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Open Carry TX strikes again

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Maybe they need some pistol instruction , I don't see the need for a rifle at dinner unless you want to be the first one shoot by a bad guy. Total douches that want to be on boobtube , whatever. The guy tells his little girl they need to go somewhere safer as he sweeps her with his AK ....... Edited by Fourtyfive
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I can't even finish watching these. How stupid do you have to be? What incentive does anyone have to carry an ak pistol or whatever openly...? Just to show you have it? I mean come on, there is literally nothing I can think of to make me EVER even consider wanting to do this.
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Didn't realize Texas has no Open Carry for pistols , only long guns , but this is still STUPID AGAIN. So the pistol holsters were empty , what was the stock-less firearm hanging around the guys neck on the way in , almost looked like a Calico .22 ?

It amazes me what people will do to get on the internet , why not just streak naked , it should be much less embarrassing , unless you don't have a long gun ..... Edited by Fourtyfive
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I am not sure but I think TX is a must conceal state on handguns but open carry on rifles. If I think I need I rifle at dinner I won't be eating. The adrenaline will kill my appetite. These guys are just playing Voldemort. JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......
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....not an exercise of a natural right...


But it is the exercise of a natural right.  The right to be ignorant and egotistical.


The ignorant shall inherit the Earth.  This is just today's example.

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I think you only need a two shot 22LR derringer for protection...  who am I to tell you what you can, or can't carry?  They're grown men who aren't hurting anybody...  if they feel the need to carry a rifle for protection then let them...  it doesn't hurt me...


It's none of our business what somebody legally does with their own firearms.


Maybe they need some pistol instruction , I don't see the need for a rifle at dinner unless you want to be the first one shoot by a bad guy. Total douches that want to be on boobtube , whatever. The guy tells his little girl they need to go somewhere safer as he sweeps her with his AK .......


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if someone feels the need to run around in public with a long gun maybe they ought to rethink their choices of places to frequent.

I carry, but if I really feel i need a gun to go somewhere i don't go.  Pretty simple.


Carrying a long gun tells me you are expecting trouble,  so why go?


You can't fix stupid.

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I think you only need a two shot 22LR derringer for protection...  who am I to tell you what you can, or can't carry?  They're grown men who aren't hurting anybody...  if they feel the need to carry a rifle for protection then let them...  it doesn't hurt me...


It's none of our business what somebody legally does with their own firearms.


It does hurt. Stupid stuff like this prompts businesses to post which has a direct impact on us. It also reinforces stereotypes in the minds of the non-gun-enthusiast voters, pushes voters in the indifferent-middle towards the antis, and creates an atmosphere for knee-jerk legislation for those voters to support.

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I still "smell" something fishy.  It's interesting how the liberal press/video cameras/anti-groups etc. always seem to be at exactly the right place at exactly the right time to cover the reactions of the "terrified"  citizens offended by these clowns.  Seems like there's a high potential for a false flag operation involved.

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Sort of....


Sonic asked that "customers refrain from bringing guns onto our patios or into our indoor dining areas,” and Chili's just said  â€œWe kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants and we will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.”


If that's their final word, I can still pull in to Sonic and order from my vehicle (as the Good Lord intended and as I always do).  And Chili's just said "STOP IT and don't keep pushing us, you retreads".  


I actually don't have a problem with their responses at this point.  


At first, I was mostly supportive of open carry advocates.  But at this point, I'm starting to think they're some of them are plants for the antis.  


In the words of one famous orator, "let me be clear".   I do support the right of citizens to carry handguns and long arms anywhere.  At one point in the history of this nation it would not have been unusual for someone to enter an establishment with a long arm.  But at this point in time (unfortunately) it is unusual and perceived as threatening.  Especially when done with the weapon at "low ready" like the buffoon in TX.  


The reasons WHY it became out-of-the-norm are probably for another thread.  So I'll stop there.



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Guest TNIIIer

I think you only need a two shot 22LR derringer for protection... who am I to tell you what you can, or can't carry? They're grown men who aren't hurting anybody... if they feel the need to carry a rifle for protection then let them... it doesn't hurt me...

It's none of our business what somebody legally does with their own firearms.

Exactly... we all think we know why they open carry rifles, but we don't know what is in their heads. They may feel the need to carry rifles. Its none of our business if they carry rifles, just as we feel its none of the anti-gunners business if "we" carry a handguns... If its not posted on all entrances, they are legal, therefore, crybabies need not open their mouths as no laws are broken....
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Long guns are not weapons in the unlawful carrying of weapons law in Texas.  They can be carried loaded openly or concealed or kept in your vehicle loaded.  No one there carries long guns outside of vehicles in public.


Handguns and clubs are classified as weapons and are generally illegal to carry with some exceptions.


