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500,000 rounds of 22 - Brentwood, TN

Guest devline

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1) this store is trying to provide some much needed competition to the firearms community in Brentwood and Franklin. You guys out in the state can bad mouth us as rich snobs, but most of us like to watch how we spend our money like everyone else. 2) if you actually go in the store and look at the prices of ALL the merchandise including guns and ammo EW is competitive or beats other major players in the Nashville market. They are not perfect, they have had "growing pains" as a new business, but again they have offered much needed competition to the local market. 3) I personally asked the owner about the pricing on this 22 ammo. I believe him when he states his markup is no more or less than a lot of his other ammo. You can castigate him for paying too much, making a bad decision, not deciding to sell for a loss etc etc if you like...but I think you should realize he personally is NOT gouging. If you look on gunbot 22 ammo is posted all day long at 16-17 cents/ round. So it sucks, and right now everyone is a loser, but EW tried to provide a product at the current market price. They may take a bath on it, I don't know...but I think this vendetta to make them out as worse than all the old retirees reselling, or the internet sharks is misplaced. 4) franklin and Brentwood NEED 2nd amendment friendly businesses that EXPAND the importance of our 2nd amendment rights to a portion of our community that otherwise has ignored these issues. Look at their business as a whole instead of damning them on a difficult 22lr market that I don't see ANYONE doing too well at right now. 5). I don't work there. I am a customer that buys from EVERY gun shop in the Nashville area. In the past year I have purchased from G&L, DT, Nash Armory, Franklin GS, EW, and others. I have seen each of these stores "overprice" things, no one is immune. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

"NOT gouging" yes he is

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Guest semiautots

1) this store is trying to provide some much needed competition to the firearms community in Brentwood and Franklin. You guys out in the state can bad mouth us as rich snobs, but most of us like to watch how we spend our money like everyone else. 2) if you actually go in the store and look at the prices of ALL the merchandise including guns and ammo EW is competitive or beats other major players in the Nashville market. They are not perfect, they have had "growing pains" as a new business, but again they have offered much needed competition to the local market. 3) I personally asked the owner about the pricing on this 22 ammo. I believe him when he states his markup is no more or less than a lot of his other ammo. You can castigate him for paying too much, making a bad decision, not deciding to sell for a loss etc etc if you like...but I think you should realize he personally is NOT gouging. If you look on gunbot 22 ammo is posted all day long at 16-17 cents/ round. So it sucks, and right now everyone is a loser, but EW tried to provide a product at the current market price. They may take a bath on it, I don't know...but I think this vendetta to make them out as worse than all the old retirees reselling, or the internet sharks is misplaced. 4) franklin and Brentwood NEED 2nd amendment friendly businesses that EXPAND the importance of our 2nd amendment rights to a portion of our community that otherwise has ignored these issues. Look at their business as a whole instead of damning them on a difficult 22lr market that I don't see ANYONE doing too well at right now. 5). I don't work there. I am a customer that buys from EVERY gun shop in the Nashville area. In the past year I have purchased from G&L, DT, Nash Armory, Franklin GS, EW, and others. I have seen each of these stores "overprice" things, no one is immune. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


You bought from Franklin Gun Shop?  Now there are some proud folks!

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1) this store is trying to provide some much needed competition to the firearms community in Brentwood and Franklin. You guys out in the state can bad mouth us as rich snobs, but most of us like to watch how we spend our money like everyone else. 2) if you actually go in the store and look at the prices of ALL the merchandise including guns and ammo EW is competitive or beats other major players in the Nashville market. They are not perfect, they have had "growing pains" as a new business, but again they have offered much needed competition to the local market. 3) I personally asked the owner about the pricing on this 22 ammo. I believe him when he states his markup is no more or less than a lot of his other ammo. You can castigate him for paying too much, making a bad decision, not deciding to sell for a loss etc etc if you like...but I think you should realize he personally is NOT gouging. If you look on gunbot 22 ammo is posted all day long at 16-17 cents/ round. So it sucks, and right now everyone is a loser, but EW tried to provide a product at the current market price. They may take a bath on it, I don't know...but I think this vendetta to make them out as worse than all the old retirees reselling, or the internet sharks is misplaced. 4) franklin and Brentwood NEED 2nd amendment friendly businesses that EXPAND the importance of our 2nd amendment rights to a portion of our community that otherwise has ignored these issues. Look at their business as a whole instead of damning them on a difficult 22lr market that I don't see ANYONE doing too well at right now. 5). I don't work there. I am a customer that buys from EVERY gun shop in the Nashville area. In the past year I have purchased from G&L, DT, Nash Armory, Franklin GS, EW, and others. I have seen each of these stores "overprice" things, no one is immune. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


I don't care.  Businesses that charge that much for .22 need to be remembered.  If they don't want the flack then put up a big-ass sign that says we paid so much for this, and are making this much on it.


