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I'm tired of it, sick and tired

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Open carry is legal and should remain legal. That being said, I lived most of my life in this state in a time where it was illegal for most people to carry a firearm. I do not want to go back to that time. Many citizens of this state do not believe as we do, and think no one should have a right to carry a firearm. When you open carry, you, in a way, rub their noses in it. Get enough of them calling their representatives and we could one day go back to no firearm carry. We have finally gotten back a portion of our constitutional right and I do not want to in any way contribute to losing it again. If you disagree, fine open carry if you want. I will be more careful about not waking the sleeping dog.

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"I support the second amendment but..." "I think we should have the right to carry but I don't think you should open carry, open carrying is asking for trouble" To these folks, I say screw you and the horse you rode in on. I'm tired of "2A supporters" who generalize everyone who open carries simply because it isn't your style. No, everyone who open carries isn't looking for attention anymore than a person that wears a wrist watch opposed to a pocket watch is looking for attention. Are there exceptions? Of course. Like with anything, there will be exceptions. But damn you if you can claim yourself to be a second amendment supporter then talk down about open carrying. I do it on occasion, simply because it's much more comfortable. If you don't like to open carry, don't. It's very simple how that works. I'm tired if those naysayers who are far too afraid of spooking the sheep to open carry, so they point fingers at those who do. I may not like the way you do things, but I'll support your right to do it , and I'll stand against anyone that tries to take that away. If you can't say the same then please, stop claiming to fight the same fight I'm sorry, but as a firearms community, we have to do better. I personally don't care if you wear your firearm on the side of your head with a custom pink leather holster, I'll support your right to do so. I may think you're a bit goofy, but I'm still beside you. This isn't a concealed vs. open carry argument. This is a standing up for OUR rights argument, there's no room for us to be divided, there's no room for "buts". I see it far too often from supposed "2A supporters", even on this board. If any of this made any sense, good. If not, then I apologize. I was in full rage mode after reading some comments about an open carrier being hassled by an idiot leo and yes, I feel better now

I support the 2nd Amendment and discourage open carry in public. Hate all you want, I just think it's a bad idea. Do I think it should be illegal? Nope. People that open carry and speak angrily about it probably aren't going to help the cause of gun rights. 

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[quote name="satalac" post="1095533" timestamp="1389808092"]I support the 2nd Amendment and discourage open carry in public. Hate all you want, I just think it's a bad idea. Do I think it should be illegal? Nope. People that open carry and speak angrily about it probably aren't going to help the cause of gun rights. [/quote] Please elaborate on how you "discourage" it
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Please elaborate on how you "discourage" it

I tell people "I discourage open carry".


But seriously, I just don't think it's a good idea. Besides making people around you nervous (and it does, even if they don't say anything), it lets everyone around you know that you have a gun. I don't want the bad guys to know I'm carrying. 

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I walk around my house naked all the time(I don't suggest looking in my windows). Sometimes I do it open carrying. Sometimes even in the back yard. I also believe that if you go looking for trouble, you will find it, and may not like it. JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......
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I walk around my house naked all the time(I don't suggest looking in my windows). Sometimes I do it open carrying. Sometimes even in the back yard. I also believe that if you go looking for trouble, you will find it, and may not like it. JTMWe the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......

Odd...my carry method, even on those occasions when I open carry, generally require pants and a belt! LOL
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[quote name="RobertNashville" post="1095573" timestamp="1389811469"]Odd...my carry method, even on those occasions when I open carry, generally require pants and a belt! LOL[/quote] The holster does tend to chafe without pants. JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......
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I actually think it should be legal everywhere. But like it or not, there are social mores and how we get from here to there is quite important.

I'd actually like to NEVER NEED TO CARRY A WEAPON of any kind or anywhere.  Sadly; that is extremely unlikely to ever be the case and in fact, we are heading at near light-speed in the opposite direction. :(

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So exercising a constitutionally protected right is akin to walking around naked?


