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Found this coyote in the woods near Camden Tn yesterday. Someone had obviously thrown it out after it was killed, as it was dumped near a gate.

None of that is unusual, except its mouth was bound with tape, and a block of wood in his teeth.

Anyone figure out why?



Edited by Lumber_Jack
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I've seen that before. Some idiot traps the coyote or any other animal in a live trap. he'll bite down on the block of wood, won't release and they tape the mouth closed around the wood block and release the animal. They can't eat or drink and in some instances breathe well enough to survive. So dehydration, starvation or suffocation, a slow painful death any way you look at it. People are the cruelest animals.

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Just a thought, was it shot? Or show any signs of being in a trap?

My only thought of any reason would be similar to what some do to hogs. Block the mouth open in prep for taxidermy so it has a specific look to the face?

If there was no sign of cause if death (gun shot, trap/snare marks, ect) I would def call and let the local wardens know. (Probably even let them know anyway simply for the dumping near the gate) Edited by Wiljo05
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Maybe they were going to have mounted and it was stored in a freezer but something changed and they were unable to do it. Maybe the cost was to high. Could you see any bullet holes anywhere?

That or the dog was mangy. I've seen some that we were going to work the hides, but after about an hour in the back of the truck we realized they were infested with fleas/bugs ect. Still no excuse for dumping at the gate tho.
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Ok so I googled "kill block". It's common among competition hunting. The block has to be placed in the mouth and secured. I guess it keeps the mouth open before rigor sets in allowing inspection of the teeth. I like many here was concerned it was done prior to death, but I guess that's not the case. Still don't know why it was dumped at the gate
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I hope whoever did this gets cornered by a large pack of them in woods someday. Payback is a furry bitch with teeth.
It's bad enough people kill them just to get their jollies off. At least have the GD common courtesy to put them down on the spot.
I understand controlling the population. I understand farm management. This is NOT how you do it.

People are sick and if the Native American legend ends up being true, lots of people will never cross the Rainbow Bridge.
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Nothing to report.. its not illegal..


It may not be, and they may do nothing about it, but I would at least feel better reporting it.  Me and whoever does things like this would have some major issues.  Seems maybe they need this tried on them..

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Its done after the coyote was killed.. so what`s the problem?

  I would be more upset with the method they trap these things than a block of wood inserted into their mouths AFTER death..

    *A kill block is an object that is placed into the coyote’s mouth upon death. Each team is responsible for making there own kill blocks. Each kill block will contain the time of death and the team members name or initials. Kill blocks can be constructed from wood, PVC or metal

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I bet the block has writing on it.


The reason they do this is because they write down information on the block AFTER the animal is killed. They do it to keep track of who killed it, what time, etc. It is not done to be cruel because the animal is already dead by the time the block is put in the mouth. It is what is used to tag the animal without putting holes in the ears or other areas.


Out of curiosity, how would you mark a coyote with who killed it, when and where?


The animal did NOT have its mouth taped shut while it was a live and then release alive. The animal was long dead before the block was inserted in the mouth.

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Its done after the coyote was killed.. so what`s the problem?

  I would be more upset with the method they trap these things than a block of wood inserted into their mouths AFTER death..

    *A kill block is an object that is placed into the coyote’s mouth upon death. Each team is responsible for making there own kill blocks. Each kill block will contain the time of death and the team members name or initials. Kill blocks can be constructed from wood, PVC or metal


I agree with you.  The block in and of itself doesn't bother me.  I thought they were trapping it, putting it in and then letting it go.   I am not a fan of the concept of trapping. I don't like to see anything suffer.

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[quote name="79troublehead" post="1113868" timestamp="1392912847"]Are you serious about "competition hunting"? Man, I must be living in a time warp. What sick mind thought up this?[/quote] I've been doing competition coon hunting since I was little, and so has my dad who is 60 this year. Its not a new trend by any means. And I don't really consider it sick, coyotes are a nuisance and have cost me and my family a lot of money and headache harrassing cattle. Whats the difference in killing 3 or 4 on the weekend and killing 3 or 4 in a competition hunt. Either way the coyote gets killed quickly with a gunshot. Tapatalk ate my spelling
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well that explains it.  thought the body looked too normal to have been taped up for days and suffering but its hard to tell in pics sometimes.


I can see it for a competition, though it seems like it would be easy to cheat and remove a block, insert your own.  I know, I know, hunters all all ethical esp when there is a prize on the line, but still,  seems like a flawed system.

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