You can carry a handgun in Texas of course on your own property or business however you want, going to or from or while hunting/fishing/outdoor activity (open or conceal), traveling (open or conceal), or CONCEALED in your vehicle.  You have to have a license there to carry outside of those circumstances and you have to conceal.  But you could leave your house to go deer hunting with a 357 mag strapped on in the open and carry it on your way to your lease without a CHL. 


They sadly have signs that basically can make your CHL worthless and subject you to a Class A Misdemeanor.  Fortunately the signs have to be in English and Spanish and an exact wording, and I've honestly never seen one in any of the bigger cities in Texas.  They are also not valid at any local or state government offices or any of the parks.  You can carry in the Statehouse in Austin.

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My point, is don't annoy corporations that otherwise support you.  Don't perform with wild abandon to repeat the failures of last week.  If Texas Carry wannabes have trashed relationships with two restaurant chains this month, don't try two more, because their record shows that their tactics SUCK.  Time for them to fall back and rethink how they make their point. Right now, they are just pinheads.

Edited by R_Bert
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My point, is don't annoy corporations that otherwise support you.  Don't perform with wild abandon to repeat the failures of last week.  If Texas Carry wannabes have trashed relationships with two restaurant chains this month, don't try two more, because their record shows that their tactics SUCK.  Time for them to fall back and rethink how they make their point. Right now, they are just pinheads.

And now they are doing Home Depot.........
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The same can be said for making the public more accustom to seeing people in public with firearms...  I haven't watched these videos...  these guys maybe complete idiots...  I'm not running around with a rifle...  but it's not my place to tell another person what they do or don't need for their own protection.


If a business chooses to post, let them... then stop doing business with them...  if they're not smart enough to see two idiots for being idiots and trespass just those 2 individuals, and feel the need to ban all law abiding citizens from their business...  do them a favor and take your business elsewhere.


Texas is doing this to themselves...  First you have a couple of incidents where police officers in Texas went overboard with some people openly carrying a rifle - in much clearer situations where a rifle might have been needed.  And they prohibit the open carry of pistols, period.


A citizen with a firearm doesn't scare me...  they're statistically not a threat to me in my day to day life...  Honestly I think it's better to be armed openly, than unarmed...  so there are times I don't toss on a cover jacket/vest or run in somewhere with my pistol showing...  no because I'm trying to make a statement but because I'm in a hurry and don't care what other people think about me and my gun :)


It does hurt. Stupid stuff like this prompts businesses to post which has a direct impact on us. It also reinforces stereotypes in the minds of the non-gun-enthusiast voters, pushes voters in the indifferent-middle towards the antis, and creates an atmosphere for knee-jerk legislation for those voters to support.


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my real beef with them going into a restaurant with rifle is what were they going to do with them when they were seated?  Keep them strapped on their chests as they ate?  Lean them up somewhere?  I doubt Chili's has a rifle rack.


I am pretty sure if I was eating there when they came in I'd have asked them WTF?   And then told the manager that either they leave or I do,  I don't want to eat in a restaurant where these ass clowns are being unsafe.


Seriously what was their plan for the rifles while they ate?

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All very valid points old goat.... One of the thoughts that comes to my mind when I see folks do this is do they really look worthy of my trust? How do they handle their gun, how do they handle themselves, is the gun loaded with one in the chamber, safety on or safety off? Hell for crying out loud for the most part we don't trust each other when it comes to safe gun handling at the range and how regular do we hear about a round getting squeezed off at Gun Show of all places.... You know what I don't blame the sheep for getting nervous when we rarely trust our own kind... 

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Guest TNIIIer
IMO If you have a problem with these guys carrying long guns, that makes you no different than the ppl who have a problem with us carrying handguns. Would I carry my AR to Applebee's? No. That's just me. Instead of just the anti-gunners on their ass, now they have "pro-gun" ppl talkin $h*t about em.
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IMO If you have a problem with these guys carrying long guns, that makes you no different than the ppl who have a problem with us carrying handguns. Would I carry my AR to Applebee's? No. That's just me. Instead of just the anti-gunners on their ass, now they have "pro-gun" ppl talkin $h*t about em.


I carry a handgun, it is safely holstered.  If I carry an AK what do I do with it while I eat?   


Pro gun people are talking smack about them because they are giving us a black eye.

My parents taught me when I was very young that just because I can do something it doesn't make it the right thing to do.

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I carry a handgun, it is safely holstered.  If I carry an AK what do I do with it while I eat?   


Pro gun people are talking smack about them because they are giving us a black eye.

My parents taught me when I was very young that just because I can do something it doesn't make it the right thing to do.

+1101.  Momma was right.  Just because you are an a$$, doesn't compel you to also ACT like an a$$.  Choices, methods,  and discretion are still tools in the belt.

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