Nope.... Exercising a "right" is just that....  You can carry open or not...As for me; I carry a gun to protect myself and others around me from thugs, mother stabbers, and father rapers... It aint a statement of "rights"... Youve already got them to begin with...


Im like some other posters; i believe there is a time and place and method for everything ya decide to do... I prefer concealed carry... Your "skirt blowin up" wuz my way of sayin that...


I was taught about carrying a firearm by a dear old grandfatherly guy who had this to say about carrying a firearm... It goes like this: "...Never let anyone know you are armed until you absolutely have to... Never draw a gun on anyone you dont fully intend to shoot and kill"... 


Carryin a gun aint about making a statement about "rights"; its far more than that... It's about self-defense and deadly use of force... There are those who may want to try to bluff and scare bad guys... I think that approach is a bad idea on a bunch of levels; but that's just me... I believe in tactical surprise and the determination to be ready to ventilate them if ya need to...


I aint tryin to beat anyone up; but the second amendment, at it's core, is about the guarantee of the ability to have tools for self-defense... There was a time when every finished gentleman was, in fact, armed; and no one had to tell anyone else he was; everybody already knew it... I think that those times are returning with the "Shall Issue" permit thing... The realization of the need to go armed is the point here; not the method of carry....



Edited by leroy
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Nope.... Exercising a "right" is just that....  You can carry open or not...As for me; I carry a gun to protect myself and others around me from thugs, mother stabbers, and father rapers... It aint a statement of "rights"... Youve already got them to begin with...


Im like some other posters; i believe there is a time and place and method for everything ya decide to do... I prefer concealed carry... Your "skirt blowin up" wuz my way of sayin that...


I was taught about carrying a firearm by a dear old grandfatherly guy who had this to say about carrying a firearm... It goes like this: "...Never let anyone know you are armed until you absolutely have to... Never draw a gun on anyone you dont fully intend to shoot and kill"... 


Carryin a gun aint about making a statement about "rights"; its far more than that... It's about self-defense and deadly use of force... There are those who may want to try to bluff and scare bad guys... I think that approach is a bad idea on a bunch of levels; but that's just me... I believe in tactical surprise and the determination to be ready to ventilate them if ya need to...


I aint tryin to beat anyone up; but the second amendment, at it's core, is about the guarantee of the ability to have tools for self-defense... There was a time when every finished gentleman was, in fact, armed; and no one had to tell anyone else he was; everybody already knew it... I think that those times are returning with the "Shall Issue" permit thing... The realization of the need to go armed is the point here; not the method of carry....




I'm not talking about making a statement. I'm just talking about simply exercising your rights. Everyone, especially those of us who are true 2nd Amendment supporters, thinking that open carrying is always about shoving it down someone's throat or making a statement, is part of the problem. 


And back in the day when gentlemen carried arms, it was considered in extremely poor taste to carry concealed. My how times have changed. 

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Please elaborate on how you "discourage" it


If someone asks my opinion, I tell them I do not care for the idea & why.   Which is fairly simple: I feel it negates having the weapon -- the thug sees you are armed, and has 2 real choices: 1) relocate to another area and attack someone defenseless or 2) sneak up behind you and take your piece to sell or use.   I do not think that option 3 (go home and meditate on the risks of being a hoodlum and then choose a more safe career path) is likely.   Or worse, option 4 (shoot you first, preferably when you are not looking) in the case of psychopaths hell bent on killing a bunch of people.  


Compare that to the bonuses of open carry.  Its potentially more comfortable?  And the off chance that it prevented crime entirely (I just do not see it, this is 3 above again) seems remote given the attitude of today's hoodlum. 


