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The old days

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I would watch old tv stuff all the time if I could.  Tim Conway, Johnny Carson, Emergency, 6 Million Dollar Man, even Chips, to name a few....


Do NOT go see any of Melissa McCarthy's movies, nothing but cussing from beginning to end.  Made the mistake of watching Identity Theft thinking she would be funny from watching Mike and Molly...... wrong


There are some modern shows I do like but not many.

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I haven't watched any of the so-called comedy movies or TV sit-coms in years. Nothing but lewd, vulgar or suggestive stuff that I find to be too stupid to be funny. Just further evidence of how far our society is sinking.

Actually I REALLY enjoy Big Bang Theory but then I've always been a bit of a geek/nerd. If my career path hadn't gone the way it did I would have been very happy as an astro-physicist ;)

BBT is a little "lose" sexually but nothing like what you see in movies or other shows and all the characters seem to opting for traditional marriage (even if the were a bit lose sexually before getting there) ;) Edited by RobertNashville
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[quote name="LINKS2K" post="1159397" timestamp="1402875225"]I love that movie. Each time that I watch it is like the first time. I also enjoy "It's A Wonderful Life".[/quote] We netflixed it in the mail since they didn't have it on streaming. They have a kids area in the Clarksville Customs House Museum set up as a Wizard of Oz tribute, so we were inspired to have them watch the movie after taking them there. I don't care that entertainment has so much lewdness in it, I just wish that there was enough decency to censor that stuff during hours where one would have their kids watching tv. For example, when this horrible premise of a show called "Mistresses" was being promoted, we just had the morning news show on, then a commercial comes on for this show and it's like soft core porn. I'm no prude, but damn. I want my kids to stay innocent as long as they can. How are parents supposed to be the censor when you can't even have the morning news on without there being something wildly inappropriate shown? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I bought a Roku 3 streaming box and have enjoyed it. Hook up was easy and has worked flawlessly on our home wifi. It will stream all the major services (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, YouTube, etc.) as well as many more lesser known channels. A lot of classic content and some real offbeat stuff. Good way to kill a few hours decompressing.

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To me, words are just that - words.  To me, a word can no more be offensive than a gun can commit a crime.  Just like firearms are inanimate objects, words are just words and 'offensive' or not lies in the use.  Is the word 'fork' offensive"?  No?  Then why do people get so bent out of shape over another four letter word that begins with 'f' and ends with 'k'?


The fact is that people use such language in real life.  We don't live in Mayberry (thank God) so any movie that is for adults and is intended to portray anything approaching real speech is likely to have some 'swear' words.  Now, I will agree that throwing in such words simply for their own sake can indicate a weakness of ability on the part of the writers.


Another fact is that sex and sexual situations are a part of real life so why should it be such a shock that such situations would show up in movies?  Again, if the movie is a one-trick pony that relies solely on such situations and that type of humor then that probably indicates weak writers.



You can't beat the Andy Griffith Show!


But I wish I could.  With a ball bat until it just finally went away, already.  I am so sick of that show that just hearing the opening whistle tune turns my stomach (no, I don't still watch it on purpose but it still seems like I can't escape it.)

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Watch reruns of All in the Family . Archie will set you straight


Maybe follow up by listening to some Lenny Bruce - maybe even find his animated short about the 'masked man'.  That is a Long Ranger parody in which the masked man has certain plans for Tonto. (Masked Man: "I've heard about it, read some exposes and I want to try it.  See how bad it really is.")  That isn't all it is about but that is pretty much how the short ends - with the masked man and Tonto riding off into the sunset holding hands.  It is on YouTube.  It is funny as all get out but I won't post the link, here.  Bruce died in 1966 so he was definitely part of the 'old days' being discussed, here.


Speaking of comedians, ever hear any of Redd Foxx's non Sanford and Son stuff?  Ever catch a broadcast of Richard Pryor Live on the Sunset Strip (from 1982)?


Personally, I think that the funniest movie of all time is "Blazing Saddles".  There is some 'language' and plenty of innuendo in that movie - and it came out in 1974.  Ever seen "The Kentucky Fried Movie" from 1977?  Another very funny movie (actually, kind of a movie made up of various skits) and loaded with such things.  The first time I saw the 'Danger Seekers' skit from that movie was one of the only times in my life I have literally laughed until I cried (and the odd thing is that I don't know that anyone would get away with that skit, today.)


