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Connecticut scrambles for amnesty plan

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Maybe all is not lost after all...





From the article:



Historically speaking, 90-percent or more of those required to comply with gun registration laws in the U.S. refuse to do so, and there is no reason to suspect that this registration attempt in Connecticut is any different. I’ve seen estimates of 1,000,000 firearm magazines that should have been registered under the law, but the state reports registering only 40,000… just 4 percent.

Seems things may not always be as they appear, or at least as the government would like them to...

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By announcing the numbers of non compliant citizens it just may give strength and sense of purpose to the hundreds of thousands that told the governor to stick his registration up his butt.

I agree. It would make me feel much more secure knowing the number of people that registered was significantly lower than the state had hoped for. 

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But in the end when the state begins taking people to jail the vast majority will line up to turn their magazines in.


The politicians have become too comfortable in what they are doing. They know they can violate law and not be held accountable. They can make all the laws they want because they do not apply to them.


What needs to happen is something to make all the politicians a little more nervous about doing something that is against the public opinion.

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But in the end when the state begins taking people to jail the vast majority will line up to turn their magazines in.

You're probably right, but refusal to comply en mass would be a strong non violent message as would repeal of officials as Colorado did.
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But if the state begins taking people to jail the vast majority will line up to turn their magazines in.


It may very well be an if instead of when situation. With such a huge showing of noncompliance it would be a tough tasks to even start, nonetheless finish.

It may also just be possible the American people have more backbone than you give them credit for. I hope so anyway. :2cents:
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But in the end when the state begins taking people to jail the vast majority will line up to turn their magazines in.


The politicians have become too comfortable in what they are doing. They know they can violate law and not be held accountable. They can make all the laws they want because they do not apply to them.


What needs to happen is something to make all the politicians a little more nervous about doing something that is against the public opinion.

They may do that, but they may also be met with too many to take in if there is an enduring group growing in size. The state

can do a lot of things. One of them is those who run it can see the political winds change, also. Some people don't stick their

heads in the sand when the issue is too grave.

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I've looked at several news Connecticut news sources and it appears gun owners had months to get the registrations done and not like the law passed with only a very short time to allow citizens to get it done.  This fact and such a low turnout seems to point to a huge number simply not willing to comply. Passing an amnesty law to try to get more to comply may not work. It might get a few, but this seems to be an instance of organized firearm owners drawing a line.

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This is not surprising to me.  I used to live in Connecticut.  I used to go hunting and shooting with my friends there.  They love their guns and the freedom to own them.

Yet enough of them voted in politicians who were willing to put these ridiculous laws into place. If they can't turn this around at the ballot box at the very next available opportunity then I'd say it's time for time for them to find another state to live in.

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