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HCP/CCW - What are you preparing for?

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Posted (edited)
This is not a why do you carry question. Save the "because a policeman is to heavy comments." For me my sidearm is a direct reflection of my worst case scenario planning. Many years ago I thought worst case was one perp. I realized later trouble usually comes in twos. My choice was a S&W j-frame or Kahr CM9 In more recent times and headlines come the spree killers like Holmes in Aurora. My choice was the Glock 26 or Glock 19. Now with major US intervention pending in Iraq is the worst case scenario ISIS in the US? They claim to be here and with our boarders I take them at their word. Within the confines of HCP carry do you carry for your worst case or most likely scenario? What is your scenario? Why did you choose your sidearm for that scenario? Edited by D3vo
Posted (edited)
Let's clarify since we have handgun carry permits what are you prepping for? This is not meant to be a without rule of law thread. Edited by D3vo
Do you think your last point of ISIS being in and possibly striking within the US will not result in a WROL scenario in the affected area (s)? As far as EDC..I chose a glock 19 as I shoot it well and it offers good concealment for my body type without sacrificing capacity...I carry 1 spare mag in my pocket and 3 spare mags in my bag I keep daily in my car going to and from work...
[quote name="jacob" post="1182838" timestamp="1408906211"]Do you think your last point of ISIS being in and possibly striking within the US will not result in a WROL scenario in the affected area (s)?As far as EDC..I chose a glock 19 as I shoot it well and it offers good concealment for my body type without sacrificing capacity...I carry 1 spare mag in my pocket and 3 spare mags in my bag I keep daily in my car going to and from work...[/quote] I don't think an ISIS terrorist attack will result in limited WROL. I am no terrorism expert, but I see an IED attack which you can't defend against or an armed assault on specific location(s).

I really haven't put that much thought into it. I carry a Glock 19 because I like it. She's reliable, has ample capacity for most situations, and easy to conceal.

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[quote name="D3vo" post="1182842" timestamp="1408907263"]I don't think an ISIS terrorist attack will result in limited WROL. I am no terrorism expert, but I see an IED attack which you can't defend against or an armed assault on specific location(s).[/quote] I would speculate that after 9/11 any major terrorist effort would have to inflict a great deal more panic and mayhem than what we have previously known. ISIS does not strike me to be a pushover. But I digress, don't want to derail your thread...
Posted (edited)

I'm not preparing for anything.....I'm already prepared.


I carry a handgun for the same reason there is a jack, spare tire, jumper cables, and flashlight in my truck. Just in case.


If I have reason to believe there will be trouble, I'll be somewhere else, or else I'll have a rifle.

Edited by gregintenn
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The impact of IED/VBIED blast is what I am afraid may happen on our own soil. I think there is a very slim chance of terrorist being able to carry out another hijacked airplane event. I guarantee you that they are here and that they are planning.
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I am preparing for the time when the person that tried to kill us in 2009 tries to finish what he started and at some point he will. That is my worst case scenario. The odds of me meeting some terrorist during an attack is remote, as in lottery winning remote, so I prepare myself based on a single person coming to kill me.


I often carry a long gun but as of late kind of slacked off. I am going to start carrying a long gun again. I carry a pistol as well but fell out gunned all the time.

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Posted (edited)

For me a HCP is for the worst case scenario...mandatory confiscation for people who don't have a HCP. It's the only reason I have one and personally, I don't believe I should 

need on.


It's not like I'm paranoid or anything but there's nothing the left won't try.   :D


I'd worry about some terrorist group setting off an A-Bomb in Memphis but they know people'd

say Memphis? Wheres's that?  No media impact for those crazy's so I know I'm safe here. 

Edited by Lowpower
I plan for my worst case being a random lunatic with more firepower than the average perp. The G19 is my choice.

I often carry a long gun but as of late kind of slacked off. I am going to start carrying a long gun again. I carry a pistol as well but fell out gunned all the time.



Your M92 is a pistol . . .