I'm not of the mindset that prices are ENTIRELY consumer driven as there are some people with integrity that will sell the same product for a minimal markup just to cover costs and a little something to put in their pocket.  They are called successful and have respect.

Edited by Garufa
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I don't care.  Businesses that charge that much for .22 need to be remembered.  If they don't want the flack then put up a big-ass sign that says we paid so much for this, and are making this much on it.


I'm not of the mindset that prices are ENTIRELY consumer driven as there are some people with integrity that will sell the same product for a minimal markup just to cover costs and a little something to put in their pocket.  They are called successful and have respect.



What he said and if the price is not right please do not buy it and try to pass it off as ok because thats what we paid for it!

Edited by NRA
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I don't care.  Businesses that charge that much for .22 need to be remembered.  If they don't want the flack then put up a big-ass sign that says we paid so much for this, and are making this much on it.


I'm not of the mindset that prices are ENTIRELY consumer driven as there are some people with integrity that will sell the same product for a minimal markup just to cover costs and a little something to put in their pocket.  They are called successful and have respect.

better yet, they ought to rebel against the prices and not stock it at all.

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Guest Skyline034

Can someone suggest then where one can get .22lr under $0.15 a round? Gunbot pulls from that price to upwards of $0.30 a round. Looks like EW isn't that far off price wise to me. Looking at this I don't personally see how they are gouging considering I can't find it anywhere else around here cheaper aside from driving to BFE at $3.28 a gallon. Hopefully these prices aren't the new norm for .22! 5a8upuqe.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Skyline034
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Guest Skyline034
I haven't been fortunate enough to catch any in stock around Williamson Co. other than EW and FGS. I've held off buying but did just notice that EW responded on their Facebook saying the price has been dropped to $54.99 for the bricks of the Armscor stuff in reference to customer feedback. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I haven't been fortunate enough to catch any in stock around Williamson Co. other than EW and FGS. I've held off buying but did just notice that EW responded on their Facebook saying the price has been dropped to $54.99 for the bricks of the Armscor stuff in reference to customer feedback. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well, that's mighty big of them.

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[quote name="Skyline034" post="1130839" timestamp="1395964462"]I haven't been fortunate enough to catch any in stock around Williamson Co. other than EW and FGS. I've held off buying but did just notice that EW responded on their Facebook saying the price has been dropped to $54.99 for the bricks of the Armscor stuff in reference to customer feedback. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/quote] Well at least they have now shown what their margin is on this stuff. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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Well at least they have now shown what their margin is on this stuff. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Exactly. They were selling the same stuff for $20 a brick more. Someone has the balls to come here and say they aren't making a bunch of money on .22 ammo. They sure as hell aren't going to lose money at $54.99, so they sure as hell were gouging. 

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Exactly. They were selling the same stuff for $20 a brick more. Someone has the balls to come here and say they aren't making a bunch of money on .22 ammo. They sure as hell aren't going to lose money at $54.99, so they sure as hell were gouging.

How do you know what they paid for it? Do you know for a fact what their operating expenses are? I bet it's not cheap on franklin as opposed to some of the rinky dink shops in BFE. Do you know what kind of terms they are getting for their merchandise?
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I haven't been fortunate enough to catch any in stock around Williamson Co. other than EW and FGS. I've held off buying but did just notice that EW responded on their Facebook saying the price has been dropped to $54.99 for the bricks of the Armscor stuff in reference to customer feedback.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So that just goes to show you how much they have it marked up. They are still willing to sell it for $55/brick and are making money. The extra $20 was a stupid tax.
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How do you know what they paid for it? Do you know for a fact what their operating expenses are? I bet it's not cheap on franklin as opposed to some of the rinky dink shops in BFE. Do you know what kind of terms they are getting for their merchandise?

If they can still make a profit at $54.99, they were making a killing at the old price. That's all I need to know.

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Exactly. They were selling the same stuff for $20 a brick more. Someone has the balls to come here and say they aren't making a bunch of money on .22 ammo. They sure as hell aren't going to lose money at $54.99, so they sure as hell were gouging. 


