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Great TN Air Show June 14/15

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The Blue Angels will be there this year, planning on going Sunday. Anyone else going?

If so, are you buying tickets to get onto the airport grounds or is there a good spot to park and watch for free? Been a couple of years, but I remember the park across the road was blocked off so is there anywhere else close that we could park and have a good view of the planes?

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I went the last time they were in town to see the actual show. They and the Thunderbirds circle out over Percy Priest lake and fly right over my house on their approach to the runway. They are so low that I could hit them with a rock if they weren't moving so fast, (not that I would mind you).

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Would love to go but just don't think the kiddies are up for being out in the sun all day. I miss real airshows.


^^^ That is part of the reason I want to find a place to park and not pay to get onto the airport grounds. If my daughter gets too cranky and my wife wants to leave, I don't want to be out the admission fees and not be able to see the entire show.

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^^^ That is part of the reason I want to find a place to park and not pay to get onto the airport grounds. If my daughter gets too cranky and my wife wants to leave, I don't want to be out the admission fees and not be able to see the entire show.


I bit far away for me to do that.  And if I'm in, I'm in all day.  I could wander around and look at airplanes for hours. 

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....  And if I'm in, I'm in all day.  I could wander around and look at airplanes for hours. 


Me too.


I know I can and should google this...but anyone know if there will be any ride opportunities this time? I really got wired up on the B-17 ride last fall.

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Maybe a stupid question but is the event posted?


What items are NOT allowed?

The following items are NOT allowed:
•Glass containers
•Narcotics and paraphernalia
•Roller blades or skates

Edited by DaveTN
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-taking my 6yr old son on Sunday.  I can't tell you how excited I am for him to see it all.  



I'll be doing it cheaply by staying at my wife's BIL's hanger on the other side of the airport. Hopefully the rain will stay away.


**alingo2001 - I'll be thinking about you in the shade!   B)

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I went the last time they were in town to see the actual show. They and the Thunderbirds circle out over Percy Priest lake and fly right over my house on their approach to the runway. They are so low that I could hit them with a rock if they weren't moving so fast, (not that I would mind you).


We're in the same neighborhood - best show is on Friday when they practice.  I think they line up on the cul-de-sac at the end of our street to make the run toward the airport.  It's pretty impressive to see them diving right at you, then level off over the rooftops at high speed.

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Watched them over the house this afternoon. It amazes me more every time I see them. The way they fly so close together and move in perfect unison. Enjoyed it greatly. I love when they fly directly over the house....then the sound comes :)

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[quote name="JPS" post="1158895" timestamp="1402758915"]best show is on Friday when they practice[/quote] Buddy of mine is the Manager of operations (or something to that effect) over the Smyrna airport and said the same thing. He's actually gotten to hang out with them a little since they've been here. Picture from practice he sent me e2a3a9ag.jpg

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Damn, it looks like it was a great show. I haven't been to this show in years. I used to live near the airport and would see them practicing over my house and could even watch a good part of the show for free, but I always preferred to go and sit right up on the flight line all day long.

I really wanted to go again this year, and had planned to buy the tickets on Friday afternoon pending a good weather forecast, but I aggravated my injuries trying to help a friend move on Friday so I spent all day Saturday and most of Sunday recovering. Now I just have to hope that they do another show next year.

Did they do any ground demonstrations besides the jet truck? Like the strafing runs, helicopter insertion / evac, bombing runs, etc? I always thought those provided a nice variety instead of just flying plane after plane, especially for the youngsters.

I would really love to see some live-fire shows like they do out in the desert. Warthog, Apache, etc.
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