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Why Are Some S&W Revolvers So Hard To Find?


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I doubt they will do much. They quit making 9mm revolvers because they didn’t sell. The .357Mag is far more desirable than the 9mm and if that’s too much you can shoot .38 in the same gun; that’s a pretty good selling point.

On the other hand a generation that grew up on Tupperware in 9mm and now has to pay through the nose for .357 (if they can get it) might make a difference.

S&W gives people what they ask for.


Not always.  Speaking of 9mm revolvers.  The new 929 8-shot, which since the USPSA rule change has been what pretty much every revolver shooter and aspiring revolver shooter has been looking for, is unobtanium, while the stupid 986 7-shot, which has absolutely no practical use... is all over the place... there's like a dozen on them on Gunbroker.  


Smith makes good guns, but their product development process sucks... for the wheelgun side anyway. 

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How about the impact of the crazy new gun laws that have been past recently?  In NY, for example, you cannot buy any handgun that holds more than 7 rounds.   That means law enforcement can have a 15 round Glock and the public can only have a 6-shot revolver.


That has got to increase demand for revolvers....  

Edited by RAJBCPA
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How about the impact of the crazy new gun laws that have been past recently?  In NY, for example, you cannot buy any handgun that holds more than 7 rounds.   That means law enforcement can a 15 round Glock and the public can only have a 6-shot revolver.


That has got to increase demand for revolvers....  


The 7 round limit was tossed out by a federal judge.  Magazine capacity is up to 10 rounds.

Edited by Garufa
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I was asking Hipower if his was a 3" or 4". The 4" ironically are even less common.

Color me embarrassed. Thought you were asking a general question about the 547. Ironically I went with the 3". I have to da-- many 4" revolvers as it is. If that's possible?

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