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The fallacy of government solipotence.


Need is an extremely subjective term, and varies from person to person. Just because you think everyone needs something does not mean the person living down the road thinks the same way and has the same subjective metrics to determine their concept of "need". There are people all over this country who believe everyone "needs" free health care and that only the government is able to provide this service in any efficient manner.



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The fallacy of government solipotence.
Need is an extremely subjective term, and varies from person to person. Just because you think everyone needs something does not mean the person living down the road thinks the same way and has the same subjective metrics to determine their concept of "need". There are people all over this country who believe everyone "needs" free health care and that only the government is able to provide this service in any efficient manner.

The problem is, some say leave me alone I dont need your services then things like this happen and people are all up in arms because nobody helped.


Though I don't think this guy was an anarchist or isolationist the situation fits this situation.
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The problem is, some say leave me alone I dont need your services then things like this happen and people are all up in arms because nobody helped.


Though I don't think this guy was an anarchist or isolationist the situation fits this situation.


I can't comment on that red herring (linked article) because it's fairly irrelevant to your point.


per the article:



Cranick lives outside of the city limits and he admits that he forgot to pay a $75 annual service fee that would have provided him with fire protection.


Much different narrative than:



The problem is, some say leave me alone I dont need your services then things like this happen and people are all up in arms because nobody helped.


But that's not to suggest you don't hold a valid point. Some people do get up in arms when they make poor decisions, or when the decisions they made in the past work against them in the future. But because people make bad choices in life does not  give them a right revoke other peoples right to make their own life decisions.


Everytime a storm disaster happens, and people get up in arms because they chose not to have insurance and now they have no home, and because no on is helping them, I have absolutely no sympathy for them. They made their choice and knew what that could mean for them. Their decisions shouldn't guilt you or I, because we didn't make that decision. We owe them nothing. If anyone feels they absolutely need to help those people, that's fine, but don't force people to be accountable for the actions and decisions of others.

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I am still waiting for the answer of how you get all the anarchists to agree to a common set of rules and then the enforcement mechanism. "Leave me alone" only works so long as people actually do that. How does your anarchist society deal with a criminal, or a person who cheats someone, or a litterer, or a murderer.
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[quote name="Hershmeister" post="1187859" timestamp="1410226225"]I am still waiting for the answer of how you get all the anarchists to agree to a common set of rules and then the enforcement mechanism."Leave me alone" only works so long as people actually do that. How does your anarchist society deal with a criminal, or a person who cheats someone, or a litterer, or a murderer.[/quote] The simple answer is, you don't. Those answers are different for every voluntary organization that people choose to be a part of. That's the key, choice. You keep asking for single, one size fits all practical answers. Some voluntary organizations will provide more protection than others and will require the relinquishment of more individual autonomy in order accomplish those ends. Some will require less and provide less. I think our disconnect is that you are focused on the practical arguments and I am focused on the moral ones. In many ways an anarchist society will definitely be less orderly and less clear than the current statist model, no doubt. That's not my argument. I don't claim anarchy will solve the problems of pain. I simply make the moral argument that a group of people calling themselves "government" has no more right or moral authority to engage in theft, kidnapping and murder than an individual does. Evil is evil no matter the who or why behind it. Edited by Chucktshoes
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