So, if someone asks, that is my opinion and why.   Yes, you can argue against the points.  No, I won't change my mind.   Yes, you can open carry anyway, and I won't think any less of you for it.   It also depends on where you are, I am thinking in the city, in public.  If you are at home, or at a gun shop, or whatever, OC can be fun and appropriate while of minimal risk.  My opinion is more for the guy in an actual at-risk environment (around potentially criminal strangers) who is actually carrying the gun for defense, and is unrelated to wearing it as some sort of show & tell conversation piece in a safer area.

Edited by Jonnin
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I'm not talking about making a statement. I'm just talking about simply exercising your rights. Everyone, especially those of us who are true 2nd Amendment supporters, thinking that open carrying is always about shoving it down someone's throat or making a statement, is part of the problem. 


And back in the day when gentlemen carried arms, it was considered in extremely poor taste to carry concealed. My how times have changed. 


Lager... I'm a bit older than most here (....67...)... I wuz raised in the country here in East Tennessee where most of the inhabitants put a pistol in their pockets when they put their overalls or pants on just like you and i would put a pocket knife in ours... Everybody knew they were armed; no one saw the arm until it was needed... That is, in fact, my culture and heritage and im a product of that thinking...


As to the "open carry" thing; i think it is a regionally cultural thing...Where ya have a "cultural melting pot" like metro nashville, knoxville, or any of the other larger metro areas in tennessee where ya have a place like UT and lots of outsiders mixing with the indigenous population; i think ya re swimmin against the tide trying to condition everybody to accept the "open carry" thing...It may be accepted in rural Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, Kentucky, or New Mexico; but not in "metro" melting pot areas; no matter the state...There is simply too much dilution of the indigenous population with outsiders and pilgrims from places that are afraid of guns....


I want to (...as im sure most everybody here does...) to be the best ambassador i can possibly be for people taking responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those in their care... I do that "missionary work" by being as winsome and honest as i can be and by speaking out for and supporting 2A rights without scaring those who im trying to convince to see things the way we see them.... We're all on the same side here...The difference in opinion is the issue of tactics and acceptability of the methods of convincing the UN-convinced or antis that our cause is just; and that, more than that, they should embrace that cause...


Havin said all that; i happen to believe that in lots of places the open carry thing smacks of "in your face" exercise of rights; and no amount of lipstick smeared on that particular pig nor defending of those who choose to do those things will change my mind... The fact is that lots of people are afraid and edgy (...and for good reason, i think...) and they are scared of their neighbors and strangers; especially those toting guns openly who dont happen to be wearin a badge or a uniform...There are, of course, notable exceptions to this (...thank God...) and there are places where this aint a problem... The metro areas of tennessee, however are problem areas in my opinion...



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This may come as a shock to some but this isn't the 1780's or the 1860's...what was common or customary or acceptable "back then" really doesn't have much to do with what’s common/customary/acceptable today -  the fact that going armed openly  may once have been common really doesn’t matter...it isn't common anymore.


Today, people, in general, are not as accepting of seeing civilians carrying arms and every mass shooting incident…every incident where some civilian goes crazy and shoots someone for no good reason (such as the retired LEO who killed a man for texting in a movie theatre)…every incident of road rage where someone winds up shot just because someone cut someone else off in traffic only serves to reinforce the idea that “guns are bad and therefore, anyone who carries one must also be bad”. Depending on where you are, carrying openly and making it obvious that you are armed is going to bother people…some people will be bothered enough that they  may well overact and call 9-1-1.


Moving on, when we talk about our "rights" and especially those that are enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, I would submit that we need to be mindful of not just what the Constitution says but also what it chooses not to say.  In the case of the second amendment, nowhere does it stipulate "how" one is to bear arms or that one must bear arms at all; only that they have a natural/god-given right to do so.  As such, I find all this discussion about open vs. concealed carry to be a bit beside the point in terms of “rights”…you HAVE a right to bear arms; you DO NOT HAVE a right to bear arms openly any more than you have a right to bear arms concealed.


