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Im Too Old, Just Go Ahead Shoot Me!

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Is it me, or is this a funny self defense story:




MILTON, Wash. (AP) A Washington state couple in their 80s say they managed to spook a would-be robber who burst into their home shortly after they returned from a Tacoma casino where they won $500.
KOMO-TV reports (http://is.gd/wWGCWW ) Jim and Betty Lilja of Milton wonder whether they were followed home.
They say a man in his 20s barged into their home the night of Friday, May 23, with his hand in his pocket. He demanded their money and threatened to shoot. Jim Lilja says he told the intruder he was 85 years old, so "if you want to shoot, go ahead and shoot."
When the intruder left them alone in the living room to search the bedroom, the couple ran outside, and Jim Lilja decided to push the alarm button on his car key. That sent the robber racing out of the house and into a waiting car — without the couple's cash.
Milton police are investigating.

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That is kinda funny.


Still too bad people that age grew up in a different time where you didn't have wonder who's following you and even the average criminal could be trusted not to kill you.  They got very lucky.

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Well in all reality, we should all look at life this way. I am only in my 40's and am not scared to die. If you are you should look at your life. I would probably say the same thing, if someone had the jump on me and I was looking for an opportunity. JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......
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Well in all reality, we should all look at life this way. I am only in my 40's and am not scared to die. If you are you should look at your life. I would probably say the same thing, if someone had the jump on me and I was looking for an opportunity. JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......


I am also in my 40s and see where you are coming from but do not think I would react that way.  Not so much from a fear of dying but more that, with my luck, I wouldn't be killed but would take a bullet to the spine and be paralyzed for the rest of my life or one to a lung and end up pulling an O2 tank around with me for the next, few decades.  If I am going to get shot, anyhow, I'd much rather it be while going for a firearm of my own and returning fire.  Sort of in the spirit of my favorite Nathan Bedford Forrest quote (and one of my favorite quotes, period), "No damn man kills me and lives."


That said, I just have to chuckle at this older gentleman's response.

Edited by JAB
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Well in all reality, we should all look at life this way. I am only in my 40's and am not scared to die. If you are you should look at your life. I would probably say the same thing, if someone had the jump on me and I was looking for an opportunity. JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union..

I'm not afraid of dying; I'm afraid of HOW I die! Or like JAB said in not dying but living bedridden or or in a wheelchair.

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Like JAB I fear life more than death. I am not afraid of dying. I am afraid of living but not being able to live a quality life being able to do the things I enjoy doing. I also would never want to become a burden on my family by not being able to care for myself. Death would be welcome over that kind of non quality life..............jmho

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Like JAB I fear life more than death. I am not afraid of dying. I am afraid of living but not being able to live a quality life being able to do the things I enjoy doing. I also would never want to become a burden on my family by not being able to care for myself. Death would be welcome over that kind of non quality life..............jmho

My family gets pissed at me because I do not believe in sacrificing quality of life in exchange for extending life. I've told them that if I got a serious cancer I'd let it run its course rather than saddling them with debt so that I could hang around for a little time more.

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