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Yugoslavian M92 PAP Krinkov pistol, came with five mags, woo hoo!!! Here is a stock photo, I'll try to get an actual photo up later. I've got one of the "arm" braces on order. XD   



I'll also try to get a range report ASAP but according to my bud whom also has one, they are LOUD.

Edited by whitewolf001
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Thanks everyone. I got a steal on it and couldn't pass it up.   ^_^


up ........... too late


Yeah but it's still nowhere near as bad 5.56. I've had 2 Korean 40rd mags and 100 rounds of Tula waiting on it to come home, heh heh.

Edited by whitewolf001
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They are awesome and LOUD! Look at the Manticore Nightbrake for a really effective brake. Stormwerkz makes a rail that you can add to the too cover for an optic. They also make a sling plate that uses the same hole pattern and thread pitch as the Ace stocks, so you can add a sling in addition to the arm brace. Echo93 also had some good sling attachment options. Manticore is also coming out with a Magpul type HG that should be awesome. Currently only MI makes an aftermarket railed HG for the m92.
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Yugoslavian M92 PAP Krinkov pistol, came with five mags, woo hoo!!! Here is a stock photo, I'll try to get an actual photo up later. I've got one of the "arm" braces on order. XD   
I'll also try to get a range report ASAP but according to my bud whom also has one, they are LOUD.

I've been thinking about grabbing one of those now that prices are coming back down again.... I've got waaay too much in my wish list. :rolleyes: I've got the next 10 years of gun money already mapped out how to spend. Now if prices just wouldn't increase at all over the next decade, I might actually have all I want one day. :rofl:

But really, that thing is sweet. I'm jealous.
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I got one that is now a SBR. It's incredibly fun to shoot but definitely jumpy. I run CNC Warriors 4pc brake which really helped with the blast but adds some length.

How did the install in the brake detent go? I've considered getting the Spike's Dynacomp, is it any account? And I have every interest to get the Midwest SS rail.


I've been thinking about grabbing one of those now that prices are coming back down again.... I've got waaay too much in my wish list. :rolleyes: I've got the next 10 years of gun money already mapped out how to spend. Now if prices just wouldn't increase at all over the next decade, I might actually have all I want one day. :rofl:

But really, that thing is sweet. I'm jealous.

I appreciate it. ^_^  You'd strangle me though if you knew how much cash I had tied up in this... ;)

Edited by whitewolf001
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Very nice find. Like many of us, it's on my wish list. "sigh" Maybe soon.

Tell you what Hipower, why don't pool our funds and share? It'll be the both of ours, I'll keep it at my house, and when you want to shoot it, why just give me a call and we'll set a range day. :rofl:
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Tell you what Hipower, why don't pool our funds and share? It'll be the both of ours, I'll keep it at my house, and when you want to shoot it, why just give me a call and we'll set a range day. :rofl:

You caught me on a highly medicated night. That almost makes enough sense to try.  :rofl:


However....that Aero Survival rifle or the CX4 has to come first.

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