I am not going to waste a lot of time trying to defend any one gun shop or their prices.  As others state, I for one, have no idea of their EXACT margins.  You don't know if 54.99 is break even or a loss on a bad idea that seems to have generated a lot of bad press.  For those of you that state "oh I find it for 5-6 cents all the time, you live a charmed life I guess.  TODAY before my original post I stopped by WM and Academy in Cool Springs.  The WM clerk said "we haven't had 22 in 3 weeks".  The Academy guy just laughed when I asked him.  So I guess if I didn't have a job, and could camp at over at WM at 4 AM for 22, maybe eventually I would get some.  I check gun bot all the time and it is very rare to find any under 10cent/round and you that say you do find it, must be running the site in real time with an alarm to warn you of the price, because every time I see that price it is sold out.  I can't sit by the computer for hours waiting for 22lr at 6cents to "break".   I am as frustrated as you all.  


 I know that...compared to other stores in Nashville... on almost EVERYTHING ELSE...EW is competitive and they want to please their customer.  Maybe they piss everyone else off, but I have been in the store, unlike many of you that seem to be judging them from all parts of TN, and SEEN them try to make deals and make people happy customers.  They also re opened a range in Franklin, when other players in the area passed.  They are trying to grow the gun culture and that is a good thing for all of us that realize that the 2nd amendment needs support from all walks of life right now.


 It on YOU to be a smart consumer...for example right now I am looking at a CX4 carbine.  One of the other gun stores I mentioned in my first post, lets say "Gun Shop A" has 2, each 900+ ( I can't recall the exact amount, because I found the price so absurd).  "Big Box Store B",  has the same carbine for around 750 right now.  "Online store C",  has a deal for around 660 plus free shipping.  Even though I live in Williamson County, believe it or not, I will buy from "Online Store C" on this one if I decide to purchase one.   Guess I should start a post about what horrible gougers Gun Shop A and Big Box B are, because originally CX4 were 500-600 or something, and only the online store has a current fair price.  No one should ever buy anything from the other two stores because they have the audacity to price the same item for more.  If the online deal is gone, and someone really needs a CX4 for a graduation gift or something, maybe they would buy from Big Box B.  Most likely NO ONE will buy from Gun Store A at 900+, and eventually the market will take its toll on that store, or they will find enough people willing to pay the premium in their store for whatever else they bring to the sale.  Free market that we should all believe in.


Finally to say that a store should just on principal refuse to resell ammo at prices above some historic level is like saying every gas station should refuse to sell gas when it gets above $2.99/gal or something.  I guess the gas station should shut down, and refuse to pass on that onerous gouging gas price of $3.50/gallon right?  NO what happens is you can refuse to buy it if you can get by.  But the gas station IS going to sell some gas to someone for $3.50/gallon, they are not going to lock the pumps and wait for crude prices to drop to some previous level.  I drive all around middle TN and realize I get "gouged" every day if I buy gas in Williamson County, it is frequently 20+cents more than in Lebanon or Hendersonville.  Guess I should boycott all the gas stations in Williamson county, regardless of whether I run out of gas or not.  Sometimes I have to buy gas at home.


Anyway no one is going to change any minds here I guess.  Looks like the little 22lr round is about the most emotional round going.


 I have been treated well as a customer at EW, and I was just tired of a lot of people on this forum judging them on this issue alone.  I think they deserve better, and I will continue to include them in my list of gun shops to support.  Clearly some of you will not, and I guess the market will judge.  That's the way it should work.

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I am not going to waste a lot of time trying to defend any one gun shop or their prices.  As others state, I for one, have no idea of their EXACT margins.  You don't know if 54.99 is break even or a loss on a bad idea that seems to have generated a lot of bad press.  For those of you that state "oh I find it for 5-6 cents all the time, you live a charmed life I guess.  TODAY before my original post I stopped by WM and Academy in Cool Springs.  The WM clerk said "we haven't had 22 in 3 weeks".  The Academy guy just laughed when I asked him.  So I guess if I didn't have a job, and could camp at over at WM at 4 AM for 22, maybe eventually I would get some.  I check gun bot all the time and it is very rare to find any under 10cent/round and you that say you do find it, must be running the site in real time with an alarm to warn you of the price, because every time I see that price it is sold out.  I can't sit by the computer for hours waiting for 22lr at 6cents to "break".   I am as frustrated as you all.  


