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Inside story of a home invasion

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Some of you may know, I work for DCS in the field of Juvenile Justice and this week I attended a juvenile court hearing on the transfer of two juveniles to adult court.  They were charged with Aggravated Robbery and Aggravated Burglary in a home invasion on June 20th in Martin, TN.  Both were bound over to Circuit Court and now I can tell the rest of the story.


Will begin with the newspaper article, a 22 year old man awoke to find 4 males in his bedroom, in which, he hit in the face with a SKS rifle.  Later beaten up while the males tore through is house, eventually stealing his game consoles, some cash and credit cards.  They also poured water on his two TV’s.

I had many questions about the robbery and wondered why this 22 year old was targeted.  I went to his Facebook page and saw he was friends with some of my past clients to include drug dealers and users.  So hmmmm????


All came to light in the transfer hearing and was very interesting.  The victim was targeted due to that he was a small time drug dealer and was rumored to have $2K in cash and large amount of marijuana in the home.  When the 4 came into his house, they were demanding the money and “weed”.  Unable to find what they wanted, they roughed him up more and tore up his house.  Further testimony indicated this invasion was planned out at least a week in advance where my 16 year old probation client was recruiting an adult (that I had the pleasure of knowing from my work) and his young adult tipped off the soon to be victim.  Two times prior to the robbery, the victim stated that someone came to his door asking to use the phone at 2:30 am.  It was apparent to me, these thugs were probing the victim’s defenses and responses.  Turns out, there was no SKS involved; the thugs used metal pellet guns, two of which resembled MP-5’s. 

How were they caught?  The victim went to the hospital with a broken nose and gash on his head and police became involved.  The used the text message he received and connected one of the dots to the 16 year old and later one of his game consoles was turned out and the IP address led to one of the other invaders.  Another invader, when going to be questioned by police was wearing the victims expensive clothing. 


To sum up, there are probably many more of these types of episodes where the victim is involved in shady life doesn't want to be on police radar or fear from the thugs.

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Good that they were bound over to adult court; they need to go to prison. They can blame the victim all they want, but it’s to too bad they didn’t die when they walked into the room.

Maybe the court will slap them on the hand and give them probation. Although I would guess they have already been that route since they are pulling home invasions.

Next time they will kill the victim and then at least one of them will go away when the other rats him out. Unfortunately someone will probably have to die or be seriously injured before the acts.

Yes, I worked in the field also as a Police Officer. But I don’t call it “justice”. My daughter is a Probation Officer now. I hate the kind of dirt bags that will pull this crap and its why we need guns to defend ourselves from them.
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