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Guest 44M

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my fiance just got told that BOA will close all of her accounts because she deposited a one bad check that bounced ($100 check from her customer) , they said she was consider a "high risk"..when she asked what about the money that is in those accounts, they said they will hold the funds until Oct.19th ....very strange...I told her not to take any checks any more, only cash and we will pull all our money out of banks leaving in accounts only 10-15 bucks....I would like to warn guys on here to keep their eye on BOA and if they for a second think something isn`t right to pull all of their cash out. I closed my BOA account couple years back and already back then my opinion of BOA was that they, pretty much suck, but many other people have their money over there...


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Bank of America is known to do some wierd stuff from time to time. I would say theres probably more to this story then meets the eye. I would go talk to a bank manager. Your money is safe in a bank however (much safer then under the mattress) and is as always insured by the FDIC for $100,000 I would not start pulling all your money out of the banks. Besides if the world was to come to an end paper money wouldnt be good for anything except as a toilet paper alternative.

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Bank of America is known to do some wierd stuff from time to time. I would say theres probably more to this story then meets the eye. I would go talk to a bank manager. Your money is safe in a bank however (much safer then under the mattress) and is as always insured by the FDIC for $100,000 I would not start pulling all your money out of the banks. Besides if the world was to come to an end paper money wouldnt be good for anything except as a toilet paper alternative.

The only problem is that the Feds are going bankrupt also. Nothing is "insured" anymore.

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If my bank (GreenBank) closed my account everytime a check I deposited from a client bounced I would have been out of business years ago. This just doesn't sound right. I am afraid with the government taking over the banks we are going to be in for a lot of problems. May 1st looks like it will become a national holiday.

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she just told me something else I didn`t know, she had life insurance thru BOA with AIG...??? how is BOA connected with AIG.?? this is now really getting interesting...

I closed my account with BOA couple years ago for two reasons, my ex wife kept taking money out of my business account even tho we took her off the signature card and I was assured by the BOA employee that my money is safe and another thing was whe I sold the car buyer gave me the check on $11.000 wich I deposited, so he left with my car, well, after day or two he canceled the check and BOA returned him his money and put my account in negative, so he had my car and the money and I was $11.000 in red..??? thank God everything end up ok, but not because of any help from BOA dumbasses...but because buyer was a honest man...

I would not do business with BOA again for nothing... and specially now when I know they are connected with AIG (and on top of that they are owned by Japanese) so I`m ok with my Sun Trust for right now, even tho ,they can be tricky sometimes too...


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Guest Verbal Kint

I had Bank of America while in BMT... was pretty much the only choice. Even in the few weeks that I had Bank of America, they tried dicking me around. I quickly developed a dislike for them and swore never to use them again.

As soon as I hit Tech School I killed that account and transferred everything to USAA. Have been with them ever since.

I have my auto insurance, home insurance, credit card, savings account, and checking account through them. Owned and operated by ex-military, for the military (and prior military) and their family members. Awesome service, great rates and interest, low insurance prices, and their Deposit at Home feature kicks ass. Scan in any check and the money is instantly in your account.

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I had Bank of America while in BMT... was pretty much the only choice. Even in the few weeks that I had Bank of America, they tried dicking me around. I quickly developed a dislike for them and swore never to use them again.

As soon as I hit Tech School I killed that account and transferred everything to USAA. Have been with them ever since.

I have my auto insurance, home insurance, credit card, savings account, and checking account through them. Owned and operated by ex-military, for the military (and prior military) and their family members. Awesome service, great rates and interest, low insurance prices, and their Deposit at Home feature kicks ass. Scan in any check and the money is instantly in your account.

yeah, I think she had switched our car insurances to USAA, good rates, didn`t know we can bank with them too, I`ll ask her tomorow...thanks


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Guest superdrew4000
Ive been happy with Regions myself. No problems.

Same here. They were awesome to deal with on the morgage side as well.

The best customer service I ever got from Bank of America was from the gentlemen who closed my accounts. I even told him that if his bank had been as nice and professional to me the last 3 years as he had been the last 10 minutes, I'd still be banking with them. Go figure.

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I've been with BOA for the last 6 years, with no problems on their part. I've been quite satisfied.

They were most helpful when someone managed to steal my Visa debit card info. I have always been able to manage my money well enough that I'm not forced to keep a real close eye on my checking/savings account balance, so I tend to give them a quick look about once a month.

In between of of those looks, I received a letter from Dell Financial stating I had been turned down for a computer. Right away, knowing I had not attempted to buy a computer on credit, I knew something was wrong. I immediately contacted Dell Financial to inquire about the matter. They informed me that someone had attempted to buy a computer and several accessories valued at over $4500. Luckily, whoever stole my bank card information didn't have all the information needed to make such a purchase.

As soon as I got off the phone with Dell Financial, I began going over my bank accounts. Sure enough, I noticed four payments made to a cellular provider (Cingular, IIRC) for a total of nearly $600. Seeing how I've always been with Sprint and/or Nextel, I knew these charges were not made by me. I immediately contacted BOA with this information, and without a second thought, they instantly credited every penny back into my account. No questions asked. I was informed about, and did receive some paperwork to fill out, so BOA could do an investigation. Unfortunately, that went nowhere.

Other than that one event, my experience with BOA has been as smooth as possible. Not a single complaint from me. Well, I have to take that back. I was quite upset when I found out that BOA was giving loans to illegals, but then I found out that several other local banks were doing the very same thing.