 I know that...compared to other stores in Nashville... on almost EVERYTHING ELSE...EW is competitive and they want to please their customer.  Maybe they piss everyone else off, but I have been in the store, unlike many of you that seem to be judging them from all parts of TN, and SEEN them try to make deals and make people happy customers.  They also re opened a range in Franklin, when other players in the area passed.  They are trying to grow the gun culture and that is a good thing for all of us that realize that the 2nd amendment needs support from all walks of life right now.


 It on YOU to be a smart consumer...for example right now I am looking at a CX4 carbine.  One of the other gun stores I mentioned in my first post, lets say "Gun Shop A" has 2, each 900+ ( I can't recall the exact amount, because I found the price so absurd).  "Big Box Store B",  has the same carbine for around 750 right now.  "Online store C",  has a deal for around 660 plus free shipping.  Even though I live in Williamson County, believe it or not, I will buy from "Online Store C" on this one if I decide to purchase one.   Guess I should start a post about what horrible gougers Gun Shop A and Big Box B are, because originally CX4 were 500-600 or something, and only the online store has a current fair price.  No one should ever buy anything from the other two stores because they have the audacity to price the same item for more.  If the online deal is gone, and someone really needs a CX4 for a graduation gift or something, maybe they would buy from Big Box B.  Most likely NO ONE will buy from Gun Store A at 900+, and eventually the market will take its toll on that store, or they will find enough people willing to pay the premium in their store for whatever else they bring to the sale.  Free market that we should all believe in.


Finally to say that a store should just on principal refuse to resell ammo at prices above some historic level is like saying every gas station should refuse to sell gas when it gets above $2.99/gal or something.  I guess the gas station should shut down, and refuse to pass on that onerous gouging gas price of $3.50/gallon right?  NO what happens is you can refuse to buy it if you can get by.  But the gas station IS going to sell some gas to someone for $3.50/gallon, they are not going to lock the pumps and wait for crude prices to drop to some previous level.  I drive all around middle TN and realize I get "gouged" every day if I buy gas in Williamson County, it is frequently 20+cents more than in Lebanon or Hendersonville.  Guess I should boycott all the gas stations in Williamson county, regardless of whether I run out of gas or not.  Sometimes I have to buy gas at home.


Anyway no one is going to change any minds here I guess.  Looks like the little 22lr round is about the most emotional round going.


 I have been treated well as a customer at EW, and I was just tired of a lot of people on this forum judging them on this issue alone.  I think they deserve better, and I will continue to include them in my list of gun shops to support.  Clearly some of you will not, and I guess the market will judge.  That's the way it should work.

pretty emotional response.....

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I am not going to waste a lot of time trying to defend any one gun shop or their prices.  As others state, I for one, have no idea of their EXACT margins.  You don't know if 54.99 is break even or a loss on a bad idea that seems to have generated a lot of bad press.  For those of you that state "oh I find it for 5-6 cents all the time, you live a charmed life I guess.  TODAY before my original post I stopped by WM and Academy in Cool Springs.  The WM clerk said "we haven't had 22 in 3 weeks".  The Academy guy just laughed when I asked him.  So I guess if I didn't have a job, and could camp at over at WM at 4 AM for 22, maybe eventually I would get some.  I check gun bot all the time and it is very rare to find any under 10cent/round and you that say you do find it, must be running the site in real time with an alarm to warn you of the price, because every time I see that price it is sold out.  I can't sit by the computer for hours waiting for 22lr at 6cents to "break".   I am as frustrated as you all.  


 I know that...compared to other stores in Nashville... on almost EVERYTHING ELSE...EW is competitive and they want to please their customer.  Maybe they piss everyone else off, but I have been in the store, unlike many of you that seem to be judging them from all parts of TN, and SEEN them try to make deals and make people happy customers.  They also re opened a range in Franklin, when other players in the area passed.  They are trying to grow the gun culture and that is a good thing for all of us that realize that the 2nd amendment needs support from all walks of life right now.


 It on YOU to be a smart consumer...for example right now I am looking at a CX4 carbine.  One of the other gun stores I mentioned in my first post, lets say "Gun Shop A" has 2, each 900+ ( I can't recall the exact amount, because I found the price so absurd).  "Big Box Store B",  has the same carbine for around 750 right now.  "Online store C",  has a deal for around 660 plus free shipping.  Even though I live in Williamson County, believe it or not, I will buy from "Online Store C" on this one if I decide to purchase one.   Guess I should start a post about what horrible gougers Gun Shop A and Big Box B are, because originally CX4 were 500-600 or something, and only the online store has a current fair price.  No one should ever buy anything from the other two stores because they have the audacity to price the same item for more.  If the online deal is gone, and someone really needs a CX4 for a graduation gift or something, maybe they would buy from Big Box B.  Most likely NO ONE will buy from Gun Store A at 900+, and eventually the market will take its toll on that store, or they will find enough people willing to pay the premium in their store for whatever else they bring to the sale.  Free market that we should all believe in.