"Monty Python's Flying Circus", which ran from 1969 until 1974 - as well as the movies from the same folks - had loads of innuendo and sexual situations.  They also represented some of the funniest comedy ever made, IMO.


You want to talk sexual innuendo?  Listen to some old blues - and I mean some of the really old stuff.  There was a song by a singer named Komomo Arnold that came out back in the 1930s in which he was asking the Lord to send him a woman - and then he says something along the lines of, "Lord if you can't send me no woman : please send me some
sissy man




Point is, this stuff ain't nothing new.  There were bawdy songs played and sung in the 'dance halls' of the Old West that went for the 'cheap laugh'.  There were tawdry stories and plays with a humorous intent in Elizabethan England, during Shakespeare's time and before (some of Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" fit that description.)  The very words 'debauchery' and 'bacchanalian' come from rites performed in celebration of one of the gods of Ancient Rome.   I wouldn't doubt that the paintings on the walls of the caves at Lascaux depicted sexual situations.  Heck, if we could literally translate some of that stuff we'd probably find some course language in there, too.

Edited by JAB
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Can't believe no one has mentioned Jerry Clower yet.  Haaaaaw!   :lol:



Most TV these days is garbage.  My wife found some Carole Burnett Show episodes on youtube  (I think).  Hadn't seen that in a long time... still really funny. 



And speaking of Bill Cosby... politics aside, every prospective parent should sit down and watch "Bill Cosby, Himself"  several times.  It's all true.

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I'm pretty tolerant of about any language and content on TV and in movies. May be the generation thing, or some of the jobs I've done, or a combination. That shouldn't suggest that I think modern TV or movies are enjoyable. Most suck...bad. Take out most of the language, sex, agendas, and scatological jokes and there isn't much left other than some shallow people.


I almost just read old books more that anything else these days, because I think most programming is trash. Breaking Bad, Psych, Wilfred, House of Cards, Burn Notice, are a few of the newer shows I enjoy, but they are anything but clean. Duck Dynasty and Phineas and Ferb are about the only clean shows I like.

Edited by Ted S.
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 Take out most of the language, sex, agendas, and scatological jokes and there isn't much left other than some shallow people.


And to me that is the real problem.  To mention "Blazing Saddles", again - as well as other Mel Brooks movies like Spaceballs (another of the funniest movies ever made) - sure some of the gags and comedy in those was silly, vulgar or crass but you could tell that a lot of intelligent thought went into that silliness and some consideration went into the vulgarity and crassness.  In other words, those things were included on purpose for a particular comedic effect, not just thrown in because they were expected.  There was a scene in "Blazing Saddles" where a bunch of cowboys are sitting around a campfire eating beans and farting.  That was funny - not just because of the farts but because it played on the stereotype you always saw in Westerns where guys on the trail are constantly eating beans.  We all know what beans do to you but no movie that I know of had made that connection, before.  In that case, then, the farts weren't just thrown in there to have a fart joke/scene but actually served to further the parody of Westerns by acknowledging the results of eating all those beans.  I mean, the way many of the old Westerns would have it cowboys on the trail lived on beans and not much more.  If that were the case, they probably produced more methane than the cows they were herding and Brooks was pointing that out.


The same idea is true of most of Monty Python's comedy - those guys had to be geniuses to come up with some of the silly things they came up with and to carry them off in such a funny way.  Many of today's movies have silliness and vulgarity for the sake of silliness and vulgarity rather than as a part of truly satirical comedy.  I think that is why I thought the show Beavis and Butthead was really funny and always hated South Park - the former was comedy making fun of a couple of teenage losers while the latter was just an excuse to create a character that was, literally, an animated piece of feces.

Edited by JAB
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You can't beat the Andy Griffith Show!

I agree 100%! I'm in the Middle Tennessee viewing area, and try to watch the Andy Griffith Show re-runs every night from 10PM to 11PM on channel 30...M-F. If all of the people in this country had a "Mayberry" upbringing, it wouldn't be in the awful mess it's in today! Of course, I don't see too much political correctness in Mayberry. Thankfully, I was raised in a community much like Mayberry...but...it sure ain't like Mayberry today!

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tv and movies have gone to crap.    the social issues that they push is getting old.   we start watching a program and here come the homo part or some other social issue.  off it goes.  

