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my 1911 /first handgun

Guest tangojuliet

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Guest tangojuliet

ok20140407_1122581_zps4189d9d2.jpgok heres my first ever hand gun its a 1911a1 made by rock island armory but i didnt like the grips so i got some od magpul 1911 grips

Edited by tangojuliet
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I have owned 4 1911's and still have my first twins! LOVE THEM. Except for a star I had a few years go. Damn 9mm largo.

Mines a real mess too. 9mm chamber and barrel, great. 9mmLargo magazines. Not so great. Wonder if I could find an old Star largo barrel? Iirc, that's the only part they changed when they went to the 9mm...

I'd rather shoot the largo than have a gun that won't feed reliably, and when I say that I mean it isn't even worth taking to the range. Too bad as it's an accurate and otherwise fun gun to shoot.
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Guest copperhead_1911

Nice. My first 1911 was a American Tactical imports commander. I was told they were similar to Rock Island.


There is just something about the 1911 and the trigger pull.


The only downside to the 1911 is the heavier weight than many guns, Lower amount of rounds, but the trigger pull more than makes up for it.

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Nice. My first 1911 was a American Tactical imports commander. I was told they were similar to Rock Island.
There is just something about the 1911 and the trigger pull.
The only downside to the 1911 is the heavier weight than many guns, Lower amount of rounds, but the trigger pull more than makes up for it.

Pick up a SW Scandium frame and you won't think their so heavy any more.
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Dont forget to get another one. So you can have twins! 1911's always work better in pairs. Oh, and 15 round mags look very goofy on them. And you have to break them in, at least in my experience with my six 15 rounders. 

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I or should I say wife has two rock island 1911 GI's in 9mm and she wants another, she said the reason she wants another is so I can shoot one every now and then. She does shoot them better than her plastic guns.
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Guest tangojuliet

Congrats , your hooked , just like AR's ; they will multiply.

well i was thinking about getting a double stack 1911 in 9 mm or 40 or even 45 .....

Edited by tangojuliet
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well i was thinking about getting a double stack 1911 in 9 mm or 40 or even 45 .....

Careful with the double stacks. While they are awesome, the fatter grip is something to get used to. 

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Guest copperhead_1911

What your really saying is NOT A RANGE GUN ?

The thing is I like any gun I carry to be a least somewhat fun to shoot. I get the not a range gun. I tell people the LCP are not range guns, but any fullsize gun should be fun to shoot.

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  • 3 months later...

What your really saying is NOT A RANGE GUN ?

Yep. At least for me anyway. Scandium frame 1911s, like the S&W 1911PD are nice, but the scandium revolvers, especially in heavier calibers, and be a bit snappy and uncomfortable.

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