show off how perfect my life is and how much their lonely life sucks.

Now that I've talked that through, I think I have a whole bunch of folks I'm gonna unfriend because we really don't talk.

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but it sucks.

Something must be wrong with me, cause I just don't care.



People tell me all the time I've just got to get on Facebook so I can catch up with friends I've not talked to in years.   I keep telling them if I haven't talked to them in years there is probably a pretty good reason.   

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