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Has this ever happend in tennessee?

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Home school advocates are outraged by an energy company's decision to rescind an Ohio man's job offer after learning he had been home schooled.



The man, whose name has not been made public, had a home-schooled high school diploma and three years of relevant experience when he applied for the job, according to his attorney, who also noted he had completed seven college-level courses. 


Donnelly claimed the energy company offered him the job and then changed its decision upon hearing he did not have an official high school diploma, which the company requires.


now i was home schooled myself and dont have a "real" high school diploma, so is it possible one reason i dont have a job in my field is because of something like this? or cause i dont have the right certifications? really makes me wonder  



Edited by luke9511
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 I was also home schooled from 8th grade on through high school and I've never run into any issue like this (I've also been self or family employed most of my life though) or even been asked to show or prove I actually have a diploma. That being said, I wouldn't want to wager much of my own money that it doesn't happen either. There are plenty of folks out there that do not approve of parents rights to educate their child/children as they see fit and if they hold that view it doesn't seem far fetched to me that they might discriminate on  those grounds.I'd say it would be an awful tough case to prove even if,  because of the way things went down, you knew that was the reason for not getting the job or promotion.

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I have never been asked in my adult life to show proof of any of my education or certifications. High School or College level. I am in a mid level management position for a Fortune 500 company. I have dozens of certifications from the company, and as far as we go, that is all that is required.

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I never heard of this locally but it doesn't surprise me at all. What's funny though is we have a law that makes it a felony to lie about academic credentials when it comes to employment

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
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Well, lets see. Last time I was asked to provide proof of my high school education by providing a diploma I told the potential employer that I had not seen my diploma since about a day after I receive it. I hung it on the wall of my parents home and while I was in the military they sold our ranch and moved twice during the time I was out of the country and you are the first company that has requested to actually see a copy of my diploma. The man said no diploma no job. I said ok and I went to the high school I graduated from in 1966 to get a copy of my diploma. Guess what? The school I went to is no longer a high school but a middle school and I am told that all the records of graduates from William James High School had been relocated to the Dickson County High School. I drive to the Dickson County High School and ask them for a copy of my diploma. Guess what? They cannot find a record of me ever attending Dickson County School. I explain to them that back then it was White Bluff High School and school name was William James High School. Back when they began re arranging all of the school systems and making all these stupid school levels like Grammar, middle, Jr High and High Schools all the records from all the schools in the existing schools were moved to the main county High school for safe keeping and now they tell me they can't find a record of me attending a Dickson county High School or graduating and I said well , lets see if you can find my diploma for my lawyer. I also learned that every person in my graduating class was having the same problem and none had a copy of their  diploma because they didn't want to fight them. Well I love a good fight, especially when I can show a county just how stupid they are about their record keeping and the future of many peoples lives. My Lawyer contacted the Dickson county School Board by way of a written  request demanding that the Dickson County School system produce a copy of my Diploma and all of my school grades and records. He gave them 10 days. The 10 days came and went with no reply. I guess they thought I was going to go away like the others did that asked for theirs did. Nope , my lawyers next move was to get a court order served on the Dickson County School Board Superintendent  to provide me with a copy of my diploma and the judge only gave them 10 days also. We ended up in Court about a month later and they said they told the court that they had no records of my ever attending a Dickson County High School And the judge ask them if they could provide proof I did not attend a Dickson County High School? And they said if they have no record of my attending a Dickson County High school that should be proof enough. The judge did not accept that and he then requested that the Dickson County School board provide any and all records of the William James High School of White Bluff Tennessee since they are now the operators of said school in a middle school level. They ask for time and the judge gave the 30 days. In 30 days they came back to court and their attorney had to admit that the Dickson County School Board had either misplaced or destroyed all of the records from William James High School during the transition of the county's school reorganization program. The judge calmly looked at the attorney and said you and your school system have lost or misplaced the papers and records that could effect the outcome of hundreds or maybe thousands of High school graduates futures. Sir, that is unacceptable. He said this cases is in recess for 2 hours in which I will make a decision as to what course of action the court will take on this issue.  (Now remember this all began because 1 guy at 1 company said he would not employ me as a mechanic without a diploma)