I suggest that the “how” you bear arms is appropriately under the prevue of the State you are in. If TN wants to allow both, so be it…if TN decided to require only concealed carry I believe that they have the constitutional power, under the second amendment to do so…that stipulating a method of carry in no way takes away your right to carry.


Since we can legally carry openly or concealed in Tennessee, we have a responsibility to ALL armed citizens to carry in a way that does not ultimately cause problems for other armed citizens. If you chose to carry openly and it never causes a problem; great. If you chose to carry openly and it ever causes a problem then it is YOU that is harming our ability to exercise our right to bear arms.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Knew a guy that OC'd a lot.  Once, a rival for his girlfriend's affections saw him out and claimed the individual in question was 'brandishing' the weapon, and had 'threatened' him with it (both untrue, but was visible plainly on his hip).  Eventually turned out OK for the guy, and the guy who was stirring up stuff was charged with filing a false report.  But....it took some strife to sort it out, including temporary confiscation of his weapon, interviews, police interaction, some lawyer $$, yada yada.  Point being is if it wasn't OC'd the troublemaker couldn't have made what initially seemed to be a 'valid' claim because he wouldn't have been able to describe the weapon.  There is a whole host of reasons that I feel people really don't need to know what's being carried.  It (IMHO) is a simple risk/reward decision.  I, personally, don't OC because people just don't need to know until they 'need' to know.  If you want to exercise your right to OC, that's great.  But please don't berate those of us that opine that "I think we should have the right to carry but I don't think you should open carry, open carrying is asking for trouble."  ‘Trouble’ that is perceived isn’t always just the ‘bad guy’ shooting you first. 

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I understand the whole thing of do not open carry because it stirs people. My problem is that "if it is legal" then how does a person get charged for disturbing the peace when I am obeying the law. That is what I pull from the original post. We bash the person but we cannot even seem to agree that he had the RIGHT to be there doing what he was doing. That is not disturbing the peace. Why are we bashing the person? You can't even get a disturbing the peace here unless the neighbor is being EXTREMELY loud after 10 pm. Just because I don't like his music can't get them a ticket. Why should doing something legal get you a ticket. Back the person NOT doing something wrong. Quit making the complainer seem like they have a right to make problems for law abiding people. Same as getting pulled over because someone doesn't like that my big SUV?
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Well depends on what you look like naked.


Oh, it may not please many but it sure ain't gonna hurt anyone.




I'm not a big fan of "disturbing the peace" myself. Way too vague (though it's not really the same thing as a noise violation). It is what it is though.

Edited by tnguy
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ya i agree with the majority here...OC'ing is not a wise idea... I kinda think about it like this... I don't open carry my money for a reason... I don't walk around nakey for a reason... I don't want other people to know what i have... I like being incognito. Like the mighty night man  :ph34r:  and for other reasons. No one needs to know what you have in the general public... 

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Lager... I'm a bit older than most here (....67...)... I wuz raised in the country here in East Tennessee where most of the inhabitants put a pistol in their pockets when they put their overalls or pants on just like you and i would put a pocket knife in ours... Everybody knew they were armed; no one saw the arm until it was needed... That is, in fact, my culture and heritage and im a product of that thinking...


As to the "open carry" thing; i think it is a regionally cultural thing...Where ya have a "cultural melting pot" like metro nashville, knoxville, or any of the other larger metro areas in tennessee where ya have a place like UT and lots of outsiders mixing with the indigenous population; i think ya re swimmin against the tide trying to condition everybody to accept the "open carry" thing...It may be accepted in rural Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, Kentucky, or New Mexico; but not in "metro" melting pot areas; no matter the state...There is simply too much dilution of the indigenous population with outsiders and pilgrims from places that are afraid of guns....


I want to (...as im sure most everybody here does...) to be the best ambassador i can possibly be for people taking responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those in their care... I do that "missionary work" by being as winsome and honest as i can be and by speaking out for and supporting 2A rights without scaring those who im trying to convince to see things the way we see them.... We're all on the same side here...The difference in opinion is the issue of tactics and acceptability of the methods of convincing the UN-convinced or antis that our cause is just; and that, more than that, they should embrace that cause...


