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Confiscation of Registered Guns Begins in Illinois

<table bgcolor="#98b8cd" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="225"> <tbody><tr> <td width="100%">Chicago_swat224.jpg</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> Chicago Anti Gun Enforcement (CAGE) unit. This elite squad, operated jointly by the Illinois State Police, the Chicago Police Department, and the Cook County State's Attorney's Office, supposedly exists to identify illegal gunrunners. However, information gained by the ISRA makes it clear that the CAGE unit is targeting law-abiding citizens, not criminal gunrunners.</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

The Chicago Police Department and the Illinois State Police have teamed up to make good on Mayor Daley's pledge that, if it were up to him, nobody would have a gun. Daley and his elite "CAGE" unit are apparently taking advantage of gun privacy loopholes to pinpoint certain individuals for inclusion in the confiscation program.


ISRA is following up on leads in one case that has disturbing implications. An elderly first-generation Chicago resident was recently paid a visit by an Illinois State Police trooper. After asking to come inside the man's home, the trooper asked if the man owned a gun - to which he replied yes. The trooper then directed the individual to surrender the firearm. The man complied with the officer's demand and the trooper left with the gun. And the story gets better...

The gun in question was purchased legally by the man in the 1970s shortly after he became a U.S. citizen. When Chicago's infamous gun registration scheme went into effect in the early 1980s, the man registered the firearm as per the requirement. However, over the years, the fellow apparently forgot to re-register the firearm, and forgot to renew his Illinois FOID Card.

So...what does this all mean?

In the last edition of

The Illinois Shooter, we reported on the activities of a shady taskforce known as the Chicago Anti Gun Enforcement (CAGE) unit. This elite squad, operated jointly by the Illinois State Police, the Chicago Police Department, and the Cook County State's Attorney's Office, supposedly exists to identify illegal gunrunners. However, information gained by the ISRA makes it clear that the CAGE unit is targeting law-abiding citizens, not criminal gunrunners.

Thanks to a ruling by a liberal federal judge, the CAGE unit now has the name of every single person in the United States who, since 1992, lawfully purchased more than one handgun in the period of a week. The CAGE unit also has all the makes, models and serial numbers of those guns. In essence, the Chicago Police Department is now registering guns and gun owners nationwide.

The ISRA has also learned that the CAGE unit has compiled a list of families where more than one person in that family holds a FOID card. Acting on that information, the CAGE unit is now contacting gun shops where those families have shopped, and is illegally registering all guns purchased by those families.

Now, it appears that the CAGE unit is scrubbing Chicago's gun registration list against the list of FOID card holders. Indications are that folks who have let their registrations and FOIDs lapse will have their guns confiscated. We have to wonder how long it will be until state troopers show up at the doors to confiscate the guns of non-Chicago residents who have let their FOIDs expire.

More later as this story develops.

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I think this is a travesty against justice and law abiding people everywhere. How can they sit idly by and let this happen. Hasn't ANYONE in Chicago heard about the 2nd Amendment? Where is the ACLU and the NRA on this one?


First mistake, living in Illinois. Second mistake, letting the cop inside without a warrant. Third mistake, not calling your lawyer when the cop entered the home. Fourth mistake, not voting with your feet and leaving what is probably the 2nd or 3rd most socialist state in the union for a free state.

All jokes aside, the insane firearms laws in Illinois are why I turned down a job there 2 years ago.

Guest tjbert47

Saw this on another site a few days ago. UNBELIEVABLE thats all I can say. But then it is IL.

Tom in TN


Courts will overturn this, but it should never have come to this point in the first place.

Even the FOID cards are not legal according to the constitution because requiring a person to have one with the penalty of not having one being fines, jailtime, and gun confiscation is an infringement on the right to keep and bear arms.


Illinois courts won't overturn this. SCOTUS will have to be the ones to overturn it. Illinois courts are all in the collective pocket of the gangsters who run Chicago and the rest of the corrupt state. How else would you get a state where only the board of Mayor and Aldermen for the city of Chicago are allowed to carry a concealed handgun?


Friends, I just couldn't live there. NO WAY. I KNOW what would happen when "THEY" come by for MY gun, so the best thing for me to do is just stay out of that state ENTIRELY!!



You and me both RN.

I KNOW what will happen if they come to my door...

"may I come inside?"

Not without a warrant.

"why are you hiding something?"

What I do is my own business. if you want to know, get a warrrant.

The Illinois state police are the ones that advocate that a woman throw up on herself to avoid being raped.

if there were ever a better example of collective stupidity, I haven't seen it.

  towerclimber37 said:
You and me both RN.

I KNOW what will happen if they come to my door...

"may I come inside?"

Not without a warrant.

Always the correct response.


I am ashamed to say (for firearms purposes) that Illinois is my home state and that I was a LEO in Illinois.

Illinois is in a race with California to see who can outlaw firearms first.

But to those of you that think this is a 2nd amendment issue…

The Illinois courts and the 7th Federal circuit has interpreted the 2nd as a protection of the states right; not the rights of the individual. Until the SCOTUS rules on whether or not the 2nd is an individual right; nothing can be done. There are groups trying to push the SCOTUS to make a decision on the 2nd; as guns owners I am sure we will not like the ruling they make.

Now let’s look at Tennessee. Does Tennessee recognize the 2nd amendment as an individual right? No. If they did you wouldn’t need a carry permit. You are allowed to carry in Tennessee because your legislators have given you the privilege of having a carry permit. They do not recognize this as having anything to do with the 2nd amendment.

I think it is important to understand this because if you do not understand where your ability to be able to carry comes from; you are in danger of losing it.

Being a former resident of Illinois I understand that the firearm privileges I enjoy do not come from the United States Constitution and I thank my Tennessee legislators.

Guest Old Chief

What else could you expect from a bunch of liberal democrats? Wait untill Hillery or Obama is in the White House.

  Old Chief said:
What else could you expect from a bunch of liberal democrats? Wait untill Hillery or Obama is in the White House.

Goodness knows I agree with you in spirit, but it should be noted that there have been more than a few law-makers with an R after their name who haven't been altogether supportive either... And there are a number of Democrats who's agendas aren't tyrannical and self-serving.

Ideology isn't a party issue... but a personal one. Certain parties simply attract individuals with socialist ideals more frequently.


Just look at a certain former mayor of NYC who's trying to get elected to higher office if you need to see a gun grabbing republican... And the current mayor of NYC if you wish to see another gun grabbing republican with delusions of grandeur.

  • 4 weeks later...

If they really want to do something about crime in the Chicago area, they need to start hanging polliticians.

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