Finally to say that a store should just on principal refuse to resell ammo at prices above some historic level is like saying every gas station should refuse to sell gas when it gets above $2.99/gal or something.  I guess the gas station should shut down, and refuse to pass on that onerous gouging gas price of $3.50/gallon right?  NO what happens is you can refuse to buy it if you can get by.  But the gas station IS going to sell some gas to someone for $3.50/gallon, they are not going to lock the pumps and wait for crude prices to drop to some previous level.  I drive all around middle TN and realize I get "gouged" every day if I buy gas in Williamson County, it is frequently 20+cents more than in Lebanon or Hendersonville.  Guess I should boycott all the gas stations in Williamson county, regardless of whether I run out of gas or not.  Sometimes I have to buy gas at home.


Anyway no one is going to change any minds here I guess.  Looks like the little 22lr round is about the most emotional round going.


 I have been treated well as a customer at EW, and I was just tired of a lot of people on this forum judging them on this issue alone.  I think they deserve better, and I will continue to include them in my list of gun shops to support.  Clearly some of you will not, and I guess the market will judge.  That's the way it should work.


 .22lr ammo is the only ammo that places can get away with heavily gouging on at this time. A lot of otherwise decent gun shops have fallen prey to the .22lr price jacking temptation and maintained reasonable prices on other items. I'm not saying that there's no way that they paid $75 per brick and were "just passing it along" as a favor to the shooting public but I find it rather hard to believe that if they had normal to no margin that they would take a $15-$20 lick just because of a bit of bad press. Assuming that they are now selling it at THEIR purchase price they were taxing folks at $20 per whack on something that is known to be a touchy matter so they were at minimum short sighted. I also might could believe that they are taking a $20 hit just to save face if it were a few bricks but I can't get my mind wrapped around them taking a $20 per brick hit on 2 pallets worth. 

 But we're not the biggest losers in this deal (we didn't buy any) think about the folks that saw them post the Armscor for $75 per brick on Facebook and went down and purchased it because they were out and had no other options for their kid(s) only to see them post it for $20 less the following week. Kind of like getting slapped in the face twice over one purchase.

 I will completely agree with you on the fact that no one is twisting anyone's arm to buy it. I love the free market (or at least as free as the government allows) but the free market includes folks right to bring awareness to overpriced goods so as to provide the uninformed shopper the knowledge that this is not a reasonable price.

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  • Admin Team
We've got a vendor on here that has been selling bricks of .22LR at $25 and still making money. But, he's been doing it so our kids can shoot, not so our members can flip it and resell it.

A few posters above were exactly correct. We need more good shops in middle Tennessee - especially local, non-big box stores. I've no idea what these guys paid for this ammo. I expect it was close to normal wholesale, but in fact they may have paid some premium to get two pallets worth all at once. They misread the market and way overpriced it, and as such have suffered damage to their brand integrity and reputation.

Businesses make mistakes. They're new and small, and so they're due a couple. I just hope they're not so leveraged that the consequences of a mistake like this are magnified across their business. I know we've got bunch of members who have been in the gun business and are cringing as they read this thread because they've been there in some way.

I pull for small business. I just hope these guys can get it back on course before it's too late.
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Guest semiautots

I am not going to waste a lot of time trying to defend any one gun shop or their prices.  As others state, I for one, have no idea of their EXACT margins.  You don't know if 54.99 is break even or a loss on a bad idea that seems to have generated a lot of bad press.  For those of you that state "oh I find it for 5-6 cents all the time, you live a charmed life I guess.  TODAY before my original post I stopped by WM and Academy in Cool Springs.  The WM clerk said "we haven't had 22 in 3 weeks".  The Academy guy just laughed when I asked him.  So I guess if I didn't have a job, and could camp at over at WM at 4 AM for 22, maybe eventually I would get some.  I check gun bot all the time and it is very rare to find any under 10cent/round and you that say you do find it, must be running the site in real time with an alarm to warn you of the price, because every time I see that price it is sold out.  I can't sit by the computer for hours waiting for 22lr at 6cents to "break".   I am as frustrated as you all.  


