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Range Reports

Guest num7striker

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Guest num7striker

So I went to the range last Thursday for some practice. This was the most aggravating time I have spent at the range so far. Two weeks ago I felt like I had made a lot of progress, I focused on not slapping the trigger and got my groups pretty dang close. this week was different, I was trying to focus on my grip and recoil control and I guess I was overthinking instead of just shooting. Mind you, these are by far the best results I had that day, several targets had groups around 7 inches or maybe higher.

Anyways, all of the results are from 7 yards. I shot a few 15 yard online comp. targets and needless to say I'm ashamed for anyone to see them :rofl:




I watched the grip guide video on Springer Precision's website and tried to mimic what he was doing.

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Guest bkelm18
So I went to the range last Thursday for some practice. This was the most aggravating time I have spent at the range so far. Two weeks ago I felt like I had made a lot of progress, I focused on not slapping the trigger and got my groups pretty dang close. this week was different, I was trying to focus on my grip and recoil control and I guess I was overthinking instead of just shooting. Mind you, these are by far the best results I had that day, several targets had groups around 7 inches or maybe higher.

Anyways, all of the results are from 7 yards. I shot a few 15 yard online comp. targets and needless to say I'm ashamed for anyone to see them :rofl:




I watched the grip guide video on Springer Precision's website and tried to mimic what he was doing.

Don't sweat it man. We all started out at the same point. It's just practice practice practice. I've been shooting for about 3 yrs and I'm still not at the point where I am satisfied with my marksmanship. At 25 yds I count myself lucky if I can get all the shots on the paper. Just take your time and don't think too hard. Just relax. It's about having fun not punching the bullseye out at 50 yds.

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  • Administrator
So I went to the range last Thursday for some practice. This was the most aggravating time I have spent at the range so far. Two weeks ago I felt like I had made a lot of progress, I focused on not slapping the trigger and got my groups pretty dang close. this week was different, I was trying to focus on my grip and recoil control and I guess I was overthinking instead of just shooting. Mind you, these are by far the best results I had that day, several targets had groups around 7 inches or maybe higher.

Anyways, all of the results are from 7 yards. I shot a few 15 yard online comp. targets and needless to say I'm ashamed for anyone to see them :rofl:




I watched the grip guide video on Springer Precision's website and tried to mimic what he was doing.

Any of those targets could be considered to represent "Minute of Bad-guy" hits and would result in your attacker being on the ground. It's always good to push yourself to be better and improve your accuracy, but there's no need to beat yourself up about it either. There's always next time.

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Guest Watauga

"Been shooting for 35 years and eyesight's going... I can see the target or the front sight or the rear sight. I can no longer see them all at the same time."


Have the same eye problem. Had my optician make me some glasses with the focal point further out so I could clearly see the sights in shooting position.

Target is a little fuzzy but I am much more accurate. Sight picture is more important to me. Don't shoot as good as I once did, but I still can usually hit what I shoot at. :rofl:

Edited by Watauga
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So I went to the range last Thursday for some practice. This was the most aggravating time I have spent at the range so far. Two weeks ago I felt like I had made a lot of progress, I focused on not slapping the trigger and got my groups pretty dang close. this week was different, I was trying to focus on my grip and recoil control and I guess I was overthinking instead of just shooting. Mind you, these are by far the best results I had that day, several targets had groups around 7 inches or maybe higher.

Anyways, all of the results are from 7 yards. I shot a few 15 yard online comp. targets and needless to say I'm ashamed for anyone to see them :)




I watched the grip guide video on Springer Precision's website and tried to mimic what he was doing.

Not that bad .... there are some good groups and in time you will do better... Be proud of your shooting and enjoy your range time....

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num7striker...Those aren't bad groups at all! The thing that those folks with the one hole pictures aren't telling you is that the majority of their targets weren't that pretty and the pictures were taken of the best ones. Fishermen don't take pictures of anything but the biggest catches...same thing applies here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest johnmattwill

Took my Sig to the range a few weeks ago.... at 7 yards. As I remember, I believe this was 2 mags, 16 rounds total (I think I missed 2 rounds)


Edited by johnmattwill
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