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Walther PPQM1!

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Wanted to try one of these for awhile now after having several P99's in the past. I believe the P99's didn't take off due to their odd (for US market) trigger and S&W importing them in anemic numbers and cost. The later two I think S&W influenced to keep the P99 from competing with their (at the time) new M&P series. Along comes the PPQ in which Walther addressed all the aforementioned issues. Cost is competitive being they took S&W out as the middle man and the trigger is the best factory trigger I've eve pulled. It is short, smooooth, and the reset is very short and resets with an definitive and audible click. The legendary Walther ergo's are even better on this gun than the P99. I like the ambi slide release that is very HK'esk as is the paddle mag release that I love. Not a big fan of the M2 version and I'm glad Walther brought these back after not selling them in the US in 2013. Picked up two extended 17 rnd mags to go with the 2 factory 15 rnd mags. Anyway here it is.



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The P99AS, to this day has one of my favorite triggers in a handgun.  The PPQ improves it, and the ergonomics are even better.


If I weren't so invested in the P99, I'd pick one of these up in a heartbeat.

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I have the PPQ in 40 cal. Great gun. My only complaint is the cost of mags. I haven't looked in a while but for a long time they could not be found anywhere. I finally picked 2 up and paid $50.00 plus each. Best out of the box trigger I have ever seen.
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[quote name="Oh Shoot" post="1149632" timestamp="1400304088"]Looks very much like my: hipointc9.jpg I'll swap ya even, and go so far as to pay shipping both ways. :) - OS[/quote] Very tempting, but I'll have to pass. ;) So, how'd it shoot? Very very well. The ragged hole in the center is the first 13 at 20 yards. The two low right ones were the first two in the mag as I was figuring out the sight picture. All the other holes were when I moved the target back and had fun rapid firing, double tapping, and just running rounds through the mags and gun to break them in and function check. It's a keeper. This is definitely a case where the gun makes me look better. I don't usually shoot single ragged holes at anything over 5 feet. :) ena7aduz.jpg

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