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New Sig P320

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I have over 700 rounds thru mine now and no problems. Sights and trigger are very good. Don't know as you could do better money wise over a Glock.

I have both and like both but I get a nice military retired discount on Glocks.

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Buy a Glock and spend the $200 you saved from not buying the SIG, and buy ammunition.  Seems to be a no brainer to me.  I'm sure it's a nice pistol, but no way it's better than a Glock at that price.


Where's the 200 savings? Buds has the 320 for 556. Pretty close to the pricing on any Gen 4 Glock.

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I'm not in the market, but I'll be keeping my eye out anyway. With that kind if modularity, the only limitation is the success of the model. I can see drop in carbines happening if it's a hit. It will be interesting to see what Sig does with it, it could either be another glock copy, or I could be the ar15 of pistols.
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Where's the 200 savings? Buds has the 320 for 556. Pretty close to the pricing on any Gen 4 Glock.

When I commented, I didn't know what Bud's price was.  My comment was based on Steelharp's comment about the price being around $700 and on Runco's comment about the SIG trigger compared to a Glock's trigger.  Based on those comments, why would someone spend the extra $200 on a SIG? Now, that you have straighten me out on the price, I stand corrected.

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When I commented, I didn't know what Bud's price was.  My comment was based on Steelharp's comment about the price being around $700 and on Runco's comment about the SIG trigger compared to a Glock's trigger.  Based on those comments, why would someone spend the extra $200 on a SIG? Now, that you have straighten me out on the price, I stand corrected.

The price I quoted was at Franklin Gun Shop.


No surprise there.

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The best out-of-the-box striker-fired trigger that I've felt/fired is the Walther PPQ.

The SIG P320 that I played with today (dryfire only) was damn close and I think I like the ergos of the SIG even better than the Walther.

Both of these gun's triggers (take-up, break, and reset) kick Glock, M&P, and XD's ass, IMO.  Not even close.


I'm a Glock guy.  Bought my first one around 1991, been an Armorer for about 14-15 years, and have to carry one at work everyday.  I'm "invested" and not at all unhappy with my Glocks.

But, honestly, if I was just starting out or could carry what I wanted at work, I'd give a serious look at the P320 or the PPQ.  Obviously, while the PPQ has established itself as reliable, the P320 is new and has some proving to do.

Edited by TN-popo
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  • 2 months later...

Ok, I have now fondled three of these. Haven't shot one, yet. Of the three I've had in my hand, two were flawed, in my opinion. Earlier in this thread, I told of the one at FGS that wouldn't go into battery. Now, a compact version I tried had 2 clicks when the trigger was pulled. A large one, then a quiet, second one as I pulled farther. The trigger did NOT reset unless that 2nd click happened. It was a paperweight. I would consider that a "flaw."


So, in my limited experience, 66% of the 320's I've handled had something "wrong" with them. The other one (33%) worked as it should.

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