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i wish 2nd amendment never expires

Guest gunmantra

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Guest gunmantra

i always take my gun rights seroius so i participate in marchs and events but whenever i go to any event i always prefer to wear my gun mantra shirt which always feel me great and safe front.jpg?v=2014-05-15-13-33

what would u say?

Edited by Dolomite_supafly
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2 posts and he probably gets an over ride from the Internet retailer.

Cool t shirt and teespring looks like a neat idea for marketing/selling without having to stock inventory.

May be a violation terms of use AND let's get some TGO shirts designed! Edited by Gotthegoods
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2 posts and he probably gets an over ride from the Internet retailer.


Probably? It's a clear cut subscriber selling site. Sign up, design your shirt, and sell it off same site. English obviously not required.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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1st off, do not advertise anything for sale unless you are a benefactor.


2nd, do not try to sell anything commercially without becoming a vendor first. (It is obvious that the link you provided is connected to you)


You obviously came here with an agenda. You are more than welcome to stay but you MUST follow the rules. You should have received all the rules, or links to the rules, in the email you received when you registered.


Again, I welcome you to the board but you must follow the rules that are in place to protect everyone, including you.

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Tennessee Gun Owners (TNGunOwners.com) is the premier Community and Discussion Forum for gun owners, firearm enthusiasts, sportsmen and Second Amendment proponents in the state of Tennessee and surrounding region.

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