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MLK day


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Ain't started trouble in a while and today seems like a good day fer it, so.......

Me and a customer was talking today. I mentioned I needed to check the mail, he says no mail today.
Huh? Why? OHH! I didn't know.

So obviously, two rednecks talking; Why is a day like this acceptable but if you were to even insinuate something white RACIST!!!
Hypocritical bastages.
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F martin luther king.

Imma start taking the day off for Eugene Stoner day. The man has done more for me and my freedoms and the things that make me happy than kings wonderful dream.

Maybe I'll start taking the day off for David Mosley day too for providing the materials i use to prepare the means to protect that freedom. Edited by Caster
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I don't agree with everything MLK stood for, in fact, his economic ideas were downright ignorant and arguably pretty communist. That being said, this article from the Daily Kos (I know, I know, but trust me on this one) gives a great insight into what Dr. King's legacy really means to some folks. 




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You know, I'm pretty simple when it comes to matters like this thread.  I default back to the old saw that if you can't say something nice, you probably shouldn't start a thread about it on TGO.  Or something like that.  Regardless... Caster... really???




This thread is done.

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