 I know that...compared to other stores in Nashville... on almost EVERYTHING ELSE...EW is competitive and they want to please their customer.  Maybe they piss everyone else off, but I have been in the store, unlike many of you that seem to be judging them from all parts of TN, and SEEN them try to make deals and make people happy customers.  They also re opened a range in Franklin, when other players in the area passed.  They are trying to grow the gun culture and that is a good thing for all of us that realize that the 2nd amendment needs support from all walks of life right now.


 It on YOU to be a smart consumer...for example right now I am looking at a CX4 carbine.  One of the other gun stores I mentioned in my first post, lets say "Gun Shop A" has 2, each 900+ ( I can't recall the exact amount, because I found the price so absurd).  "Big Box Store B",  has the same carbine for around 750 right now.  "Online store C",  has a deal for around 660 plus free shipping.  Even though I live in Williamson County, believe it or not, I will buy from "Online Store C" on this one if I decide to purchase one.   Guess I should start a post about what horrible gougers Gun Shop A and Big Box B are, because originally CX4 were 500-600 or something, and only the online store has a current fair price.  No one should ever buy anything from the other two stores because they have the audacity to price the same item for more.  If the online deal is gone, and someone really needs a CX4 for a graduation gift or something, maybe they would buy from Big Box B.  Most likely NO ONE will buy from Gun Store A at 900+, and eventually the market will take its toll on that store, or they will find enough people willing to pay the premium in their store for whatever else they bring to the sale.  Free market that we should all believe in.


Finally to say that a store should just on principal refuse to resell ammo at prices above some historic level is like saying every gas station should refuse to sell gas when it gets above $2.99/gal or something.  I guess the gas station should shut down, and refuse to pass on that onerous gouging gas price of $3.50/gallon right?  NO what happens is you can refuse to buy it if you can get by.  But the gas station IS going to sell some gas to someone for $3.50/gallon, they are not going to lock the pumps and wait for crude prices to drop to some previous level.  I drive all around middle TN and realize I get "gouged" every day if I buy gas in Williamson County, it is frequently 20+cents more than in Lebanon or Hendersonville.  Guess I should boycott all the gas stations in Williamson county, regardless of whether I run out of gas or not.  Sometimes I have to buy gas at home.


Anyway no one is going to change any minds here I guess.  Looks like the little 22lr round is about the most emotional round going.


 I have been treated well as a customer at EW, and I was just tired of a lot of people on this forum judging them on this issue alone.  I think they deserve better, and I will continue to include them in my list of gun shops to support.  Clearly some of you will not, and I guess the market will judge.  That's the way it should work.


Bud's has CX4 carbines for $649.  You're welcome



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I shared my opinion on their Facebook page. This is the response I received:


We're actually selling this at cost now due to the recent disappointment of our customers. If you'd like to talk to us personally, feel free to call us at 615-915-4885 or come by and see us!



Does the average retailer normally have a markup of $10, $15, $20 on a single brick of .22?

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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My favorite dealer does not attempt to stock .22rf.  If he puts it out at cost, some of his little customers still accuse him of "gouging".  Anyone in business knows you have to deal with petty people, you just find a way to cope.


Everything Weapons is not my kind of place, but I will not judge them until I know what they paid for the ammo.  


I am teaching a grandson how to shoot.  We are using a .357 MAX handi rifle.  I cast and reload rounds for lots less than .22 ammo can be had for these days.  I refuse to play stupid.  I also notice a lot more used .22 rifles on dealer's racks.

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 "It on YOU to be a smart consumer..."


Personally, I think that you ARE being a smart consumer when you choose to avoid overpriced ammo and you let fellow shooters know why... so that they can make their own choice.

All bitching and bashing aside, that is the original purpose of this thread. If they were selling corksniffer ammo at corksniffer prices, I doubt you would see people being so disgruntled about this. However, we're talking freakin' Armscor here-- not exactly the BMW of .22 rounds...

They have a right to price it at whatever they wish, and I have the right to tell them to pound sand. Works fine for me.

Edited by tartanphantom
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Tennessee Gun Owners (TNGunOwners.com) is the premier Community and Discussion Forum for gun owners, firearm enthusiasts, sportsmen and Second Amendment proponents in the state of Tennessee and surrounding region.

TNGunOwners.com (TGO) is a presentation of Enthusiast Productions. The TGO state flag logo and the TGO tri-hole "icon" logo are trademarks of Tennessee Gun Owners. The TGO logos and all content presented on this site may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission. The opinions expressed on TGO are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the site's owners or staff.

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