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Two Questions After Morning Range Session


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The first one has to do with my LCP.  The good news -- the takedown pin continues to stay in place and not back out while shooting.  The bad news - I'm having a lot of "jams."  Just today, in shooing 52 rounds of Magtech and Fiocchi 95 grain factory ammo, I had about 4 times that the slide got stuck back because the round looked like it just failed to chamber correctly.  I also had 1 time where a fired casing failed to eject and caused a jam.  If I had been thinking, I would have stopped to notice if the problems were magazine-specific (I was using 2), but I think it happened with both of them. That many jams to me is unacceptable in a carry gun.  Is this common, or is it something I'm doing?  I don't have this problem with any of my other semi-automatics.


The second question has to do with my Glock 19.  I love shooting this gun, but it seems to eject brass back in my face -- a lot -- much more than either of my other 2 semi-automatics.  Again, is this common, or is this something that I'm doing?  


Other than those 2 issues (and forgetting to put my ear protection on for the first shot with the 19  :shhh: ), it was a pretty enjoyable morning -- other than consistently shooting my semi's low and a little to the left, and my revolver high and a little to the right.  But that's another post for another day.  Thanks, as always, for helping out a newbie!

Edited by mhl6493
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LCP - Make sure the mags were inserted properly.  Make sure your hand isn't rubbing on the slide and slowing it down during operation.  Make sure you've got a firm hold on the pistol, little guns are more sensitive to limp-wristing than larger ones. 


G19 - brass to the face isn't unusual.  I don't own one but a friend's did that.  Some say it's worn mags, some say worn extractors, some say dirty gun, some say limp wristing, ... 

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I was having similar issues with my Rugar LCP and a buddy of mine told me I was not gripping the gun hard enough allowing it to move in my hand. I went back to range a week later and gripped it like vise grips and went through 5 mags with no issues. Do't know if that may be your situation or not but just wanted to tell you what my issue was.............. :up: :up:

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Brass to face is the term and it is pretty common. There are three common culprits: 1. bad or poorly designed extractor. 2. Poorly designed ejector. 3. Weak ammo. Changing either the ejector and/or extractor fixes BTF about 95% of the time.
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I can't speak to the Glock, but my LCP functions flawlessly with Magtech ammo. I can tell you that my youngest son is small, and he tends to be limp wristed when firing it. Sometimes it fails to feed or eject with him. So do 1911s. The LCP works flawlessly with me. I would make sure you have a high and solid grip on it when firing. If it persists, it might be time for a new recoil spring.


You are correct, that is unacceptable for a handgun.

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It's been my experience that most cycling issues I've had with semi-auto handguns using factory ammo has been my fault. I was either riding the slide or not gripping firmly enough. Luckily those are quick, easy, and free fixes. Edited by BigK
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Thanks for the advice, everyone.  I figured whatever was going on with the LCP was my fault.  I think I was so focused on the takedown pin issue that I forgot to watch my grip.  I'll test it out next time I go to the range.  I can live with the Glock 19 issue, it's not a big deal.  Was just wondering if this was a common thing with them, not being too familiar with Glocks.

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I would disassemble the LCP and pay close attention to the recoil spring to see if it is in a bind or one spring is in wrong. It has functioned correctly on the previous visits correct?


I cleaned it this afternoon, and the spring looked fine.  It had a few "jams" before (maybe 2 or 3 or so in about 120-130 rounds), but not like today.  I'm leaning toward it being me...

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Guest TheSilverFox
I owned a LCP and couldn't get it to feed or eject reliably even with ball rounds. No way I would have carried it. I've heard... not seen... that the pin issue could be a problem if too much oil is applied. I don't know why someone would have the weapon that wet but like I said, I didn't see it.

I don't like to think that someone could be a regular shooter with a correct grip and contribute FTF or FTE to themselves. In my experience that is not usually the case. I did some interior work on the LCP and it still didn't perform. Some weapons are better left to the range and not to protection duties.
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I only have about 1 problem with my LCP every few hundred rounds.  I noticed if I didn't have the extension grip on the mag, the gun slid slightly enough in my hand it would cause a lot of jams.  I also noticed after I added a Hogue grip and could hold the tiny little gun much MUCH better, that its been a fantastic shooter.  

I'd really recommend putting a Hogue grip on there and keeping the extension on the mags.  If its a Gen 1 LCP though... those have been much less reliable than the newer ones.

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I only have about 1 problem with my LCP every few hundred rounds.  I noticed if I didn't have the extension grip on the mag, the gun slid slightly enough in my hand it would cause a lot of jams.  I also noticed after I added a Hogue grip and could hold the tiny little gun much MUCH better, that its been a fantastic shooter.  

I'd really recommend putting a Hogue grip on there and keeping the extension on the mags.  If its a Gen 1 LCP though... those have been much less reliable than the newer ones.


Thanks.  It's a Gen 2.  I'll check out the Hogue grip.

