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Horrible luck with AR lately


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So if it's not one thing it's 10. I bought a Kies adjustable gas block from joeboboutfitters. It came and little did I know that instead of a normal gas tube roll pin, it's threaded with a set screw. Seems ok. Well the screw went 3/4 in and stopped, then I broke the tinny allen key trying to get it to go further in or come out. So now here I am with a partially installed tube. Can't take it off and use a different block.....stuck and frustrated. I have attempted to contact Kies but it hasn't been enough time for them to respond yet. I do have a small square driver that will fit but it slips. I'm at a loss for what to do. EBC54340-BA72-4103-BB2E-B7150D4923F6_zps

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[quote name="Garufa" post="1117486" timestamp="1393519653"]Why don't you go to the store and get another allen wrench?[/quote] It's so small they aren't available. Like micro. I'm gone now but I can post a pic another time. It's 25% of the smallest one available at the store
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[quote name="173rdABN" post="1117508" timestamp="1393520986"]If you in knoxville head over to LES (mike dresner) in oak ridge. he can get it out and re-thread it and set you up good. [/quote] Haha, yeah he is great. I've turned to him twice already. Definitely an option
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As an aside for small tool bits, I've had really good luck with my Wiha micro bit set. It's a bit pricier than other kits, but the tool steel that Wiha uses is good stuff, and doesn't bend or snap as easily as the cheaper bits.

The one I've got is kit #75996. It normally goes for about $90, but it's on sale for $70 from: http://www.wihatools.com/700seri/759_microsets.htm. Plus, you can buy the bits individually (either to replace one, or to add others to your collection).



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[quote name="NashvilleStage" post="1117517" timestamp="1393521570"]As an aside for small tool bits, I've had really good luck with my Wiha micro bit set. It's a bit pricier than other kits, but the tool steel that Wiha uses is good stuff, and doesn't bend or snap as easily as the cheaper bits. The one I've got is kit #75996. It normally goes for about $90, but it's on sale for $70 from: [url="http://www.wihatools.com/700seri/759_microsets.htm"]http://www.wihatools.com/700seri/759_microsets.htm[/url]. Plus, you can buy the bits individually (either to replace one, or to add others to your collection). 75996px500.jpg[/quote] Yeah the set I have is cheap and may be why it fits but slips. That's a good tool set to have

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Not enough clearance to grab and turn without hitting the block. Already tried. Plus it slips on the threaded surface.


Put some Liquid Wrench / P Blaster / WD-40 on the threads & let it sit for a while.

Cutting a slot in the middle of the setscrew is a good idea, but if it's a really tiny screw, you might not have enough width to do that. It might be better to file a flat spot or two on the outside like you were thinking.


Applying heat can sometimes help break things loose.

All else fails, you could drill it out & re-tap it for a slightly larger setscrew.


Then again, you could try returning it & just get a replacement unit. :)

Edited by NashvilleStage
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So I was thinking, I have the little nut driver that fits in the set screw like NashvilleStage pictured above (only cheap).  It grabs but slips when a certain torque is applied.  So I though about putting some JB Weld on the key, insert into the set screw and let it cure over night.  Then see if it has enough grip to either romve or drive in the rest of the way.  If it would go in, Id just dremel off the key and leave it as permanent.  if not I could get another set screw or drill and put a standard roll pin.  


Ive read on the internet how easy these go in.......damn my luck

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I even made extra sure it was all lined up perfect.  if I had a proper fitting allen key, its probably back out. 


Hrm... ok, asking the stupid question: If the setscrew is tight, and the tube is tight... is there a problem with just leaving it the way it is?


Have you tried both standard & metric allen keys?

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[quote name="NashvilleStage" post="1117637" timestamp="1393536513"]Hrm... ok, asking the stupid question: If the setscrew is tight, and the tube is tight... is there a problem with just leaving it the way it is? Have you tried both standard & metric allen keys?[/quote] Well it's through one side of the block, through the tube, and barely in the other side. Just as I wouldn't partial drive in a roll pin, I'd like it all the way in. Would it function as-is, most likely perfect. I haven't had much chance to try options. It came with a supplied key. It's so small I haven't actually found another for purchase. Although I'm going on a search tonight.
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