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Knoxville Marked AR Lower (Predator)

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Had gotten in on the TGO CMT group buy 'cause I wanted a TN branded lower.  But just never paid enough attention to notice that Predator used their own branded lowers in their builds, and I'm a Knoxville feller, didn't know if they'd sell just a lower, so dropped by there today.


So if anyone else interested -- yeppers. 89 clams + tax/TICS. Neatsie keen!




- OS

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The sickness is strong with you.  :lol:


That's pretty cool.  :up:


I am by gawd no way in hell for sure absolutely NOT gonna make another AR from whichever one I'll replace with this!


Probably not, anyway. ;)


- OS

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I tried to buy a couple lowers from them about a year or more ago and they wouldn't sell just the lower. I wanted the Knoxville stamp on sequential lowers for my kids builds. The TGO lowers/uppers will have to do. :pleased:

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I tried to buy a couple lowers from them about a year or more ago and they wouldn't sell just the lower....


Guessing for whatever reason they were only keeping enough in stock for their builds at the time. And who knows, maybe they won't do this from now on either, couldn't say.


- OS

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I am by gawd no way in hell for sure absolutely NOT gonna make another AR from whichever one I'll replace with this!
Probably not, anyway. ;)
- OS

That's what I said when I bought the 3 metal lowers to replace the polymer ones I started out with. That train of though lasted until I realized I had some forward assists and other small parts floating around. :rolleyes:
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They were good people. I'm sure it had something to do with keeping stock for their builds. Not knocking them in any way, I just really wanted two of their lowers.


Yeah, very amiable group of fellers, nice feel to the place.


- OS

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Oh Shoot, you should show us all how to make an AR-10 pistol next.  Jus saying


Ya know, if I were willing to make the leap to a commitment to that caliber, I might just do it! I certainly wouldn't be the first to do it, though.


- OS

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