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Dogs Barking


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Next door 5 dogs on property all in seperate out door kennels.  Not really an issue but once I step out side they start barking,  last week I was installing fencing on our property making minimal sounds the dogs barked in excess of 4 hours constantly between the 5 of them.  Finally I had enough and went inside and put on my ear muffs that I use when shooting.  Which really helped but thats not a long term solution. I want to be a good nieghbor but I would really like to sit out on my deck at 5:30 in the a.m and relax and enjoy a cup of coffee with out hearing the dogs bark for the entire period of time.  If I had to  guess I would say the dogs are barking becuase they recevie little to no human attention.  I thought of throwing one of my dogs rawhide bones over to it to see what happens but i thought what if the dog chokees on it etc.  I dont want to be  jerk but I also dont want to have to listent to this constantly.  I have talked to them next door and he said yeah they bark all the time yes I have noticed and then he said well between the tv in the house we just shut all the doors and we dont hear it! So I am at a loss as it seems they really are not intersted in even addressing the issue.  Thoughts?

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Have the same problem here...if you are in city limits call Animal Control to address the issue....out in the county (like me) you are SOL as far as barking goes. A tall privacy fence might help, to keep you out of their line of sight, but since their "owner" will do nothing about it the legal options are limited.......just my :2cents:

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Make a recording of a bear growling, put it on repeat and turn it up.

I hd a similar problem, kid blasting his rap at all hours. Recorded a machine gun, pointed the speaker right at his house and cranked it up, music quit, I'd turn it off, music back loud, I turned it on. Took about 2 hrs for him to get the idea. Haven't heard the rolling boom box in months.
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Yes we live in the county I just looked it up on the web seems like there is something that is called bark off and a bunch of similar products that seem to have an operating range that would be in range.  I want to go to Gouger Mountain this a.m so it might be worth a trip to Petco.   we have two dogs and they may bark if some one comes up to the house they dont recognize but thats it.  One is a St Benard so he does not care for the heat so he spends most of the time inside very well behaved well trained dog and he is basically my Son's bodyguard found that out when one of the movers whom Buster did not care for went Near my son Buster planted him self right in front of him and stayed at his side until the mover had left.  So I really appreciate dogs and they are great family pets.  Just don't appreciate ones that dont stop barking from 4 am on.

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Make a recording of a bear growling, put it on repeat and turn it up.

I hd a similar problem, kid blasting his rap at all hours. Recorded a machine gun, pointed the speaker right at his house and cranked it up, music quit, I'd turn it off, music back loud, I turned it on. Took about 2 hrs for him to get the idea. Haven't heard the rolling boom box in months.



Thats an Idea maybe I should just start shooting the Mini 14 every time the dog starts barking Hmm . Ah I guess that would not work because then I would be annoying others I am sure.  Gotta be something i can do.

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Have the same problem here...if you are in city limits call Animal Control to address the issue....out in the county (like me) you are SOL as far as barking goes. A tall privacy fence might help, to keep you out of their line of sight, but since their "owner" will do nothing about it the legal options are limited.......just my :2cents:



We have a hedge line about 12 feet tall on the property line so I am guessing its hearing us? 

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I've always wondered if these things actually work, maybe you could find something similar?




It claims to have a 300 foot range and has a 45 day money back guarantee, so you could at least get your money back if it doesn't work.

Edited by Sam1
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Check your county noise ordinance. Also, have you talked with the neighbor? Any chance he'll be accommodating?



Talked to him after about two weeks of non stop barking His thoughts were basically close you windows and dont go outside it wont be a problem then. 

