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Home invasion scenerios

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Pretty much that. Unless my babies are upstairs then crazy mama bear would kick in and I'd be going to get my babies. If such a scenario presented a need to use the weapon to get my babies then it happens that way, but if I can get said babies and get back to the safe area then that is preferred. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If we are talking love ones in danger the bad guys are going to be dead or dying as fast as humanly possible and no questions asked. That requires little thought and a lot of action on my part. They would not even know I was there with them till I began slinging hot lead in them, back, front or sideways..........jmho

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If you have any reason to believe someone is already in your house (in which case you failed to have adequate security measures in place), you immediately get yourself and any loved ones to the safest place possible (such as a barricaded locked room behind proper cover), and then arm any adults that are properly trained / equipped, and then call 911. Inform them of your address, describe the situation (including location / description of all family members, and who is armed), and you wait on the phone while guarding your safe room entrance(s). You don't go searching the house looking for trouble, and you don't leave family members unprotected. You also don't go outside or move through the house unless you can establish it is safe to do so, as additional or unknown threats may be waiting. If a threat emerges or advances near your safe room, you call out loudly that you are armed and will shoot to defend yourself if needed, ordering them to leave immediately, and that police are on the way. If the threat persists or escalates then you do only what is necessary to defend your lives, not to protect property or chase them out or advance on them or capture them.

Right on the money...stay safe and protect your family. Don't look for trouble. Stuff is just stuff, it can be replaced. Wait for the backup....be a hero and protect yourself and your loved ones in your defensive position. Defend as needed. Keep your phone charged up, and on your person. Common sense, folks.....and hopefully the law will either capture them or shoot them outside so you don't have to clean up the mess.....it's pretty bad, I've seen shootings and I'd hate to clean up after one, especially in my own home....

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Right on the money...stay safe and protect your family. Don't look for trouble. Stuff is just stuff, it can be replaced. Wait for the backup....be a hero and protect yourself and your loved ones in your defensive position. Defend as needed. Keep your phone charged up, and on your person. Common sense, folks.....and hopefully the law will either capture them or shoot them outside so you don't have to clean up the mess.....it's pretty bad, I've seen shootings and I'd hate to clean up after one, especially in my own home....

And all this time I thought CSI sent people in to clean up the mess after the investigation was completed.......... :shrug: :shrug:

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wileecoyote, on 08 May 2014 - 12:59 AM, said:


"If a threat emerges or advances near your safe room, you call out loudly that you are armed and will shoot to defend yourself if needed, ordering them to leave immediately, and that police are on the way."


I just don't think that yelling out loudly from a safe room would be my choice in this situation because if the perp / intruder / intruders are armed the might just begin shooting into the room endangering you and your loved ones. I am going to be the one that begins sending hot lead down range first and letting my firearm do the talking and then if they are able they can run or do what ever they are able to do at that point. I by all means want the be the one that shoots first and a lot to protect my family.....jmho

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1st rule of deadly conflict:  Avoid it if you can.  (Avoid, Evade, Escape, Engage)  It's easier to survive if you don't place yourself in the path of bullets or bludgeoning trophies.


-If an intruder is approaching (or in the room with) my loved ones in our home, then the deadly conflict has already begun.  It can no longer be avoided.


-If an intruder is in the house, but isolated from myself and loved ones, and we have an exit, we will make a "tactical" retreat and observe from cover.   - might not suite everyone, but I am comfortable with it.

Edited by Peace
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If you are in my home uninvited, you are considered a threat to myself and my family and will be dealt with accordingly. I do not know the laws regarding this, but I do know my family is more important than some common burglar.

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If you are in my home uninvited, you are considered a threat to myself and my family and will be dealt with accordingly. I do not know the laws regarding this, but I do know my family is more important than some common burglar.

My thought exactly.......... :up:

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I have a different view.


Here in the country I hear strange and unusual noises all the time. Sometimes it's the well pressure tank making sounds, sometimes an animal scrouging on the back deck or something in the basement that tipped over... I've had deer thumping on the side of the house getting acorns out of the bushes along the side of my house (that scared me!)


I go "hunting" for what made the noise as a reasonable person would. Most "hunters" carry a firearm with them when they're "hunting" :up:

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I have a different view.


Here in the country I hear strange and unusual noises all the time. Sometimes it's the well pressure tank making sounds, sometimes an animal scrouging on the back deck or something in the basement that tipped over... I've had deer thumping on the side of the house getting acorns out of the bushes along the side of my house (that scared me!)


I go "hunting" for what made the noise as a reasonable person would. Most "hunters" carry a firearm with them when they're "hunting" :up:

LOL............Depending on where some people live they don't just take a gun when they go hunting. Take take it the toilet, Kitchen. and even sleep with one at night............ :up: :up:

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I have a different view.
Here in the country I hear strange and unusual noises all the time. Sometimes it's the well pressure tank making sounds, sometimes an animal scrouging on the back deck or something in the basement that tipped over... I've had deer thumping on the side of the house getting acorns out of the bushes along the side of my house (that scared me!)
I go "hunting" for what made the noise as a reasonable person would. Most "hunters" carry a firearm with them when they're "hunting" :up:

That's just it. For those who say "lock yourself in a room and call the police when you hear a strange noise", well, if I did that, the police would have stopped responding by now and maybe have arrested me for abusing the 911 system.

