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Concealed Carry- Alabama

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I will be traveling to Alabama quite often in the future. I have been reading up on the reciprocity laws and they are confusing. The AL State website(http://www.ago.alabama.gov/issue/pistol.htm) states there is a reciprocity agreement, but the TN DOS website (http://www.state.tn.us/safety/handgunmain.htmstates )that there is not agreement, but the TN HCP is recognized.

So what is the right answer? Is there any restriction on carrying in AL?

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I do not think TN and AL have a written reciprocity agreement, but according to this DOS page AL recognizes TN permits.

All but 15 states have reciprocity with or recognize TN permits.

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According to Handgunlaw.us the off-limit places in AL are:


During a demonstration at a public place

In a vehicle within 1000' of a demonstration in a public place.

For definitions of those terms you can see the above website.

Also some confusion is caused because local sheriff's can place restrictions on permits they issue. But those restrictions only apply to that permit, such as no carry in places that serve alcohol. They do not apply to permits issued by other sheriff's or out of state permit holders.

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Between the 2 websites I listed, I was just concerned about Alabama's no reciprocity agreement, but recognizes TN HCP. I might have to stay at a Holiday Inn Express to understand that.

To me its just symantecs, but I want to be legally correct. Based on all sites I have seen, I can carry concealed in AL with my TN permit. I'm not one for open carry. I prefer to have the element of surprise if I need it.

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I don't generally Open Carry either, but support those that choose to.

Back when different states started issuing carry permits, many only recognized a different states permit if the two states had a written reciprocity agreement between them, TN was like that. But now TN as with many other states, simply recognize and valid permit from any other state.

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Reciprocity figures mainly in moving form one state to another, or working therein.

Say you move to TN from a state with which TN has reciprocity. You are required to get a TN permit within 6 months, but:

"Such person will be processed as a renewal applicant if the eligibility requirements of the other state are substantially similar to the eligibility requirements of Tennessee"

The "substantially similar" states are the ones with which TN has done reciprocity. Saves having to do the whole HCP process from scratch as a newbie (and saves money).

Also, you are exempt from one of the "working in TN" rules, which is:

"A person who is employed in this state for at least thirty (30) hours a week for six (6) consecutive months is required to obtain a Tennessee handgun carry permit within six (6) months from the last day of the sixth month of regular employment in Tennessee." (number 5)

"The above number 5 will not apply if the state of residence of the person employed in Tennessee has entered into a reciprocity agreement with Tennessee."

For simply carrying in another state, "reciprocity" and "recognition" have no practical differences.

- OS

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Guest rockytop

I suspect the reason for Tn not have a reciprosity agreement with Al is that in Al, you didn't use to have to complete any formal training in order to obtain a permit. My daughter only had to go to the Courthouse, make application, and pay the licensing fee. I don't believe she even had to be fingerprinted. That was about eight years ago. I think the requirements even vary from county to county. If this isn't correct, someone please speak up.

Edited by rockytop
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TN DOES recognize/honor AL permits !

- OS


Again TN recognizes ALL permits from ANY state.

But it is true that permits in AL are issued by the local sheriff, I don't know about the requirements being different, but each sheriff can add his on restrictions to the permit he issues.

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Guest rockytop
TN DOES recognize/honor AL permits !

- OS

Thanks for pointing that out. I have edited the original post to indicate Tn probably does not have a reciprocity agreement with Al due to Al not requiring classroom instruction/testing and qualifying. This may have changed in the recent past.

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Guest abailey362

any officer you asked 2 years ago would say TN did not honor an AL permite (i had one at the time) but I know cops dont always know everything.

When I got my AL permit (Madison County) the sheet of paper they gave me specified that handguns MUST be concealed. Not sure if this has changed (was about 4 or 5 years ago) or if that was a county specific rule. I'm sitting in Birmingham right now and just made a couple of stops with my Sig on my side..concealed. No issues to report :dirty:

All I really know is I hope I'm not near a demonstration because with the 234234 lines of the law that address it, it can't be good lol

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The nice thing about Alabama is having a concealed pistol license does allow you to carry inside K-12 schools and of course colleges. It is against state law to carry inside K-12 schools in Alabama UNLESS you have a license. You can of course, under state law, carry virtually anywhere except protests. You can carry inside bars, college football games (you might be asked to leave if found out), local parks, local/state government buildings, and there is no such thing as a 'legal' no gun sign like in TN that can get you fined.

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I suspect the reason for Tn not have a reciprosity agreement with Al is that in Al, you didn't use to have to complete any formal training in order to obtain a permit. My daughter only had to go to the Courthouse, make application, and pay the licensing fee. I don't believe she even had to be fingerprinted. That was about eight years ago. I think the requirements even vary from county to county. If this isn't correct, someone please speak up.

I think you are correct. My sister and her husband in Madison Co. AL told me basically the same thing. It did not cost much either.

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Guest abailey362

cost was $15 for 1 year. The official permit is a piece of paper. for $10 more you get a chincy looking hard plastic card. 2 page application and a few weeks wait is all it took me.

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