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I have a number of chronic barkers around me. Of 5 - 6 dog families near us, only one attempts to quiet their animals. Very discouraging. In my experience, dog owners that care actually care are very rare. We are absolutely unable to sit outside without a barker. Edited by R_Bert
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My family all live out in the country on adjacent properties and had a new person move to their area who had several German shepherds he'd just leave outside to bark all day. Their properties were separated by several acres, but the barking was still a nuisance. He engaged the neighbor about it and his response was to "deal with it" since they live out in the country. So my uncle came by one of those air horns they have on old trains and pointed it at this dude's house. When the dogs started barking he'd hit that horn repeatedly. Dude comes over on his four wheeler after a few days of this to raise hell at my uncle; the two of them have it out in the yard, end up having a few beers together and coming to an agreement. Folks who have no regard for others should not be surprised when others show no regard for them. If your neighbor just blew you off then your only options are to live with it or start some drama and hope he gets the message. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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If they are in violation of any local noise ordnance or covenant, or the dogs are treated in an inhumane manner, then you just report them to the local LEO, HOA, humane society, or ASPCA until it stops. If they live outside 24x7 then you just go out on your back deck in the middle of the night and phone in the noise violation, repeating as needed until the fines become too much. If no ordnance or rule is violated and the dogs are treated humanely, then maybe ask the guy why he even has the dogs if he never lets them inside, doesn't play with them or take them out, and he tries to shut out their barking as well. He just might be indifferent to owning them in which case you could offer to help find them better homes, heck even offer him a small fee to buy them if he agrees not to get more. Another option would be to go over and play with his dog's or pet them often until they get used to seeing you, and maybe then they won't bark so much. But the best answer isn't one you'll like. If you don't want to deal with the nuisance of neighbors and their behavior which you can't control, then don't live in crowded subdivisions. Move to the country or anywhere you can get at least 5 acres. Then you don't need to worry about your neighbors, and you can bark at night whenever you like. :-)
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I feel your pain, brother. I live in a rural neighborhood and have had to deal with rude neighbors for the past 10 years or so. Dogs, boom cars, parties till 3am, you name it. Things change eventually. The dogs are gone now, and the parties have stopped, no more boom cars, because the teenagers grew up and moved away.


Still, it's maddening when you're right in the middle of it. That said, I'm going to go buy a couple of airhorns this week and keep them handy.

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Sadly people can be amazingly dickish: here's a text exchange i had with a neighbor who has his dog in a 8x8 enclosure 24x7x365: ME: So how do you wish me to proceed when the dog is howling? Just Inform you when its an issue, or provide "proof" so you believe me its actually occuring? Neighbor: So what you saying he can't howl at all. Only at night is what I want to know about ME: I'm saying continuous howling is a problem when it goes on for 15, 20, 30 minutes or more at a stretch. Neighbor: O WELL!!!He is a dog you know! Do you want me to shoot him in the head are what?! ME: He's your dog - and you are responsible to manage the noise. It's your decision to leave him outside 24/7. You are in control of the situation Needless to say the only thing that worked was calling the police repeatedly and finally having an officer come out who witnesses the barking and confines animal. He told the neighbor that if he came out again he'd be fined for violating the noise ordinance and a bark collar was a whole lot cheaper. Amazingly, when faces with a fine he went out and bought the collar, which worked remarkably well. All that said, mrs hershmeister and i are planning a new home in the county on acreage soon....
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Buy some firecrackers. I have a neighbor that has a dog that "used" to bark all the time. He would bark for hours on end . Talked to the guy and he said "If you don't like it maybe you should move."

After that each time I went outside and the dog started barking I'd tell it to be quite then light a pack of firecrackers. After about 2 weeks I'd tell the dog to be quite and he would quit barking. I haven't had to use the fireworks in over a year now.
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Most of the ultrasonic bark systems don't work unless it is boredom barking, which this is not. Can you reach the dogs with a hose? If so squirt them when they bark. It won't take long before they get the idea. If you can give them a command when you squirt and after a while they will just quiet to the command. The root of the issue is that dogs don't understand property lines, so in their mind you are in their territory and they are supposed to alert the pack leader. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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Unfortunately most of us at one time or another has had issues with neighbors over 1 issue or another. When I moved here 17 years ago people that lived in a rental house two doors down that has cats. I'm not talking a couple cats. People that knew them said that as best they could tell they owned about 30 + with some inside and some out door cats. At the time the only dog I had with the hairless ugly dog, Buttons. Many of the cats were larger than him and they would wander the neighborhood. They had only lived there about 4 months when the landlord served them notice to move because of complaints by all their neighbors. It took him two trips to court to get the evicted by the Sheriff but the Deputies refused to move the stuff out of the house because of the smell. When the people finally did move they took 5 cats with them and left about 40 running loose in the neighborhood. i made a deal with Animal Control that is they would supply the traps I would supply the bait. They brought me out 8 catch live traps. I placed them all around my out buildings and everyday the Patrol truck would stop by and pick up the full traps and leave empty ones in their place and I would bait them and this went on for about two months until  there was only one cat left but it was to big to fit in the standard traps. They had to bring me one out for medium size dogs. Evidently the cat had been in a trap before so was not really easy to catch. Normal foods would not get it to go in. Buddy of mine stopped in and we wee talking about it. He said I will bring you some bait for it. The following evening he showed up with a catfish  alive in a cooler about 2 pounds . he left it and cooler and told me not to put it in the trap till almost dark and put the trap right near where the cat was coming in and out from under an out building. I did as he said and put the live catfish in the trap. The following morning I had a big yellow tom cat in the cage and it was not happy at all. I called Animal Control out and they loaded the cage trap and my cat days were over. It cost that landlord not only all the court costs to get them people out but cost him almost 20 grand to redo the entire interior of the house. Had to replace everything including the insulation in the walls to remove that cat smell from the house. When it was completed the for rent sign did not go up in front yard. For Sale sign we up and he sold it about a month later. I do have issues with neighbors up front but not really an issue. They have these little in house dogs that they put on cables during the day from time to time to let them out of house for a while and like all little dogs they are yappers and yap at anything and everything but they are only out a short time so not really a issue.  Good luck with your barking issue  and hope you get it resolved before it comes to blows with the neighbor................ :up: :up:

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Most of the ultrasonic bark systems don't work unless it is boredom barking, which this is not. Can you reach the dogs with a hose? If so squirt them when they bark. It won't take long before they get the idea. If you can give them a command when you squirt and after a while they will just quiet to the command. The root of the issue is that dogs don't understand property lines, so in their mind you are in their territory and they are supposed to alert the pack leader. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


The ones from Kmart don't. The ones with very high sound pressure levels (135 db spl) are painful. In fact, I wouldn't leave the blaster on very long, because it would damage the dog's hearing. Didn't need to. He would hide in his house when I fired up the blaster. My problem dog was mostly boredom barking, but not all. It was the neighbor's dog. Finally got him trained. Didn't matter if he was barking to get his sorry ass owners' attention, or at one of the neighborhood cats.

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I feel bad reading all of this.


I have a dog that barks.


However I feel better knowing that apparently I am one of the only folks that actually cares. When Bandit barks, I tell her to stop. She stops. I don't let her bark longer than a minute without correcting the issue.

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Barking seems to be a dog thing, but I'm no vet......My parents keep a dog and for the most part keep him trained fairly well (better than most domestic dogs I've known)...but, if other dogs in the neighborhood bark, he barks too....if he senses someone or something unfamiliar encroaching upon "his" territory, he will bark, and even run to investigate unless on a leash. Most other dogs do the same.

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Barking seems to be a dog thing, but I'm no vet......My parents keep a dog and for the most part keep him trained fairly well (better than most domestic dogs I've known)...but, if other dogs in the neighborhood bark, he barks too....if he senses someone or something unfamiliar encroaching upon "his" territory, he will bark, and even run to investigate unless on a leash. Most other dogs do the same.



I refer to that as the "All Dog Alarm" situation....when multiple dogs sound off it does get my attention, however my dog Ruger is not allowed to bark for more than a minute...he is an indoor dog and a force to be reckoned with so I keep him quiet except for the unknown person alert...he does have a deep grizzly bear growl that I am proud of....

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I feel bad reading all of this.


I have a dog that barks.


However I feel better knowing that apparently I am one of the only folks that actually cares. When Bandit barks, I tell her to stop. She stops. I don't let her bark longer than a minute without correcting the issue.



Barking in of itself is not an issue. Dogs bark. It's what they do. 


I start getting annoyed at ~15 minutes (irritation directed at owner, not the animal), and very pissed by 3-4 hours (especially when I am trying to sleep or study). We have one close-by dog that routinely barks 1-2 hours straight, several times a day.  We have another that if allowed, barks for 15-20 minutes *every time* it sees *any* movement - people walking, dogs, cats, birds, squirrels, skunks, rabbits and so on). And it will continue to bark as long as it sees something.


One set of dogs bark non-stop when their owner is outside working in the yard (among other stimuli).  And they do absolutely nothing to stop it.

Edited by R_Bert
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The only time Bandit barks is when kids run through the back yard and jump the fence, or someone walks down the breezeway.


If she is outside, on the leash with me, she won't bark at anything. Including dogs barking at her. As obviously, the pack leader is there, and is already aware of any minute detail she could pickup.

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Well, lets look at this from a dogs perspective if that is possible. Has anyone ever considered how dogs feel when they are in a  house and people are always talking. Is that annoying to dogs. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe dogs have the ability to just tune us out unless talking directly to them by first calling them by name. A dog that spends most of it's life inside and television is on the dog hears people talking continuously!! Is the dog able to just tune that out or do they have to listen to it all the time. When i am going to bring Kasey in doors many times I will turn off the TV just to give her a break from all the talking. Then when I do speak she is a lot more attentive to what i say and responds in ways I know she is actually listening to me. So maybe barking dogs are wanting something they are lacking. Maybe it might be beneficial to all concerned to see what they may want or lacking that they are not getting. Just another point of view on this I guess.....................jmho............... :up: :up:

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