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TN ranked the 10th dumbest state in the US


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So we are dumb because fewer people have Bachelors degrees than in places like NY and CA... I think most of us would much rather live next to someone that knows how to run a tractor and pull a trigger than one who puts their grocery shopping lists in APA 6th ed. format.


I say we try and work our way up to #1 on that list by 2016.

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TN ranked the 10th dumbest state in the US


   They aint no truth to it.


It depends on what someone considers intelligence, personally I think someone with common sense is more intelligent about reality and the world than many with college degrees that lack basic common sense. If you consider that then Tennessee has alot smarter people than NY and California. A college degree doesn't automatically make one smart about everything, just what they have the degree in. Proof of that is how many professors and grads and students voted for Obama and support a socialist/liberal philosophy.                                                                                                        

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  A college degree doesn't automatically make one smart about everything, just what they have the degree in. Proof of that is how many professors and grads and students voted for Obama and support a socialist/liberal philosophy.                                                                                                    


Did you go to college?  Because that is entirely incorrect.

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Did you go to college?  Because that is entirely incorrect.

After All Off These Years It's Still Funny To Watch How Quickly Everything Still Leads To Obama. There May Be Something To Those Polls.

Seriously, I Wouldn't Pay Too Much Attention To Any Poll These Days.
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Hmmmm you can live in a state and make twice as much as a tennessean, but lose half of that income in taxes, tolls,High cost of living across the board,to where you can bank the same as the tennessean.

What is the dumbest state?

You can get 6 years of accredited education on outdated subject matter,pass the exams, barely, but still graduate.w that education walk into a job where you stay for 10 years only to be replaced by someone 12 years younger w the same 6 years for half of your salary.

What is the dumbest state???

Or does tn have the 10th least amount of Mensa members or road scholars???

Meh I call BS on that one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
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Hmmmm you can live in a state and make twice as much as a tennessean, but lose half of that income in taxes, tolls,High cost of living across the board,to where you can bank the same as the tennessean.

What is the dumbest state?

You can get 6 years of accredited education on outdated subject matter,pass the exams, barely, but still graduate.w that education walk into a job where you stay for 10 years only to be replaced by someone 12 years younger w the same 6 years for half of your salary.

What is the dumbest state???

Or does tn have the 10th least amount of Mensa members or road scholars???

Meh I call BS on that one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.


It's "Rhodes" scholars, btw ...

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I don't care if I live in area that is considered dumb!  I live, I make a living, I have fun, and I have a beautiful family.  I have life, liberty and I pursue happiness, what else is there?  Do you think I care if a people from other states think I am dumb!  If you do, that is just dumb!

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Most of the people I went to college with do not have jobs in their majors.....all that money and time spent for the hope to get a high paying job that no longer exists......tech/vocational schools are the way to go. I know of, at least 6 certified, exNASA, rocket scientists that are working for sub $50,000 annually.......and a slew of carpenters, masons and plumbers making $70,000+. A four year college sheepskin guarantees exactly squat!  (except a student loan that never goes away)    my :2cents:  

Edited by ArmyBrat61
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Good!  Maybe more liberals will avoid moving here!


I agree that using a college degree as a measure of intelligence is unrealistic.  All that means is that a person managed to get into a college and persevere for four years (or more) to get awarded a degree.   I've know some folks with really low intelligence with degrees.  And I've seen some colleges with incredibly low standards for graduation.


I find it more interesting that TN had higher average SAT scores than eight of the others in the bottom 10.  While that is not an intelligence test, it is a more accurate indicator than college degrees.

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Did you go to college?  Because that is entirely incorrect.


What's incorrect about it? So a college degree makes one smart about everything? And, at least from what I hear and read, a majority of professors at least are flaming liberals. One thing a college degree gives alot of grads is a big ego.

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What's incorrect about it? So a college degree makes one smart about everything? And, at least from what I hear and read, a majority of professors at least are flaming liberals. One thing a college degree gives alot of grads is a big ego.


Many professors are flaming liberals, many are not.  It's always been that way.  I was not indoctrinated when I went to college nor did I have liberal ideals rammed down my throat.

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Many professors are flaming liberals, many are not.  It's always been that way.  I was not indoctrinated when I went to college nor did I have liberal ideals rammed down my throat.


I didn't say all of them are but many that I read about in news articals or hear about on the news are so radical that they will punish and ostracize any student for anything other than a liberal/socialist philosophy. Conservative speakers at college graduations are often heckled, even attacked by students, or even rejected to speak at all like Condoliza Rice because of student protest, and i'll bet some professors had something to do with that also.

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[quote name="Garufa" post="1152034" timestamp="1401033782"]Many professors are flaming liberals, many are not. It's always been that way. I was not indoctrinated when I went to college nor did I have liberal ideals rammed down my throat.[/quote] I couldn't agree more the professors I had, but I was a business major. It largely depends on what you study. It's a lot harder to find a liberal professor who teaches Econ, Business Management, Statistics, or Finance than it is to find a conservative professor teaching History or Math. Even in English classes I only had one overtly liberal professor. She made us study a book called "Rule of the Bone" about a pothead, who goes on a journey toward personal discovery. Yet, she graded my papers fairly and concentrated on how we used logic to support our ideas. I'd say she was a very good professor, despite being about as liberal as they come.
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I would list the dumbest states as those who continue to elect politicians who legislate their rights away for the "common good", continue to raise their taxes which never really improves their state and regulates the hell out of business.
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