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Selling a pistol to an Alabama resident?

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Alabama FFL only


This is a given in any state as transfers are at a federal level. Your options would be to ship it to an FFL willing to receive from a private individual, have a local FFL ship it to the out of state FFL,  or bring it to an FFL across the border.

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By federal law, handguns may only be received in state of the recipient, and of course it is illegal for residents of different states to engage in private transfer of any firearm, regardless of where it occurs.


So as others have already told you, the only legal way to do it is through an FFL in 'Bama, however you want to get it there.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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By federal law, handguns may only be received in state of the recipient, and of course it is illegal for residents of different states to engage in private transfer of any firearm, regardless of where it occurs.


So as others have already told you, the only legal way to do it is through an FFL in 'Bama, however you want to get it there.


- OS

I am always curious of why its set up that way. I know some states have different weapon laws, but one would think that two similar states would be allowed to do that stuff.  

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I am always curious of why its set up that way. I know some states have different weapon laws, but one would think that two similar states would be allowed to do that stuff.  


Two similar states?  I certainly hope you are not comparing Tennessee to Alabama. 

Edited by Garufa
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Two similar states?  I certainly hope you are not comparing Tennessee to Alabama. 



Yeah, that would probably upset a lot of people from Alabama.

Not like that, but weapon laws. I should have been clearer with my question. (Deep down tho, bama sucks :yuck:)

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I am always curious of why its set up that way. I know some states have different weapon laws, but one would think that two similar states would be allowed to do that stuff.

It’s because firearm dealers are licensed by the Federal government. Once it crosses state lines or if the sale is handled by a licensed FFL; it’s Federal.

States control the transfer of weapons within the state and the bearing of arms. So within the state you get to go by state laws as long as an FFL is not involved.
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I am always curious of why its set up that way.


Because of Gun Control Act of 1968, which was influenced significantly by assassination of JFK. It still hadn't passed after introduction, but after MLK and RFK were snuffed, it did.


- OS

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Because of Gun Control Act of 1968, which was influenced significantly by assassination of JFK. It still hadn't passed after introduction, but after MLK and RFK were snuffed, it did.


- OS

And that solves the issue. Still a bit murky, but I grasp the overall concept of it. 

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