I'd worry about some terrorist group setting off an A-Bomb in Memphis but they know people'd

say Memphis? Wheres's that?  


How would you know if they did?


To the OP (who already knows what/why I carry), mine's a Kahr PM9 with an extra mag for 14 shots. I chose it because it's easy to carry. I have carried a G26 and a G19, but neither will be my normal EDC. In the end, being comfortable and concealable were my top priorities for EDC. Home defense is a different matter.

I carry my G23 or my XD .40 for that off chance that I come upon a need to use it to defend myself or those around me against one or more assailants. I work at a hardened target so do not think an outside attack would succeed. I normally do not go anywhere where a terrorist might think its a good target since I avoid crowds. I have available to me weapons to reinforce/support or react to an attack in process at work or home so my EDC is just to get me to one of those two sites.
[quote name="Lowpower" post="1182897" timestamp="1408919462"]For me a HCP is for the worst case scenario...mandatory confiscation for people who don't have a HCP. It's the only reason I have one and personally, I don't believe I should need on. It's not like I'm paranoid or anything but there's nothing the left won't try. :D I'd worry about some terrorist group setting off an A-Bomb in Memphis but they know people'd say Memphis? Wheres's that? No media impact for those crazy's so I know I'm safe here. [/quote] 2 of the main transportation arteries in the US converge in the Memphis area....
OP, I carry a handgun/have a HCP because of what might arise in our somewhat civilized world. Muggings, armed robbery, crazies, up to around 5-6 assailants or so and they would have to be very determined. Most times except for the most determined and hardened criminal, once you start shooting the rest will run, which gives you a chance to get away. Any more assailants and Im fighting my way to my vehicle or my home where there are long guns and plenty of ammo.

Im in Smyrna and while there is a National Guard base here I believe it would be very low on the list of possible targets along with the Nissan plant here. A low altitude detonation of a nuke would be about the only thing even remotely likely IMO. Then its game over anyways.

OK guys now don;t give the crazys a reason to target Memphis. For all we know there's one reading this....


<starts looking over shoulder>

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Posted (edited)

What am I preparing for?



The Defender's Creed
John Farnam

I accept and understand that human predators exist. Criminal or terrorist, they take advantage of our civilized society to prey upon the weak. They represent evil and must be confronted and defeated.

I believe that self-defense is a moral imperative, and that illegitimate force and illegal violence must be met with righteous indignation and superior violence.

I will not rely on others for the security of myself, my family and my community. I proudly proclaim that I run with a like-minded pack. I do not amble through life with the mind-numbed herd.

I will train with my chosen weapons, maintain them and carry them in a condition of readiness at all times. I will be mentally prepared and physically equipped to effectively respond to an attack or emergency.

I will constantly test myself against realistic standards to discover my strengths and weaknesses. I will turn weakness into strength.

I will seek to learn new skills and techniques, and then teach what I have learned to other members of the pack. Be it with firearm or blade, empty hand or blunt object, I will hit my enemies hard, fast and true.

I will live a quiet and unobtrusive life, but I will develop and retain the capacity for swift and decisive violence. I recognize that I am the modern equivalent of the traditional Minuteman, and that I may be called to service at any time against heavily armed enemies. I will respond effectively.

I accept that I am a pariah among some of my countrymen, and a quaint anachronism to others. I will not hold their ignorance against them.

I will win, or die trying.

I swear this creed before God, my family and my fellow citizens.

Edited by prag
  • Like 5

I carry a Glock 17, most of the time concealed, some of the times open.  Keep an extra magazine in my truck as well.


First post, ISIS is brought up and yes, I take the group very seriously and concerned about a 9/11 or worse style attack next month since it will be September.  I've brought up before that 9/11 attack was to get our attention.  Residing in Weakley County, the attacks had an emotional reaction, but did little to change every day lives in my county.  I am more concerned of a coordinated attack of the electrical grid system.......now that would have a direct impact.  In that worse case scenerio, AR-15 with several magazines will be added to my "carry" option.

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