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I ordered one of the Hogue Handall Grip Sleeves tonight.  If I'm still having problems after putting it on, I'm going to try the Galloway Stainless Guide Rod and Spring replacement and see if that helps.  I'm determined to make this thing work -- it's just so easy to pocket carry when I can't do anything else.  Although I wouldn't mind acquiring an LC9s...  :D

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LCP - a friend has one and said that if he loads 7 rounds it jams...if he loads 6 rounds it works fine.  Take it for what it's worth...probably sounds like a magazine issue to me, but that's how he loads his and it works for him.


Glock - I have a Glock 19 and I've never had one shell ejected into my face that I can recall.  I was watching my wife shoot it and she got almost every shell to the face.  Not sure why unless it had to do with the difference in our grips.  But I would take it to a Glock Armorer (lots of them around I think) and have them check the ejector.  That gun should be 100% reliable and it should never eject the casings into your face - that is not OK and will got old very quick.  You can get that fixed.


Best wishes, B

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LCP - a friend has one and said that if he loads 7 rounds it jams...if he loads 6 rounds it works fine.  Take it for what it's worth...probably sounds like a magazine issue to me, but that's how he loads his and it works for him.


Glock - I have a Glock 19 and I've never had one shell ejected into my face that I can recall.  I was watching my wife shoot it and she got almost every shell to the face.  Not sure why unless it had to do with the difference in our grips.  But I would take it to a Glock Armorer (lots of them around I think) and have them check the ejector.  That gun should be 100% reliable and it should never eject the casings into your face - that is not OK and will got old very quick.  You can get that fixed.


Best wishes, B


Thanks.  It could very well be a magazine issue with the LCP.  I just ordered a new 6-round factory mag from Midway USA, and if I had been thinking, I'd have "marked" the mags in some way to see if the jams were only happening on the new one.  Maybe it just takes them a while to get broken in, I don't know.


Sounds like the issue with the Glock 19 may indeed be the way I was gripping it.  This is my first Glock, so I'm wondering, how do you go about finding a Glock Armorer?

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I would rule out the ammo before trying to “fix” a gun or a mag. Run 100 rounds of quality ammo through it and see what happens.

.380 is a weak round. The stars must be in proper alignment for it to work an action properly.

If it continues I would contact Ruger and ask for a shipping label to send it in for them to check.
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I would rule out the ammo before trying to “fix” a gun or a mag. Run 100 rounds of quality ammo through it and see what happens.

.380 is a weak round. The stars must be in proper alignment for it to work an action properly.

If it continues I would contact Ruger and ask for a shipping label to send it in for them to check.


Yeah, the more I'm reading (probably too much -- over-analysis is something I'm good at), the more I'm learning how "picky" .380's can be -- and honestly, the less confident I am in carrying it at all.  If I knew today I could trade it straight-up for an LC9 or an LCR, I'd jump on it.  Unfortunately, I know that's not going to happen.  But as I've said before, it's just so easy to conceal...  


I'd hate to have it sent back to Ruger again, having just got it back.  But something will have to give...  Thanks for the advice!

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What gen is your Glock?  I have a gen 4 g17 and was having brass to face all the time.  I sent it back for the recall ejector and installed the APEX extractor.  It still does it occasionally, but it is dramatically improved.


It's a Gen 4.  The first time I took it to the range, right after I bought it, I didn't get a single piece of brass in my face.  But this Friday, it wore me out.  Strange that it was so different, just a couple of weeks and 45 rounds later.  I'm still leaning toward it being the way I was gripping it.  But if it doesn't improve, I guess I'll have to contact Glock.

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LCP - a friend has one and said that if he loads 7 rounds it jams...if he loads 6 rounds it works fine.  Take it for what it's worth...probably sounds like a magazine issue to me, but that's how he loads his and it works for him.

I've heard people complain about that before... but I think it was mostly gen 1 LCPs and/or mags.


Mine is second gen, and I always load mine up with 7 rounds, even at the range for practice, and it works fine with all 3 of the mags I have.  I've shots around 30 rounds of Speer Gold Dot hollow points (what I normally carry in it) without ever a hiccup... but mostly I shoot reloads.  Many Tennessee Cartridge Co., as well as I have many many rounds from LAX Ammo since I got them at a very good deal with free shipping not long ago.  I have only had my LCP about 3 months, but I've put at least 1500 rounds through it as of now, and its eaten everything great.  If its jamming a lot, I'd probably have Ruger look at it.

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It's a Gen 4. The first time I took it to the range, right after I bought it, I didn't get a single piece of brass in my face. But this Friday, it wore me out. Strange that it was so different, just a couple of weeks and 45 rounds later. I'm still leaning toward it being the way I was gripping it. But if it doesn't improve, I guess I'll have to contact Glock.

Actually, they get worse instead of better with time and it is not just the Gen4 but many of the late Gen3's. It is cureable with some parts being swapped.
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