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LGS Burglarized


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I think Bars would be cheaper than that type of glass your talking about TDR and if I was protecting an inventory of fire arms Bars on the windows and doors painted a nice shinny black would not stop me from going into a gun store to shop if I were a customer looking for a gun or accessories...............jmho

Edited by bersaguy
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There are also internal screens that can be pretty effective and not detract from the exterior look of the building...at the very least, considering the apparently small size of their inventory; a couple of good gun safes and decent security system should have been enough to stop a smash and grab robbery like this one appears to be.

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The pistols they have for sale are in a glass display case. Their rentals hang on a peg board behind the counter. I don't know if they lock those up at night. The rifles and shotguns are in a rack about 20' away from the main counter.  I don't go there much because it's way too hot in there , no a/c. The handgun inventory is near 99% used and over priced. I rarely see see more than one employee behind the counter. They do HCP and other classes and the lot is full on most Saturdays from people taking said classes. I'm real sorry for their loss but their security seems to be seriously bad IMO. I've posted before about thier ammo policy, charging upwards of $6 a box extra if you don't shoot the ammo there and it's mostly Tennessee Cartridge reloads. They could be run run better IMO.  They are a 3 minute drive from my house and I'd rather drive 20 minuter to Range USA

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I hope that they catch the criminals soon. Chris over at Top Brass is a good guy, but I quit going there because of the AC and ventilation situation. The young guy (guessing late twenties or early thirties) who worked the behind the counter was in my opinion a jack wad, so RUSA also gets my range dollars.
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