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Guest stovepipe

I've delt with BOA for many years with personal and business accounts and never had a problem. I have found them to always be fair and rational. Seems odd that they would boot a customer over something as common as a bad check in someones business account... Banks are falliing all over each other to get and keep customers these days... -- Strange indeed...

I think BOA is one of the safer banks to be with right now...


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I have never had any problems either.

In matter of fact their security services are top notch.

A couple months ago I tried to deposit a very large check using the ATM deposit.The next morning it was gone! So in a panic I rushed the the branch I made the deposit at,and was told there was a problem on my signature,and I would be receiving my check back by mail within 7 days.

Angry as I was,I knew at least they are on top of things,I guess :2cents:

When the check arrived back,I took it and deposited it in my First Tennessee account the same way,with no problems.Now that makes me wonder how FT's security is....

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I will never open an account with them. I used to work for a company who had their payroll accounts with BOA. On a few occasions, I got a check for gas milage and went to cash it at the BOA. Every time they would try to charge me around $10 just to cash the check. They said it was their standard practise for cashing checks for customers who did not have an account. It's not like IU was trying to cash another bank's check, it was from their bank, and was payable to me.

I always got the stink-eye from them when they found out I was not a BOA account holder. They said they would be happy to open me an account and cash the check for free. I said I would never do business with any bank that treats even potential customers like that.

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Guest stovepipe

Analog Kidd, Don't all banks give you the stink-eye and charge to cash checks if you don't have an account with their bank? I know that's the case everywhere I've been.

That's another thing I like about BOA is they have banks in every state I travel...


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My experience has been that banks charge if you don't have an account and the check is not from their bank. This was a bank who'se check it was drawn on, and the check was written to me. I felt like they were holding my money hostage.

Oh, I forgot to mention the fact that every time I went in there I had to give fingerprints. Also, an ambarrasment not suffered by account holders. "Just sign up for a new account and you won't have to do that." B.S.

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Guest db99wj
My experience has been that banks charge if you don't have an account and the check is not from their bank. This was a bank who'se check it was drawn on, and the check was written to me. I felt like they were holding my money hostage.

Oh, I forgot to mention the fact that every time I went in there I had to give fingerprints. Also, an ambarrasment not suffered by account holders. "Just sign up for a new account and you won't have to do that." B.S.

Most banks do that. I understand why. They don't know you. They don't know if the check is good, stolen, forged, etc. They understand that most people out there are not criminals, but the amount of check fraud that is out there would blow your mind if you knew how much. So just like many things, we pay for what criminals do. I worked for Regions as a branch manager,and we would get reports and there would be several per week and I was in a small branch.

Thieves will steal checks out of a car, most of the time these thieves are targeting check books, the steal them, and immediately go to the bank and wright checks, or go to a store and write checks. They get the money, before the victim ever knows that there check book is gone. Customer files a fraud case, gets there money back, thief usually gets away because they only get a few hundred dollars here and there from each victim, their is only so many resources to go after these guys and they usually only go after the big guys, might be over $500 or over $1000. This is very very expensive to go after, they have investigators, the branch manager or employee is involved, there are other departments that are a part of it like the ones that handle the affidavit paperwork. So you see, the time and money involved is great. So the banks have instituted policies and fees for non customers, to protect themselves and recoup some money from thieves. Kinda like everything we buy has a a little built into the price to cover loss. I hate paying fees too, but I understand why they are charged. I also choose to only go to my two banks to conduct business. That way, I don't have to pay the fees.

Just my .02.

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I bank with BoA because many years ago, they were the only bank that would allow me to open an account. You see, a few years prior, I had been young and stupid, let a checking account get in the red and eventually charged off. In the end, I settled up with the bank and paid what I owed them... but as a result of my activity, I got reported to Chexsystems, sort of like a credit reporting agency, except for bank account activity.

A few years go by, and I get a good paying job and get tired of toting around large amounts of cash, so I tried to open an account. Turns out that most banks refuse to even touch anyone who has a Chexsystems record, regardless of whether it's been settled or not.

So I went to three or four banks, all of whom said "hell no". BoA, on the other hand, said that since I had settled with my old bank, and more than three years had past, that they'd be happy to open a checking account for me. They didn't even insist on charging me some annoying fees because of the record. In fact, that account had NO fees whatsoever associated with it.

I used to not like BoA before I banked there, due to their policy of serving account holders preferentially. But since they were willing to overlook a product of youthful idiocy, I was willing to give them a chance. Since then I've had no complaints whatsoever about their service. I've had to file a dispute over checkcard charges, ad got the money credited back to my account the same day. I've had accidental overdraft fees charged to me- had zero trouble getting them refunded by a very apologetic manager.

That's my experience.

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I had a BOA account for over 10 years. when I called in to a representative to get them to stop sending me junk mail about life insurance, and to stop calling my home about life insurance, the lady on the other end of the phone got pretty snotty with me and said "you can do that on our website..you have to disable it in your account options"..blah blah blah..well..since I wasn't near my computer I asked her to do it if it was possible and she got even more rude...I told her I'd be happy to take my business elsewhere and she said "as soon as you pay off your credit card, then we'll be happy to do that'

I told her that I'd be into a branch in about 20 minutes to do just that ..and asked her who her supervisor was..she hung up on me

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