Sometimes, you actually have to verify whether the noise you hear is an intruder or not. Is that " looking for trouble"? Call it what you want, but I won't sit in my "safe room" waiting for the .gov to come check out the raccoon that is scratching on my window.
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[quote name="bersaguy" post="1147946" timestamp="1399826244"] I just don't think that yelling out loudly from a safe room would be my choice in this situation because if the perp / intruder / intruders are armed the might just begin shooting into the room endangering you and your loved ones. I am going to be the one that begins sending hot lead down range first and letting my firearm do the talking and then if they are able they can run or do what ever they are able to do at that point. I by all means want the be the one that shoots first and a lot to protect my family.....jmho[/quote] Like I said, you stay in your safe room quietly, listening and waiting to see what happens, with 911 on the line recording every sound you hear. Then if an intruder comes anywhere near your room, you yell out the warning (before they get inside the room), and if they persist to advance on you by attempting entry into your room then you defend yourself accordingly. They are more likely to leave, and you are less likely to be in a gunfight, and if you do have to shoot then you are much less likely to face charges or lawsuits when the 911 recording shows you being reasonable and taking every step to avoid a shooting. And I didn't say you have to gather the family into your safe room every time you hear any noise whatever, only when you have good reason to believe there is an intruder or threat present. Sure, we all get strange noises now and again that turn out to be harmless, but the safest way to investigate those is by simply waiting, watching, and listening from a safe place (inside your locked home). If it's a squirrel, the wind, water heater, etc. then it will go away, but if it's something bad then you don't go head into it exposing yourself needlessly. That's also why I have several layers of security in place, external and internal, so I will know what is going down way before anybody even makes it to my house, let alone inside, and I can "investigate" without leaving my recliner. To each his own. Edited by wileecoyote
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[quote name="Raoul" post="1148080" timestamp="1399861444"]I actually had a home invasion happen to me. !977.[/quote
Can we hear about it?


My future bride and I had just rented a house together. One Saturday we'd been doing the party thing all day that 20 year olds do. About 9 that evening there's a knock at the door. She opens the door and 3 guys in ski masks rush in.

Guy in front is a skinny little f^(% with some sort of piddly little automatic pistol. Probably some POS .25.

Guy behind him has a single barrel shotgun. No idea what's going on with the guy in back.

I came into the room and the guy in front says something like "where is it?".

Well, being the 25 year old testosterone filled jackass I was at the time I head straight to the guy in front and proceed to grab handful of scraggly red beard and yank it out of his face. He pops off a round into the floor and I'm so damn drunk I just keep charging the three of them. They turn tail and run out the front door with me behind.

After they disappear I walked across the street to the gas station and used the payphone to call the cops.

It seems that the cops believed the previous tenants had been dealing  a little pot.


True story. I guess the lord does watch over fools.

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[quote name="Raoul" post="1148091" timestamp="1399864209"]Sure. My future bride and I had just rented a house together. One Saturday we'd been doing the party thing all day that 20 year olds do. About 9 that evening there's a knock at the door. She opens the door and 3 guys in ski masks rush in. Guy in front is a skinny little f^(% with some sort of piddly little automatic pistol. Probably some POS .25. Guy behind him has a single barrel shotgun. No idea what's going on with the guy in back. I came into the room and the guy in front says something like "where is it?". Well, being the 25 year old testosterone filled jackass I was at the time I head straight to the guy in front and proceed to grab handful of scraggly red beard and yank it out of his face. He pops off a round into the floor and I'm so damn drunk I just keep charging the three of them. They turn tail and run out the front door with me behind. After they disappear I walked across the street to the gas station and used the payphone to call the cops. It seems that the cops believed the previous tenants had been dealing a little pot. True story. I guess the lord does watch over fools.[/quote] Wow, thanks for sharing. I'm glad it ended the way it did and not much worse. To the OP, and to echo what others have said...unless there's people up on that higher floor that I'm charged with protecting (kids, wife, so on) there's no way I'm going up those stairs. I understand he may have had to positively I.D. that there were actual intruders to make a 911 call and not a squirrel, but for me personally I would have been waiting in a safe place for them to funnel down that stairwell. He got lucky, very lucky that all he had was a concussion. I won't address wether or not he should've shot the intruder in the back because I don't believe I have to, I believe the confrontation should've happened on a smarter front. But, I also know it's easy to armchair quarterback, and not so easy to think when under that type of situational adrenaline and stress
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Wow Raoul...


I guess the adage, "with age comes wisdom" is true! Glad it turned out the way it did. A testosterone dump has got me in a few scrapes in my younger years. Now I require testosterone therapy just to take a whiz :stunned:


Thanks for sharing.

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Wow Raoul...


I guess the adage, "with age comes wisdom" is true! Glad it turned out the way it did. A testosterone dump has got me in a few scrapes in my younger years. Now I require testosterone therapy just to take a whiz :stunned:


Thanks for sharing.

In my case I'm afraid it's more like ...with age comes bad knees.

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In my case I'm afraid it's more like ...with age comes bad knees.

Yep age will do it and so will Ford Trucks but that's for another time............ :rofl:  :rofl:  

Edited by bersaguy
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