   Back in court the judge had made his decision. He issued a court order demanding that from that date with was April 10th 1976 to the year 2025 the Dickson County School System is required by law to provide to any applicant requesting a copy of their diploma that attending the William James High School between the years of 1950 and 1980 a Dickson County High School Graduation Diploma. 1980 was when all of the records from William James High School were transferred to the protection of the Dickson County School system for safe keeping during the school reorganization. I found out later that three of my class mates actually sued the Dickson County School System for money due to the damage they had experienced because they had been denied entry into higher education programs because they could not provide the grade point averages required to enter the college to further their educations once they learned they could receive diplomas.  Yea, I admit it, I'm a trouble maker............ :stir: :stir:

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From what I've seen in recent years, you probably get a better education through home schooling.  At least someone cares about your education.  You would, though,

miss out on the liberal indoctrination that occurs in much of the public system.  I know there are many public school teachers that do care about their students, and that's probably why they're teachers, but I still see a lot of young HS graduates without basic math and reading skills. 

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I work with a bunch of young junior developers. They all have college degrees, mind you, but out of the 3 that are the brightest and show the most promise, 2 were home schooled in HS. I know that's a small sample and anecdotal, but I've had the same experience elsewhere. The home schooled kids I know tend to be more self-reliant. Many were self-taught before getting formal training. That kind of willingness to be proactive about learning things is awesome, if you ask me. Why any employer wouldn't want an employee that grew up learning to feed himself intellectually is beyond me. Don't worry, it's GOT get better in 2016.
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Let us look at what education was back in the 50's and 60's when I was in school. you were taught actually what  would be needed in your future. Reading, Writing, arithmetic and spelling which are the four most important courses a person still uses every day even in the day of all the most modern technology. I use each of them every day in some form or fashion still today. There are 1000's of kids that graduate from high school today without those four simple skills which is totally unacceptable to me. If they are not teaching the basic 4 skills needed in the every day world, just what are they teaching? I was taught other courses that were used to fill a full school day such as Science, or biology in later years but the basic education for grammar school was reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic. Those are suppose to be taught to every student in grades 1-8 are they not?????  Can someone tell me what is being taught in the grammar school levels if the basics are not?...................... :rant: :rant:    

Edited by bersaguy
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Not this again.

Let me say that my wife teaches 3rd grade. This year she has a group of kids that refuse to learn anything. They won't even try. Their parents do not care. Almost all of these families receive benefits paid for by me and probably you. Nothing has motivated this group. They most probably will not be held back because that not allowed so much by the State of TN Dept. of Ed. All we are doing is raising another generation of worthless beings who will grow up and their job will be to apply for and receive free stuff from the ever dwindling number of responsible US citizens.

Every year these kids get worse and every year there are more give away programs.

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[quote name="Raoul" post="1147764" timestamp="1399753131"]This year she has a group of kids that refuse to learn anything. They won't even try. Their parents do not care.[/quote] This is the crux of the education issue, not liberal teachers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Not this again.

Let me say that my wife teaches 3rd grade. This year she has a group of kids that refuse to learn anything. They won't even try. Their parents do not care. Almost all of these families receive benefits paid for by me and probably you. Nothing has motivated this group. They most probably will not be held back because that not allowed so much by the State of TN Dept. of Ed. All we are doing is raising another generation of worthless beings who will grow up and their job will be to apply for and receive free stuff from the ever dwindling number of responsible US citizens.

Every year these kids get worse and every year there are more give away programs.

I feel sorry for your wife my friend because a good teacher can suffer from wanting to be a teacher but not being allowed to be one and I would imagine your wife comes home frustrated ever day............jmho

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When I was in high school (graduated in 2008), we were taught to take and pass tests. Most of the homework was nothing but exercises focusing on test material. Teacher's curriculums were based on standards, if I recall correctly: set by the government. I think this all started when I was in middle school, and became more and more severe every year. By senior year, school was a joke.

