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My last Form 4 suppressor transfer took 10 months (came through in January 2014).  So you're probably very early in your wait.


Also, the transferor had to check the box on the Form 4 that the BATFE could release info to the transferee.  Or the BATFE won't give you (as the transferee) any status info (in my admittedly limited experience).


If you call the NFA Branch you'll need the serial number for them to check.  At this point in your wait they will probably be able to tell you when it went "pending" (basically officially entered into the system to begin actual processing).

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Thanks guys. I was just interested to see if I had reached "pending" status. I had anticipated about a 12 to 15 month wait. One more question: if you reach the first "pending" does that mean that your form is error free?

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Thanks guys. I was just interested to see if I had reached "pending" status. I had anticipated about a 12 to 15 month wait. One more question: if you reach the first "pending" does that mean that your form is error free?


No, any errors will show up about 2-3 months before approval.


Pretty sure this is how things go now:

When you go pending they have cashed your check and your forms have made it into the first pile where they are waiting to get to the top. When the form comes to the top of the first pile then the pre examiners give it a very thorough once over looking for common errors. At this point any errors should be caught and the forms sent back to you for correction. Then when it passes the pre examiner's inspection it goes into another pile for the actual examiner. Once it makes it to the top of that pile then the real examiner begins the backgrounds and looks over your form. If the forms are good and you are good then you get approved and the $200 tax stamp gets affixed to the copies of your forms you sent in. It is a real stamp that get affixed to the copies of your forms before getting sent back. They also write the serial number of the item on the stamp itself.


Before there were no pre examiners so your went pending and your forms went into one big pile waiting on the actual examiner. But with all the back logs they are using a pre examiner to check for common mistakes.


After the form gets approved then it takes a few weeks for the forms to comes back to you. 


The reason I know you get your copies back is my copies had different CLEO signatures than the originals. My forms had errors and they sent me my originals for another signature by the CLEO. But because my CLEO, that originally signed, was in hot water and speaking through an attorney I had to get the Chief Deputy to sign off on the originals next to the CLEO's signature. So my copies had the original CLEO while the originals, that the ATF kept, had the original CLEO as well as the Chief Deputy signature.

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The advice above is sound.  My transfer took almost 11 months, so after 4, my advice is to put something else in process so you've got something else to look forward to once the first stamp comes back.


Excellent advice here, and thats exactly what I do....purchase something every other month or so.  That way something is always in the "pipeline" and I get a new toy every couple months :)

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