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The Liberal SuperMajority

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  Rightwinger said:
Got to ask Tower, your reference to the "engine"? Did you get that from the book "Armor"?

I absolutely did. and it was a great book!

for me it wasn't as dramatic..but it was just as effective...as you can see, I'm still here!!!:screwy:

for those of you who haven't read it. it's SCI FI and it was written by a guy name John Steakley.

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Yes, its a great read! Sorry to hijack but I love references from Sci Fi or other literature that translate well into our lives.

Science Fiction has a way of becoming Science Fact over the pasaage of time!

"Long live the Fighters!"

Guest Honest AK
  bubbiesdad said:

What does that have to do with the original post? That's what I was referring to.

Anyway, I never said the Democrats weren't guilty. Do you understand? I've just got this crazy notion that both parties were mixed up in it:


You see somebody criticizing both sides, which would include Republicans, and you start foaming at the mouth thinking it must be some commie liberal Democrat trying to absolve his party of any wrongdoing.

That is not the case. :usa:

  Honest AK said:
What does that have to do with the original post? That's what I was referring to.

Anyway, I never said the Democrats weren't guilty. Do you understand? I've just got this crazy notion that both parties were mixed up in it:


You see somebody criticizing both sides, which would include Republicans, and you start foaming at the mouth thinking it must be some commie liberal Democrat trying to absolve his party of any wrongdoing.

That is not the case. :usa:

I have yet to see an original post from you criticizing Democrats.

  Im Neero said:
Edit: Read before responding? Brilliant!

actually Neero, I typed exactly what I wanted to type. I then read what Gunslinger wrote, thought about it and adjusted my outlook because his made more sense. :usa:

I have never gone through life with an attitude that "my way is the only way" or that I am an authority on anything..even though there are a few subjects that I'm pretty darn knowledgeable in. There's folly in that line of thinking.

and Honest AK, Bubbies' dad has a VERY good point. that's one of the reasons I decided that you're were shilling.

and as I stated before...there IS NO blame for this bailout stuff that can be laid at the foot of the Republican party.. they were only put in the unenviable position of cleaning up a socialist-democrat nightmare.


Tower, that comment wasn't directed at you, I made a comment and then after reading I realized it was completely irrelevant. Sorry if that came across the wrong way.

  Im Neero said:
Tower, that comment wasn't directed at you, I made a comment and then after reading I realized it was completely irrelevant. Sorry if that came across the wrong way.

hahahah it's Ok Neero.

I've done that before.

It didn't come across wrong...I thought you were directing it at me and I wanted to explain why I said what I said.

I often follow a logic chain that I devise..but I always leave it open to modifications :popcorn:

an old seal buddy of mine told me that. "have a plan a. and a plan b. and a plan c...make everything redundant so that you can't fail."

I can't tell you how many times he told me that. it was his mantra.

  Rightwinger said:
Yes, its a great read! Sorry to hijack but I love references from Sci Fi or other literature that translate well into our lives.

Science Fiction has a way of becoming Science Fact over the pasaage of time!

"Long live the Fighters!"

The spice must flow. Great movie!

Back to the liberals. I was just reading this old article.

"I find myself returning again and again to my mother's simple principle -- 'How would that make you feel?' -- as a guidepost for my politics. It's not a question we ask ourselves enough, I think; as a country, we seem to be suffering from an empathy deficit." Barack Hussein Obama, PBUH, on His vision for America. Excerpt from Chicago Sun. http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/97008,CST-NWS-obama15.article

Jihad returning to American soil, how would that make you feel.

Our military frozen from action due to being afraid of how that would make the snobbish E.U. feel.

"God dam America!" - twenty years in this "man of God's" pew, and "I ain't seen nuffin!"

Taking more money from your pocket, no matter whom you tax, it trickles...the *&%$...down. B.O.H., PBUH, "I don't know how that makes you feel, but I feel great!"

Healthcare that's on par with going to see the school nurse for cancer. "Put some Tussin on it."

Plus, I'm sick of hearing about how this election, and local ones as well, are "not about race", that is utter B.S. I got into my truck to go to work this morning, (only saw one po crackhead, BTW, I felt sorry for him so I didn't start barking at him. :popcorn: God knows what they're thinking in their crack addled minds when I do that). I catch the tail end of HHH on Talk Radio interviewing two local candidates about charter amendments here in Knoxville, and it was their closing statements to their constituents. What I heard: "As an African-American, I urge you to vote no to amendments three and four." Race ain't an issue to candidates or the public? "As a white man, I urge you to ..." Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, ACLU, NAACP, would be all over my butt. Then I change the station and hit 104.5, our lovely local rap station, and here about the Miss Black Knoxville pageant. WTF? Race, of course, isn't an issue. Miss White Knoxville? Go back a few sentences, repeat. Spread the wealth around? Back the %$#@ up.

How can you run a country based on feelings? Are we a bunch of Emo kids? "You hurt my feelings, I'm taking my army and going home." Chicken@#$%. Sorry for the rant, I'm just sick and tired of all this B.S.

Here's a laugh for you:


MMMM, MMMM, bit$%!

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