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Proud papa


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This is not gun related, but I'm as happy as can be. My son got accepted at The University of Alabama a few months ago. Then he was accepted into the Honors college. Now, we've just received news that he has been accepted into the S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics) five year MBA program. I'm so proud of his hard work. Now, I'm going to have to force myself to say... Ro, gag, Ro, gag...Roll Tide! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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[quote name="hipower" post="1127616" timestamp="1395351355"]Wonderful news! Congrats to him. Now...how much more is this going to set you back? LOL[/quote] After paying for schooling and activities at his high school the last six years Alabama will be a bargain. Sent from my Obama Phone Edited by LINKS2K
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[quote name="6.8 AR" post="1127672" timestamp="1395359224"]That's some fine news! I know you're proud.[/quote] Yes sir, I'm very proud. Its difficult raising young men these days. Far too many distractions Sent from my Obama Phone
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[quote name="Dustbuster" post="1127790" timestamp="1395372493"]Congrats now be ready to become the super ATM machine. I've got one in UT doing great he just can't seem to win lotto though !!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.[/quote] Been there, done that. My oldest daughter finished her masters degree two years ago. What's going to hurt this time is that the boy has a twin sister entering college at the same time. Sent from my Obama Phone
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