I agree with you. It seems "Hollywood" has been in the social engineering (brainwashing) business for four or five decades now. When I pay for entertainment, I'm insulted that they are charging me to push their social agenda, that I totally disagree with. It's sad...the moral condition our society has decayed into.

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I agree with you. It seems "Hollywood" has been in the social engineering (brainwashing) business for four or five decades now. When I pay for entertainment, I'm insulted that they are charging me to push their social agenda, that I totally disagree with. It's sad...the moral condition our society has decayed into.


But if demand stimulates supply, one must wonder whether it is the programmers programming the people to like trash, or if the masses just like trash and the trash just happens to be a vessel for programming the people who like it....

Edited by Ted S.
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I was trying to tell my kids about Bill Cosby. To them, he is just a babbling old liberal, but his early comedy was really funny. Fat Albert (not the cartoon) and buck-buck. That was some funny stuff.

"Buck buck number one come in!"..."Now I told you that story to tell you this one..."

One of the greatest routines of all times.
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But if demand stimulates supply, one must wonder whether it is the programmers programming the people to like trash, or if the masses just like trash and the trash just happens to be a vessel for programming the people who like it....

You're right. Children no longer show due respect for people older than them. I was taught to say Yes Sir...No Sir, Yes Mam...No Mam (sp?) . W didn't say yes and no, to people older than us. Generations have been desensitized to violence, profanity, and casual sex. Initially, I believe it was a break down from the home, and family structure. We have generations that are more concerned about the welfare of a pet, or a tree...or mother earth, than they are about their fellow human beings. I was very fortunate to have a family that loved me enough to discipline me when I needed it...and I don't mean "time out" either! We once grew tough, hearty, men that respected our women...men with a conscience, and a backbone...trustworthy men of integrity and patriotism...men that weren't afraid to clean someone's clock if they crossed the the social boundaries. We had winners, and losers...not everyone got a trophy for just showing up. We never had the horrific thought to kill anyone, not to mention our classmates, even though most of us had a Marlin .30-30 and a shotgun in the gun racks in our pickups every day. We were taught to respect all females as ladies, at least until they proved themselves otherwise. Us boys wouldn't ever use the "F" word in front of ladies...and ladies never used it! We now have a culture of men that seem like wimps, and a culture of females that curse so as to make a sailor blush! We've gone from good to bad...in my personal opinion. Our people, and our Nation, seem to have lost their moral compass,sadly. Common decency, respect, and patriotism, is not Pollyanna! We need to get back to it, or go the way of the great empires before us...on the trash heap of history. IMHO.

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[quote name="JAB" post="1159592" timestamp="1402946766"]And to me that is the real problem. To mention "Blazing Saddles", again - as well as other Mel Brooks movies like Spaceballs (another of the funniest movies ever made) - sure some of the gags and comedy in those was silly, vulgar or crass but you could tell that a lot of intelligent thought went into that silliness and some consideration went into the vulgarity and crassness. In other words, those things were included on purpose for a particular comedic effect, not just thrown in because they were expected. There was a scene in "Blazing Saddles" where a bunch of cowboys are sitting around a campfire eating beans and farting. That was funny - not just because of the farts but because it played on the stereotype you always saw in Westerns where guys on the trail are constantly eating beans. We all know what beans do to you but no movie that I know of had made that connection, before. In that case, then, the farts weren't just thrown in there to have a fart joke/scene but actually served to further the parody of Westerns by acknowledging the results of eating all those beans. I mean, the way many of the old Westerns would have it cowboys on the trail lived on beans and not much more. If that were the case, they probably produced more methane than the cows they were herding and Brooks was pointing that out. The same idea is true of most of Monty Python's comedy - those guys had to be geniuses to come up with some of the silly things they came up with and to carry them off in such a funny way. Many of today's movies have silliness and vulgarity for the sake of silliness and vulgarity rather than as a part of truly satirical comedy. I think that is why I thought the show Beavis and Butthead was really funny and always hated South Park - the former was comedy making fun of a couple of teenage losers while the latter was just an excuse to create a character that was, literally, an animated piece of feces.[/quote] I don't know - the "douche and turd" episode made a brilliant mockery of US politics -students given a choice of voting for a giant douche or a turd sandwich? Genius!
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