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TWD Season 5

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2 highly evolved (as far as zombie apocalyptic survivors go) of several years in all types of situations and threats, against a group that have hid in a hospital during all that time with most of the comforts of home?


I'll take the 2 highly evolved apocalyptic survivors for $1000 Bob. LOL

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I'm thinking that you're thinking Carol got caught on purpose because they saw Beth taken into the hospital. She's there to get Beth out Right?

I think Carol got caught on purpose but not because they saw Beth being taken in. I think Darrell and Carol met up with the black guy that 

made the escape and he told them what was going on and figured out Beth was there. They may have been watching it after following the

car they took off after that night thinking Beth was there anyway.

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They need to show the point of view of Daryl and Carol as they follow the car--as in the pucker moment when they realize they have to go back into Atlanta.


I wonder if the cops just happened to discover Beth outside the funeral home, or were they really staking it out?  According to the story, the cop said they found Beth fighting off a walker in the middle of the road.  The funeral home was so well-stocked, you would think they would have taken the food if they knew about it.  Or maybe it was stocked as a bug out location in case the hospital got bad.  That one cop looked a little big for someone eating greens and guinea pigs.


For those of you wondering what to do if Direct TV drops The Walking Dead:  I don't have cable, so I buy each episode for $1.99 from Amazon Instant Video.  I got up at 6:15 am this morning to eat, shower, get ready, and then watched the show before going to work.  The episodes become available sometime in the early morning after each one airs.

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By the way, you have to really hate someone to commit suicide just to turn into a walker in the hopes of getting a bite or two in before getting head shot.  In her case, she could be reasonably sure that she wouldn't be trapped as walker for eternity, though.

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They need to show the point of view of Daryl and Carol as they follow the car--as in the pucker moment when they realize they have to go back into Atlanta.


I wonder if the cops just happened to discover Beth outside the funeral home, or were they really staking it out?  According to the story, the cop said they found Beth fighting off a walker in the middle of the road.  The funeral home was so well-stocked, you would think they would have taken the food if they knew about it.  Or maybe it was stocked as a bug out location in case the hospital got bad.  That one cop looked a little big for someone eating greens and guinea pigs.


For those of you wondering what to do if Direct TV drops The Walking Dead:  I don't have cable, so I buy each episode for $1.99 from Amazon Instant Video.  I got up at 6:15 am this morning to eat, shower, get ready, and then watched the show before going to work.  The episodes become available sometime in the early morning after each one airs.


Yeah I was thinking that too. Good places to "find" people.  I think they knocked Beth out when they savnaped her.

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2 highly evolved (as far as zombie apocalyptic survivors go) of several years in all types of situations and threats, against a group that have hid in a hospital during all that time with most of the comforts of home?


I'll take the 2 highly evolved apocalyptic survivors for $1000 Bob. LOL


I'm sorry, Alex Trebek, he say Randall53, you didn't precede that with "WHO ARE" or "THEY BE"  :rofl:  You're a runner up.

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Well, I was right about Eugene being a fraud, but didn't think it would come out this early.


- OS

I too was surprised that it came out this early. It will be interesting on how Eugene conducts himself from here on out. He may still have some skills that could help.

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I too was surprised that it came out this early. It will be interesting on how Eugene conducts himself from here on out. He may still have some skills that could help.

He'd better have or they will be writing him out of the script in no time. :rofl:

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best line of the series so far was while they discussed Eugene's hair he referred to it as a Tennessee Top Hat.  i cracked up.   Eugene is straight up a rip off of the Kenny Powers character in East Bound and Down.  I love the comic relief he provided.  I wonder how scrambled his eggs are after face planting on the asphalt.


And what did it say on the apron to the firehouse after Eugene used his water gun on the walkers?

Edited by Mike.357
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I too was surprised that it came out this early. It will be interesting on how Eugene conducts himself from here on out. He may still have some skills that could help.

It won't be because of his quick wits, even though he may "know things".

Here's a group of hardened ZA warriors, who you've witnessed kill hundreds of zombies with little or no fear. You confess to lying all that time. You confess to sabotaging the mission multiple times. You admit that all the while you realize good people were dying to save your ass. Then you choose the biggest, strongest, best trained, most violent, guy known anger issues and tell him you're "still smarter than he is".

Sounds like something the dumbest guy in the group would do.
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It won't be because of his quick wits, even though he may "know things".

Here's a group of hardened ZA warriors, who you've witnessed kill hundreds of zombies with little or no fear. You confess to lying all that time. You confess to sabotaging the mission multiple times. You admit that all the while you realize good people were dying to save your ass. Then you choose the biggest, strongest, best trained, most violent, guy known anger issues and tell him you're "still smarter than he is".

Sounds like something the dumbest guy in the group would do.

I  know right? :rofl:

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Show is at a turning point, what will Abraham do now? 


I have not read the comics but feel like some of those, that Eugene was full of it.  I really sensed something at the church when Eugene didn't want to go.  Then later he tells Tara ( was was horny) that he sabatoged the van, Tara lost her mood at that pont.


As for Abraham who wanted to drive through the horde of walkers, he has lost it at that point.....if not before.


Can Eugene be of benefit for the group from here on out.....very doubtful. 


I am a volunteer fire fighter with some pumper training and can tell you the deck gun won't shoot out water without the engine running (but I know it's Hollywood).  Truck has a 500, or 1000 or 1500 gallon tank, depending on the model.  A deck gun will run out that tank very quickly.

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Show is at a turning point, what will Abraham do now? 


I have not read the comics but feel like some of those, that Eugene was full of it.  I really sensed something at the church when Eugene didn't want to go.  Then later he tells Tara ( was was horny) that he sabatoged the van, Tara lost her mood at that pont.


As for Abraham who wanted to drive through the horde of walkers, he has lost it at that point.....if not before.


Can Eugene be of benefit for the group from here on out.....very doubtful. 


I am a volunteer fire fighter with some pumper training and can tell you the deck gun won't shoot out water without the engine running (but I know it's Hollywood).  Truck has a 500, or 1000 or 1500 gallon tank, depending on the model.  A deck gun will run out that tank very quickly.


Yeah, that was a pretty big gaffe.  Worse than rifles with no rear sight.

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I don't know about you guys but I don't know if I'm more impressed by Maggie toting that Mosin.... or disappointed that Glen has the fancy AR while his wife packs the behemoth. Frankly though, I think I trust her aim more than his :D

Haha! I had some similar thoughts as I watched last night.

Does anybody else get all excited when you see them using "your" guns on the show? I've been happy to see my 3913, M&P, M44 Mosin, and a couple of my shotguns make appearances. :-D
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