When I was in college, this wasn't as much of an issue. The bigger issue was the teachers that would push an agenda on you. This wasn't as big of a deal for me, because a good chunk of my classes were online. In the classroom it was more apparent. Some legitimate questions I had posed to some professors was met with redicule rather than any serious consideration of answering said question. Another problem with college was the lack of meaningful application: more what and how, but seldom why.

I quit college with an A.A.S., and I was four classes shy of a bachelors. But after putting up with all the bs involved in getting a degree, I just didn't see the value anymore. College is nothing but a business these days. The school system is nothing but sham, too.

I don't care that people see me as a selfish nihilistic bastard for my views on formal education. I just think the fact that so few people see through the B.S. that comprises formal education today, that participation in society is almost disheartening. Yeah, there is a tiny chance that I "could" have gotten a subjectively "better" job if I stuck out four more classes... but that is so superficial to me, it's maddening.

But for some reason, I wouldn't take the choice of going to college back. I feel like if I didn't experienfe all of that tomfoolery first hand, I'd still be a sheep that thinks the government and corporations only have people's best interest, like I was taugh in k-12. I'd probably still believe everything reported on the news was true and not manufactured. I'd probably still be walking around with blinders on as it seems so many Americans do. My entire world view and philisophical views have devoloped far beyond what I ever cared for. Some people think I'm crazy, and that makes me smile. Some people think I'm a total asshole, and that too makes me smile.

I just don't see how home schooling could be any worse.

Wow...that escalated quickly...sorry to anyone who wasted two minutes of their life reading that. Edited by Ted S.
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According to Ohio's Department of Education website, "Home-schooled students do not receive an Ohio high school diploma recognized by the State Board of Education."

I thought someone posted here that Tennessee requires homeschooled kids to pass tests? Don’t they get some kind of diploma?
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I don't want to give the company's name away but my wife's former employer would only hire home schooled graduates if they had attended college afterwards. I do not remember if they actually had to have a degree though. This was at one time one if the most desired companies in the country. My wife sat in on an interview of a potential hire who she said was fantastic, quite an intellectual person. My wife did not find out until after the interview that the person did not get considered solely because of their home schooled education.
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In this day and age some companies tend to put more emphasis on the background of a person instead of looking at their proven performance or qualifications for a particular job. Race, religion, or sexual orientation should always take a back seat to qualifications or proven performance. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. Education should certainly be a factor if the employer so desires. Without a college degree to back it up I don’t know why anyone would be surprised that homeschooling could hold them or their kids back. If they already have a proven track record I don’t know why it would be an issue.
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I thought someone posted here that Tennessee requires homeschooled kids to pass tests? Don’t they get some kind of diploma?



 In TN (or at least when I was home schooled) It wasn't as simple as my parents printing me off a generic diploma. The state required that all home schooled kids be registered through a physical school and everyone I can think of was registered through a private school. I was registered with Gateway Academy which if my memory serves me is located in Memphis. I had an above average GPA and worked pretty much full time most of the time through high school which should prove how much CRAP fills the day of public school children. I can't remember if it was required for us to take our SAT to graduate or is it was just to get a score for college but everyone my age that I can think of in our county took it and scored well above average. 

 I just had something come to mind but it has been long enough ago that I can't remember for sure but it seems like I remember my Mom having us do some sort of test once or twice a year that had to be sent off with our grades. I could be imagining that though.

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Back when i operated my automotive repair center i could care less about an applicants education per 12 years of education. My only concerns was is the person honest with no criminal record and does he have experience hands on Auto repair training and how many years. I can think of two times in my 35 years of operating a business that I knew i had hired a person with little schooling in book learning but both of them were great mechanics and I never regretted hiring either of them. I did regret losing them as their lives changed and they moved on.  I was never one to care about who they knew but what they knew was very important and in many cases what they didn't know I would teach them..................jmho

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i mostly work contract work/self employed, but have only had one full time job and that was at kroger for 2 years, i have no certs, i just have what i have learned and taught myself, for instances im planning to buy some cisco routers and switches to learn more about them and maybe get work involving them, but no matter how hard i try i cannot get a full time job in my field, i can not even get a job in basic tech support


i tried applying at geek squad at best buy but was told i was over qualified and had to dumb down my application to get a interview which i could not go to due to not being able to get off work

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