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New 1911 in the house.

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Remember....The Colt 1911 wuz the only firearm great enough to be the successor to that greatest of all military sidearms, the Colt Single Action Army...!


Enjoy it... You are, indeed, well armed and in good company...



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I probably should have said I got it in 9mm.  I wanted to make sure my wife would not be afraid to use it.

I plan to get it to the range tomorrow and after a good testing, plan to make it my EDC.

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no pictures, but a range report is great.


I found started hitting low and left, but I managed to walk it in on target and started doing what I should.

I had 1 stove pipe about 90 rounds in.  But finished that box off, switched to my carry ammo, and had 1 stove pipe about the 3 shot, cleared and finished the mag, then 2 more mags of carry ran perfect.

I suspect it was starting to get a little dirty.  Took it home and cleaned it. 


Also those +P Carry rounds, certainly sounded much louder. 


I now have a start of collection of once fired 9mm brass.

Edited by vontar
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Because of stovepipe wonder if the timing is off a bit. Been reading a lot about 1911 timing recently. The smaller platforms are more vulnerable. Also I think Kingsarmory posted a vid of some simple reliability smithing on smaller 1911's recently.
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Its so small......... As much as I love the 1911 platform, I cant find in the compacts as sexy for some reason. BTW, I am not knocking your 1911.


Small was the reason for this one.  Small, easy conceal.

I don't want answer at this time.

Because of stovepipe wonder if the timing is off a bit. Been reading a lot about 1911 timing recently. The smaller platforms are more vulnerable. Also I think Kingsarmory posted a vid of some simple reliability smithing on smaller 1911's recently.


Right now, I am just going to consider it break in and the ammo.  The cases came out looking fine but dirtier then I expected.  I will know more when I run another box though it.

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