Havin said all that; i happen to believe that in lots of places the open carry thing smacks of "in your face" exercise of rights; and no amount of lipstick smeared on that particular pig nor defending of those who choose to do those things will change my mind... The fact is that lots of people are afraid and edgy (...and for good reason, i think...) and they are scared of their neighbors and strangers; especially those toting guns openly who dont happen to be wearin a badge or a uniform...There are, of course, notable exceptions to this (...thank God...) and there are places where this aint a problem... The metro areas of tennessee, however are problem areas in my opinion...



Well said, Leroy, well said.

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Lager... I'm a bit older than most here (....67...)... I wuz raised in the country here in East Tennessee where most of the inhabitants put a pistol in their pockets when they put their overalls or pants on just like you and i would put a pocket knife in ours... Everybody knew they were armed; no one saw the arm until it was needed... That is, in fact, my culture and heritage and im a product of that thinking...
As to the "open carry" thing; i think it is a regionally cultural thing...Where ya have a "cultural melting pot" like metro nashville, knoxville, or any of the other larger metro areas in tennessee where ya have a place like UT and lots of outsiders mixing with the indigenous population; i think ya re swimmin against the tide trying to condition everybody to accept the "open carry" thing...It may be accepted in rural Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, Kentucky, or New Mexico; but not in "metro" melting pot areas; no matter the state...There is simply too much dilution of the indigenous population with outsiders and pilgrims from places that are afraid of guns....
I want to (...as im sure most everybody here does...) to be the best ambassador i can possibly be for people taking responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those in their care... I do that "missionary work" by being as winsome and honest as i can be and by speaking out for and supporting 2A rights without scaring those who im trying to convince to see things the way we see them.... We're all on the same side here...The difference in opinion is the issue of tactics and acceptability of the methods of convincing the UN-convinced or antis that our cause is just; and that, more than that, they should embrace that cause...
Havin said all that; i happen to believe that in lots of places the open carry thing smacks of "in your face" exercise of rights; and no amount of lipstick smeared on that particular pig nor defending of those who choose to do those things will change my mind... The fact is that lots of people are afraid and edgy (...and for good reason, i think...) and they are scared of their neighbors and strangers; especially those toting guns openly who dont happen to be wearin a badge or a uniform...There are, of course, notable exceptions to this (...thank God...) and there are places where this aint a problem... The metro areas of tennessee, however are problem areas in my opinion...

Leroy, I understand exactly where you're coming from. I really do. And I understand the arguments against open carry, even the ones that are based completely on someone's overactive imagination (most of them). In fact, I don't open carry except maybe once or twice a year at most.

But here's the thing: I'm not particularly interested in whether some bed wetter needs to have therapy because he saw a man with a gun that isn't a trustworthy government official (because as we all know, no government official has ever abused the power bestowed upon him). The truth is, if he needs to seek counselling, that is his problem, not mine. I honestly couldn't care less if someone sees my gun and their blood pressure increases by 100 points. Those kinds of people wouldn't be convinced no matter what. They are completely beyond help. In fact, they are not even the ones at whom my comments are directed.

My comments are directed at US. WE can be our own worst enemies when we bash somebody for open carrying. Whether we agree with it or not for tactical reasons, we should support anyone who carries, period. Not open carries, not concealed carries, but just plain carries. Other than "he who shall not be named" and his ilk, every single person who exercises their God-given right to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones and does so responsibly should receive 100% unabashed support from every single one of us.

Just as a nation divided cannot stand, neither can an issue. If we don't present a united front against ALL gun-grabbing efforts, we will suffer the consequences, mark my word. It's like the poem, "First They Came." Except in our case it would read:

First they came for the open carriers guns

But I said nothing because I did not open carry

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