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Russian ammo: will the zoo go away?

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Prices are looking good on 762 and a few other popular Russian loads. Picked up 1k of 762x 39 tula for 202.00 w coupon. I'm kinda concerned about US sanctions affecting us,getting the dirty ass junk we love to blast away may become extinct for a while keep your fingers crossed.....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling. Edited by Dustbuster
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[quote name="BCR#1" post="1126963" timestamp="1395250562"]There will be plenty at the Creek at decent prices. Since I'm flush with cash right now, some will be coming home with me. Bill[/quote] I'm betting that the creek prices will be just "ok" and will have some nice markdowns by sunday. Of course you'll miss some of the "deals" on friday - oh the choices!
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I'm betting that the creek prices will be just "ok" and will have some nice markdowns by sunday. Of course you'll miss some of the "deals" on friday - oh the choices!

Wait, so at Knob Creek, there is a gun show section as well? I thought it was all class 3 stuff there for sale?
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Guest BCR#1

Wait, so at Knob Creek, there is a gun show section as well? I thought it was all class 3 stuff there for sale?

Copes, Ammoman, Century and a whole lot more have pallets stacked high with ammo. You need to make the trip one day. You should  consider coming to the gunboards forum shoot on 13 April. I may bust the cherry on a NIB Chinese type 56 AKM.



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[quote name="BCR#1" post="1127327" timestamp="1395309489"]Copes, Ammoman, Century and a whole lot more have pallets stacked high with ammo. You need to make the trip one day. You should consider coming to the gunboards forum shoot on 13 April. I may bust the cherry on a NIB Chinese type 56 AKM. Bill[/quote] Yup! Also centerfire, military shooters, Pats, TRW, DSA, ohio ordnance works, Numrich, Sarco, and many many more. And the pole barn has hundreds of tables full of all kinds of cosmo covered gear And of course probably the single largest gun show for class III mgs just sitting out on tables for inspection! As far as guns goes, not too many "regular" guns - one or 2 dealers with overpriced milsurps and the occasional person walking around. Lastly is the saturday night shoot which an experience in itself. Its a must attend
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Copes, Ammoman, Century and a whole lot more have pallets stacked high with ammo. You need to make the trip one day. You should  consider coming to the gunboards forum shoot on 13 April. I may bust the cherry on a NIB Chinese type 56 AKM.

I'll have to look up the info on the gunboards shoot. If I remember correctly, there are quite a few people going!
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Romania, Serbia, Lithuania, and the Ukraine will make up the difference.


Unless the Ukraine is nuked by Russia.


Ukraine may need their ammo at home, but otherwise you are correct ...


Can "glow-in-the-dark" ammo be used as tracers?

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Guest BCR#1

sadly I wont be there this time the guy I get my tables from will not let me get them this time

That sucks big guy. Was it Kenny or the guy you share the canopy with?



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