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Really interesting gun cleaning theory

Guest Gustafa

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Fumes to kill or weaken ammo?  Nope, can't buy it at all.  However, I'm more willing to bet this instructor was only wanting to get the students to get into the safe practice of removing ammo from the area where they are working on their firearm.  He invented this claim to help "encourage" them to put their ammo away while handling and manipulating their firearm.  He gets the results he wanted (removing ammo from the location where the firearm is being handled) by being over-dramatic with the topic of ammunition deterioration.  If his lecture and BS claim gets the end result of safety, let him live in peace.  Safety first, last and always.  Job well done, Mr. Instructor.



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Guest Gustafa

Fumes to kill or weaken ammo?  Nope, can't buy it at all.  However, I'm more willing to bet this instructor was only wanting to get the students to get into the safe practice of removing ammo from the area where they are working on their firearm.  He invented this claim to help "encourage" them to put their ammo away while handling and manipulating their firearm.  He gets the results he wanted (removing ammo from the location where the firearm is being handled) by being over-dramatic with the topic of ammunition deterioration.  If his lecture and BS claim gets the end result of safety, let him live in peace.  Safety first, last and always.  Job well done, Mr. Instructor.





He was a great instructor and I had no intent of "calling him out" with this thread, it was more of I have never heard of such a thing and wanted to tap the collective knowledge of this group and see if I was just ignorant of anything. Great points Stumpy!

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stopped at clean after every session,..


 wipe down yeah but some folks are too aggressive when it comes to cleaning and believe it has to be "inspection clean" holdover from black powder days or boot camp I guess


I go for a "functional clean"  and relube  even back when I was shooting Bullseye 3 nights a week the .22 only got monthly (450-500 rnds.) wiped down bolt and breech face and muzzle then relubed slide rails and worked fine


My USPSA guns got slide off wipe down clean the comp and reassemble and lubed about every 6-7 matches (750-800 rnds.)


My M-1  well it is an M-1  wipe and relube (grease)  still holds 2" @ 100.


and as for a vigorous bore scrubbing ? only when I started to get accuracy issues. saw a Ruger MK2 that a shooter used a "Tornado" brush on and cleaned after every bullseye match  a year later the barrel looked like my Mossberg 500


 Half-assed cleaning procedures probably second only to neglect/rust for destroying guns/accuracy


AMMO  it is its own microcosm  I have had a dozen or so rounds I left outside on purpose for a year in New England rain,snow,ice,heat  


wiped them off and loaded up  went bang like all the rest


 I will agree though that most lubes are made up of penetrating oils and are not to be used near ammo  they can penetrate the primer/case joint and possibly null the primer


Go easy on the oil with carry guns and keep the firing pin channels dry 


A good practice to clear the bench of live ammo before handling anything or clear in a different room then service at the bench but to say the ammo will "suffer the vapors" is a bit of a reach

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 i don't think so on this.  i washed ammo before in the washing machine and it fired.  so i don't think so if a complete wash cycle does not make it in then fumes will not either. 

Me too, with .22 my wife didn't find in my pocket.

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There are numerous precautions about keeping ammo away from liquid or spray Kroil, a very effectice penetrating oil.

This is absolutely true. Our local army ammunition plant that produces RDX, C4, and other goodies "requires" the use of Kroil on anything that could possibly create a spark as Kroil is an explosive desensitizer.
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